The amount of data and behavior changes in society happens at a swift pace in this interconnected world. Consequently, machine learning algorithms lose accuracy because they do not know these new patterns. This change in the data pattern is known as concept drift. There exist many approaches for dealing with these drifts. Usually, these methods are costly to implement because they require (i) knowledge of drift detection algorithms, (ii) software engineering strategies, and (iii) continuous maintenance concerning new drifts. This article proposes to create Driftage a new framework using multi-agent systems to simplify the implementation of concept drift detectors considerably and divide concept drift detection responsibilities between agents, enhancing explainability of each part of drift detection. As a case study, we illustrate our strategy using a muscle activity monitor of electromyography. We show a reduction in the number of false-positive drifts detected, improving detection interpretability, and enabling concept drift detectors' interactivity with other knowledge bases. We conclude that using Driftage, arises a new paradigm to implement concept drift algorithms with multi-agent architecture that contributes to split drift detection responsability, algorithms interpretability and more dynamic algorithms adaptation. We conclude that using Driftage, arises a new paradigm to implement concept drift algorithms with multi-agent architecture that contributes to split drift detection responsability, algorithms interpretability and more dynamic algorithms adaptation. Intermittent sequential pneumatic compression (ISPC) can effectively promote cerebral perfusion and collateral blood supply in patients with stroke. However, the effects of ISPC on cerebral oscillations are still unclear. The tissue concentration of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin oscillations were measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy under resting and ISPC conditions in 27 right-handed adult patients with stroke. Five characteristic frequency signals (I, 0.6-2Hz; II, 0.145-0.6Hz; III, 0.052-0.145Hz; IV, 0.021-0.052Hz; and V, 0.0095-0.021Hz) were identified using the wavelet method. The wavelet amplitude (WA) and laterality index (LI) were calculated to describe the frequency-specific cortical activities. The ISPC state of patients with ischemic stroke showed significantly increased WA values of the ipsilesional motor cortex (MC) in the frequency intervals III (F37 = 8.017, P =.0016), IV (F37 = 6.347, P =.0088), and V (F37 = 5.538, P =.0048). There was no significant difference in the WA n of ISPC parameters in personalized treatment for the functional recovery of patients with stroke. Contemporary data directly comparing experiences between individuals with public and private health insurance among the 5 major forms of coverage in the US are limited. To compare individual experiences related to access to care, costs of care, and reported satisfaction with care among the 5 major forms of health insurance coverage in the US. This survey study used data from the 2016-2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System on 149 290 individuals residing in 17 states and the District of Columbia, representing the experiences of more than 61 million US adults. Private (individually purchased and employer-sponsored coverage) or public health insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Health Administration [VHA] or military coverage). A pairwise multivariable analysis was performed, controlling for underlying health status of US adults covered by private and public health insurance plans, and responses to survey questions on access to care, costs of care, and reported satisfaction with care weare, higher costs of care, and less satisfaction with care compared with individuals covered by publicly sponsored insurance programs. These findings suggest that public health insurance options may provide more cost-effective care than private options. Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to significantly reduce transmission and COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. The relative importance of vaccination strategies and nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) is not well understood. To assess the association of simulated COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and coverage scenarios with and without NPIs with infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. An established agent-based decision analytical model was used to simulate COVID-19 transmission and progression from March 24, 2020, to September 23, 2021. The model simulated COVID-19 spread in North Carolina, a US state of 10.5 million people. A network of 1 017 720 agents was constructed from US Census data to represent the statewide population. Scenarios of vaccine efficacy (50% and 90%), vaccine coverage (25%, 50%, and 75% at the end of a 6-month distribution period), and NPIs (reduced mobility, school closings, and use of face masks) maintained and removed during vaccine distribution. Risks of infection be resumed. Guidelines recommend against routine breast and prostate cancer screenings in older adults with less than 10 years' life expectancy. One study using a claims-based prognostic index showed that receipt of cancer screening itself was associated with lower mortality, suggesting that the index may misclassify individuals when used to inform cancer screening, but this finding was attributed to residual confounding because the index did not account for functional status. To examine whether cancer screening remains significantly associated with all-cause mortality in older adults after accounting for both comorbidities and functional status. This cohort study included individuals older than 65 years who were eligible for breast or prostate cancer screening and who participated in the 2004 Health and Retirement Study. Data were linked to Medicare claims from 2001 to 2015. Data analysis was conducted from January to November 2020. A Cox model was used to estimate the association between all-cause mortality ovehat are associated with receipt of cancer screening and long-term mortality. Relying solely on algorithms to determine cancer screening may misclassify individuals as having limited life expectancy and stop screening prematurely. Screening decisions need to be individualized and not solely dependent on life expectancy prediction.