These all turned out to be radioactive, with extremely small natural abundances all required synthesis by a nuclear reaction, with radiological characterization in the first instance. Finally, the paper moves on to consider the role of X-ray spectroscopy in exploring the periodic table beyond uranium. Although the discovery of artificial radioactive elements with Z > 92 again depended on nucleosynthesis and radiological characterization, measurement of the frequencies or energies of characteristic X-rays remains the ultimate goal in proving the existence of an element. This article is part of the theme issue 'Mendeleev and the periodic table'.This review assesses the current state of knowledge of how the elements were produced in the Big Bang, in stellar lives and deaths, and by interactions in interstellar gas. We begin with statements of fact and discuss the evidence that convinced astronomers that the Sun is fusing hydrogen, that low-mass stars produce heavy elements through neutron capture, that massive stars can explode as supernovae and that supernovae of all types produce new elements. Nucleosynthesis in the Big Bang, through cosmic ray spallation, and in exploding white dwarfs is only ranked below the above facts in certainty because the evidence, while overwhelming, is so far circumstantial. Next, we highlight the flaws in our current understanding of the predictions for lithium production in the Big Bang and/or its destruction in stars and for the production of the elements with atomic number [Formula see text]. While the theory that neutron star mergers produce elements through neutron-capture has powerful circumstantial evidence, we are unconvinced that they produce all of the elements past nickel. Also in dispute is the exact mechanism or mechanisms that cause the white dwarfs to explode. It is difficult to determine the origin of rare isotopes because signatures of their production are weak. We are uncertain about the production sites of some lithium and nitrogen isotopes and proton-rich heavy nuclei. Finally, Betelgeuse is probably not the next star to become a supernovae in the Milky Way, in part because Betelgeuse may collapse directly to a black hole instead. The accumulated evidence in this review shows that we understand the major production sites for the elements, but islands of uncertainty in the periodic table exist. Resolving these uncertainties requires in particular understanding explosive events with compact objects and understanding the nature of the first stars and is therefore primed for new discoveries in the next decades. This article is part of the theme issue 'Mendeleev and the periodic table'.The historical roots, the discovery and the modern relevance of Dmitri Mendeleev's remarkable advance have been the subject of numerous scholarly works. Here, with a brief overview, we hope to provide a link into the contents of this special issue honouring the great scientist. Mendeleev's advance, announced in March 1869, as he put it in 1889, to the '…then youthful Russian Chemical Society…', first set out the very basis of the periodic law of the chemical elements, the natural relation between the properties of the elements and their atomic weights. This was, and still is, the centrepiece of a historical journey for chemistry to today's position as a pre-eminent science. This article is part of the theme issue 'Mendeleev and the periodic table'.Given that stroke is an indispensable health burden in Saudi Arabia and around the world, great importance has been attached on studies of social support and other factors that could improve the quality of life of stroke survivors. Perceptions of quality of life and social support may vary depending on patients' cultural and societal background. This research assessed the quality of life and social support of community-dwelling Saudis who survived stroke. A quantitative study was performed among 123 Saudi stroke survivors. Questionnaire-guided interviews measuring social support and quality of life were performed, and the multivariate effects of predictor variables on the four domains of quality of life were determined through multivariate multiple regression analysis. Among the dimensions of social support, support from family members had the highest average, whereas support from friends had the lowest. The environmental domain of quality of life was perceived to be the best aspect, whereas physical health was perceived to be the poorest. Multivariate analysis revealed that age, gender, employment status, monthly family income, type of community, education, type of stroke, side of stroke and support from significant others had multivariate influences on the domains of quality of life. Several sociodemographic and disease-related variables and social support influence patients' quality of life. The study adds critical knowledge as to how Arab stroke survivors perceive their quality of life and social support. Ensuring that stroke survivors receive adequate social support is imperative because it can improve their quality of life.The widespread COVID-19 pandemic has been, currently, converted to a catastrophic human health challenge. Vitamin D (VD) and its metabolites have been used as a palliative treatment for chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases from ancient times. In the current study, some molecular aspects of the potential effects of VD against COVID-19 side-effects have been discussed. An arguable role in autophagy or apoptosis control has been suggested for VD through calcium signaling at the mitochondrial and ER levels. 1,25(OH)2D3 is also an immunomodulator that affects the development of B-cells, T-cells, and NK cells in both innate and acquired immunity. The production of some anti-microbial molecules such as defensins and cathelicidins is also stimulated by VD. The overexpression of glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase, and down-regulation of NADPH oxidase are induced by VD to reduce the oxidative stress. Moreover, the multi-organ failure due to a cytokine storm induced by SARS-CoV2 in COVID-19 may be prevented by the immunomodulatory effects of VD. It can also downregulate the renin-angiotensin system which has a protective role against cardiovascular complications induced by COVID-19. Given the many experimental and molecular evidences due to the potential protective effects of VD on the prevention of the COVID-19-induced morbidities, a VD supplementation is suggested to prevent the lethal side-effects of the infection. It is particularly recommended in VD-deficient patients or those at greater risk of serious or critical effects of COVID-19, including the elderly, and patients with pre-existing chronic diseases, especially those in nursing homes, care facilities, and hospitals.