Cancer stem cells (CSCs) contribute to the initiation, recurrence, and metastasis of cancer; however, there are still no drugs targeting CSCs in clinical application. There are several signaling pathways playing critical roles in CSC progression, such as the Wnt, Hedgehog, Notch, Hippo, and autophagy signaling pathways. Additionally, targeting the ferroptosis signaling pathway was recently shown to specifically kill CSCs. Therefore, targeting these pathways may suppress CSC progression. The structure of small-molecule drugs shows a good spatial dispersion, and its chemical properties determine its good druggability and pharmacokinetic properties. These characteristics make small-molecule drugs show a great advantage in drug development, which is increasingly popular in the market. Thus, in this review, we will summarize the current researches on the small-molecule compounds suppressing CSC progression, including inhibitors of Wnt, Notch, Hedgehog, and autophagy pathways, and activators of Hippo and ferroptosis pathways. These small-molecule compounds emphasize CSC importance in tumor progression and propose a new strategy to treat cancer in clinic via targeting CSCs.Genome replication mapping methods profile cell populations, masking cell-to-cell heterogeneity. Here, we describe FORK-seq, a nanopore sequencing method to map replication of single DNA molecules at 200-nucleotide resolution. By quantifying BrdU incorporation along pulse-chased replication intermediates from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we orient 58,651 replication tracks reproducing population-based replication directionality profiles and map 4964 and 4485 individual initiation and termination events, respectively. Although most events cluster at known origins and fork merging zones, 9% and 18% of initiation and termination events, respectively, occur at many locations previously missed. Thus, FORK-seq reveals the full extent of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in DNA replication.Background The role of global initiatives in catalyzing change within national contexts is complex and less understood. Addressing adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Kenya requires concerted efforts of both state and non-state actors and more importantly, a supportive environment. This paper deconstructs the moral and social narratives of adolescents' and young people's sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) in Kenya as driven by the powerful discourse and ideologies pre- and within the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) era. Methods Literature was systematically searched in PubMed and Medline with policy documents obtained from government agencies from the pre-MDG period (2000 and earlier) and within the MDG period (2001-2015). Literature with a substantial focus on SRH were eligible if they captured the different facets of ASRH in Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The results were reviewed and synthesized to disentangle the moral and social narratives of AYSRH in Kenya with an MDG lens. Results Ttive Health Policy of 2015. Conclusion Debates in the translation of global goals and commitments to policy and practice at country level need to account for national level realities in AYSRH reforms. The findings contribute to critical evidence for strategic policy and programming approaches for AYSRH in Kenya and in SSA and for the realization of their rights within the context of sustainable development goals.Background Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiencies comprise a group of six rare neurometabolic disorders characterized by insufficient synthesis of the monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin due to a disturbance of BH4 biosynthesis or recycling. Hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) is the first diagnostic hallmark for most BH4 deficiencies, apart from autosomal dominant guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I deficiency and sepiapterin reductase deficiency. Early supplementation of neurotransmitter precursors and where appropriate, treatment of HPA results in significant improvement of motor and cognitive function. Management approaches differ across the world and therefore these guidelines have been developed aiming to harmonize and optimize patient care. Representatives of the International Working Group on Neurotransmitter related Disorders (iNTD) developed the guidelines according to the SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) methodology by evaluating all available evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of BH4 deficiencies. Conclusion Although the total body of evidence in the literature was mainly rated as low or very low, these consensus guidelines will help to harmonize clinical practice and to standardize and improve care for BH4 deficient patients.Background The tear film is a trilaminar fluid composed mainly of lipids, electrolytes, proteins and water. It is responsible for lubrication, nutrition and protection against microbial and toxic agents. Disruption of any these components may weaken the ocular surface, making it more susceptible to disease. Increasing evidence suggests that qualitative tear film deficiencies are an important predisposing factor or cause of some of the most common and challenging ocular diseases in cats, including conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, spontaneous chronic corneal epithelial defects (SCCED), pigmentary keratitis, corneal sequestrum and dry eye syndrome. The aim of this study was to describe the tear ferning test in healthy cats and to compare the results by using two grading scales for humans. Tear samples were collected using Schirmer tear test (STT) strips from 60 healthy cats, and, after centrifuging the strips to obtain the samples, the aliquot was placed on clean microscope glass until it dried and the tear ferninpecies-specific differences between human and feline tear film. So Masmali grade 2 can be considered a normal tear pattern for the species, because all the cats used in study were clinically healthy. For this reason, future complementary studies are necessary for comparing healthy eyes and eyes with different ocular surface disease in cats. Both scales can be feasible options for grading tear crystallization in cats, but as Rolando scale included 96.6% of the samples in the 2 types that are considered normal for humans, we think that this scale seemed to be more precise to classify crystallization pattern in cats. The crystallization patterns observed in this study can form the basis for standardizing ocular surface parameters in cats.