stigation in prospective studies to validate this particular association. The study was registered in OSF registries DOI's 10.17605/OSF. IO/D95GN. Stroke is responsible for the largest proportion of neurological disorders causing a significant morbidity. Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) enzyme has an active involvement in atherosclerosis through its role in oxidative and inflammatory mechanisms. Recent evidence suggests that serum GGT is related to the risk and prognosis of cerebrovascular diseases. A total of 200 patients (100 with acute ischemic stroke and 100 without stroke) were recruited from various medical wards and medical intensive care unit. Categorical variables were compared between two groups using Chi-squared test and odds ratio (OR). Independent sample -test was used to see to compare mean GGT level of stroke patients with control. There was no statistical difference with respect to distribution of age groups ( = 1.25, = 0.741) and gender ( = 2.678, = 0.1018) between cases and controls. Mean age of stroke patients (mean [M] = 61.7, standard deviation [SD] = 13.8) did not differ from controls (M = 62.2, SD = 13.6), smoking had higher level serum GGT level than those without these risk factors. Prospective cohort studies can further explore the potential of GGT as a predictor of acute ischemic stroke. The transfemoral approach (TFA) has been the traditional approach for neurointerventional cases. While the TFA allows for triaxial support in flow diverting stent cases, it is associated with access site complications. Recently, the transradial approach (TRA) has emerged as a safer alternative to the TFA. To the best of our knowledge, there have only been single-center studies comparing outcomes in flow diverter cases for these approaches. We demonstrate the safety and feasibility of the TRA for placement of flow diverting stents in the treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms at two high-volume centers. We performed a retrospective review of prospectively collected institutional databases at two high-volume neuroendovascular centers. Cases from 2016 to 2018 of unruptured intracranial aneurysms treated by flow diverting stenting accessed through either the TRA or the TFA were compared. Patient demographics, procedural and radiographic metrics including location and size of the aneurysm, size, and length of the flow diverter implant, and fluoroscopic time were recorded. Puncture site complications and length of hospital stay were also included in the data analysis. There were three out of 29 TRA cases which were converted to the TFA. None of the TRA patients experienced site complications, whereas three TFA patients experienced site complications. While TRA and TFA patients did not differ significantly in their exposure to radiation, TRA patients experienced shorter hospital stays. While long-term studies are still lacking regarding this approach, we demonstrate that the TRA is a safe and feasible approach for flow diverter stent placement. While long-term studies are still lacking regarding this approach, we demonstrate that the TRA is a safe and feasible approach for flow diverter stent placement. The literature base for endovascular treatment of brain arteriovenous malformations (BAVMs) has grown exponentially in recent decades. Bibliometric analysis has been used to identify impactful articles in other medical specialties. The aim of this citation analysis was to identify and characterize the top 100 most cited articles in the field of endovascular BAVM treatment. The top-cited papers were identified by searching selected keywords ("endovascular treatment," "interventional treatment," "brain arteriovenous malformation," "emboliz(s)ation") on the Web of Science platform. The top 100 articles were ranked according to their number of citations. Each article was further evaluated to obtain predefined characteristics including citation(s) per year, year of publication, authorship, journal-title and impact factor, article topics, article type, and level of evidence. The top 100 most cited articles for endovascular BAVM treatment were published between 1960 and 2014. The total number of citations for these articles ranged from 56 to 471 (median 85.5). Most articles (76%) were published between 1990 and 2009 in three journals (56%), originated in the USA (52%) followed by France (16%). The most common topic related to embolization agents and the majority of articles constituted level IV or V evidence. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the most cited articles in the field of endovascular BAVM treatment. Our analysis recognizes key contributions from authors and institutions in the field and leads to a better understanding of the evidentiary framework for BAVM treatment. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the most cited articles in the field of endovascular BAVM treatment. Our analysis recognizes key contributions from authors and institutions in the field and leads to a better understanding of the evidentiary framework for BAVM treatment. Norrie disease is a rare X-linked recessive vitreoretinopathy. Variants of the gene are associated with this condition. This case reports aims to demonstrate the variations of clinical presentations and exam findings of this disease. A retrospective chart review of the patient's ocular and systemic findings and imaging results was performed. The patient had received genetic testing, including mutational analysis of targeted genes associated with retrolental masses. The patient had a comprehensive eye exam for bilateral leukocoria, demonstrating large retrolental masses, anterior polar cataracts, stretched ciliary processes, and roving eye movements. B-scan ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging indicated total, funnel-shaped retinal detachments, which is a unique retinal configuration in Norrie disease. Genetic testing confirmed deletion of the coding region of all three exons in the gene, which confirmed Norrie disease. He has not shown any extraocular involvement to date. This is a case demonstrating the association between deletion of the coding region gene and Norrie disease. The phenotypical variation of this disease warrants further studies of genotype-phenotype correlations and mutations of the gene. This is a case demonstrating the association between deletion of the coding region NDP gene and Norrie disease. The phenotypical variation of this disease warrants further studies of genotype-phenotype correlations and mutations of the NDP gene.