The object of this work was to study how National Health Service hospitals in England and Wales aimed to maintain effective and safe colorectal cancer (CRC) services during the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020). A national survey was performed among all 148 hospitals providing CRC services. Information was collected about changes in referrals, diagnostic, staging and therapeutic procedures, as well as whether there was access to a 'cold site' (a hospital facility free of COVID-19). Clinicians in each hospital were also asked to give the 'single most important lesson learned' about keeping services safe and effective. Full responses were received from 123 (83%) hospitals, and information about 'cold sites' was available for 146 (99%). Eighty hospitals (54%) had access to a 'cold site' and this was increased in regions with higher COVID-19 infection rates (p<0.001). Of the 123 responding hospitals, 105 (85%) indicated that referrals of patients with suspected CRC had dropped by at least 30%, and 69 (56%) indicated that treatment plans were altered in at least 50% of CRC patients. However, 'cold site' availability protected the capacity for diagnostic colonoscopy (p=0.013) and CRC resection (p=0.010). Many 'lessons learned' highlighted the importance of adequate structural service organization, often mentioning 'cold sites' and regional coordination as examples, good communication and triage of patients based on clinical urgency. Access to 'cold sites', as well as regional coordination, clear communication and strong leadership, were found to be pivotal in maintaining capacity for diagnosis and treatment of CRC during the COVID-19 surge. Access to 'cold sites', as well as regional coordination, clear communication and strong leadership, were found to be pivotal in maintaining capacity for diagnosis and treatment of CRC during the COVID-19 surge. Sleep hygiene recommendations are commonly given to address patient-reported concerns about sleep, yet few studies have examined the relationship between sleep hygiene and sleep disturbances in the context of pediatric oncology. Because poor sleep may affect the patient's experience of cancer-related symptoms, understanding whether sleep hygiene practices influence sleep disturbances and symptoms may be important to improving symptom burden. One hundred and two caregivers of children ages 5-17 and 59 patients ages 8-17 receiving treatment for cancer completed parallel measures of child sleep, sleep hygiene, pain, fatigue, and nausea. Sleep hygiene practices were described, correlates between measures were examined, and the indirect relationship of sleep hygiene on symptom burden through sleep disturbances was tested using PROCESS. Patients received adequate sleep for age but sleep timing was later than recommended for more than half of the sample and consistency in sleep times was poor. Sleep disturbance more effective than only presenting sleep hygiene recommendations to patients experiencing poor sleep.Supraphysiological ROS levels can lead to apoptosis, lipid peroxidation, and DNA and protein damage. This pilot study aimed to investigate the sperm oxidative damage in subfertile men, to describe the relationship between the antioxidant system and ROS. Sixty-four semen samples were categorised according to the evaluated routine parameters (WHO, WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen, 2010). Results were cross-referenced with the DNA damage [Comet (n = 53) and TUNEL (n = 49) assays], antioxidant enzyme activity [SOD (n = 51), CAT (n = 48) and GST (n = 48)], and content of total thiols (n = 36), lipid hydroperoxides (n = 35) and MDA (n = 31). Compared to pathospermic samples, normozoospermic presented 40%-45% fewer spermatozoa with fragmented DNA, 19% fewer hydroperoxides, and slightly higher total thiols and MDA levels. Asthenozoospermic/asthenoteratozoospermic samples had the lowest GST activity. SOD and CAT showed a similar trend. Our results evidenced significant positive correlations between DNA damage and immotile spermatozoa; SOD and CAT, GST and total thiols; CAT and GST; total thiols and sperm concentration; and MDA levels and head/midpiece abnormalities and hydroperoxides. This work contributes to the existing body of knowledge by showing that the oxidative status correlates with the classic sperm analysis parameters. Oxidative stress and DNA damage evaluation might be a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool in cases of idiopathic male subfertility.Anxiety, hippocampus synaptic plasticity deficit, as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines, are involved in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The present study is designed to evaluate the possible therapeutic effect of crocin on anxiety-like behaviours, hippocampal synaptic plasticity and neuronal shape, as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines in the hippocampus using in vivo amyloid-beta (Aβ) models of AD. The Aβ peptide (1-42) was bilaterally injected into the frontal-cortex. Five hours after the surgery, the rats were given intraperitoneal (IP) crocin (30 mg/kg) daily up to 12 days. Elevated plus maze results showed that crocin treatment after bilateral Aβ injection significantly increased the percentage of spent time into open arms, frequency of entries, and percentage of entries into open arms as compared with the Aβ group. In the open field test, the Aβ+crocin group showed a higher percentage of spent time in the centre and frequency of entries into central zone as compare with the Aβ treated animals. Administering crocin increased the number of soma, dendrites and axonal arbores in the CA1 neurons among the rats with Aβ neurotoxicity. Cresyl violet (CV) staining showed that crocin increased the number of CV-positive cells in the CA1 region of the hippocampus compared with the Aβ group. Silver-nitrate staining indicated that crocin reduced neurofibrillary tangle formation induced by Aβ. Crocin treatment attenuated the expression of TNF-α and IL-1β mRNA in the hippocampus compared with the Aβ group. Our results suggest that crocin attenuated Aβ-induced anxiety-like behaviours and neuronal damage, and synaptic plasticity loss in hippocampal CA1 neurons may via its anti-inflammatory effects.