© 2020, Alvarez-Castelao et al.A study of over 40,000 individuals suggests that carrying a small number of ultra-rare genetic variants is associated with a longer lifespan. © 2020, Deelen.Bacteria, bacteriophages that prey upon them, and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) compete in dynamic environments, evolving strategies to sense the milieu. The first discovered environmental sensing by phages, lysis inhibition, has only been characterized and studied in the limited context of T-even coliphages. Here, we discover lysis inhibition in the etiological agent of the diarrheal disease cholera, Vibrio cholerae, infected by ICP1, a phage ubiquitous in clinical samples. This work identifies the ICP1-encoded holin, teaA, and antiholin, arrA, that mediate lysis inhibition. Further, we show that an MGE, the defensive phage satellite PLE, collapses lysis inhibition. Through lysis inhibition disruption a conserved PLE protein, LidI, is sufficient to limit the phage produced from infection, bottlenecking ICP1. These studies link a novel incarnation of the classic lysis inhibition phenomenon with conserved defensive function of a phage satellite in a disease context, highlighting the importance of lysis timingst lysis inhibition using a single gene called lidI. This gene is part of a system that defends against bacteriophage attack called the PLE, which consists of several genes of previously unknown function. Hays and Seed saw that the lidI gene disrupts lysis inhibition, speeding up the bursting of infected bacterial cells, which in turn decreases the number of bacteriophages produced from each infected cell. Lysis inhibition had previously only been observed in the bacterium Escherichia coli. Now that researchers know that ICP1 bacteriophages also delay lysis in Vibrio cholerae, this might lead to more studies exploring this process in samples from cholera patients. Further studies could test to see if the phenomenon of