The aim was to investigate the effects of the cold dehulling of buckwheat seeds on their germination, total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA) and phenolics composition. Cold dehulling had no negative effects on germination rate and resulted in faster rootlet growth compared to hulled seeds. Although the dehulling of the seeds significantly decreased TPC and AA, the germination of dehulled seeds resulted in 1.8-fold and 1.9-fold higher TPC and AA compared to hulled seeds. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry identified several phenolic compounds in free and bound forms. Rutin was the major compound in hulled seeds (98 µg/g dry weight), orientin and vitexin in 96-h germinated dehulled seeds (2205, 1869 µg/g dry weight, respectively). During germination, the increases in the major phenolic compounds were around two orders of magnitude, which were greater than the increases for TPC and AA. As well as orientin and vitexin, high levels of other phenolic compounds were detected for dehulled germinated seeds (e.g., isoorientin, rutin; 1402, 967 µg/g dry weight, respectively). These data show that dehulled germinated seeds of buckwheat have great potential for use in functional foods as a dietary source of phenolic compounds with health benefits.Low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are tumors that affect mostly adults. These neoplasms are comprised mainly of oligodendrogliomas and diffuse astrocytomas. LGGs remain vexing to current management and therapeutic modalities although they exhibit more favorable survival rates compared with high-grade gliomas (HGGs). The specific genetic subtypes that these tumors exhibit result in variable clinical courses and the need to involve multidisciplinary teams of neurologists, epileptologists, neurooncologists and neurosurgeons. Currently, the diagnosis of an LGG pivots mainly around the preliminary radiological findings and the subsequent definitive surgical diagnosis (via surgical sampling). The introduction of radiomics as a high throughput quantitative imaging technique that allows for improved diagnostic, prognostic and predictive indices has created more interest for such techniques in cancer research and especially in neurooncology (MRI-based classification of LGGs, predicting Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) promoter mutations and predicting LGG associated seizures). Radiogenomics refers to the linkage of imaging findings with the tumor/tissue genomics. Numerous applications of radiomics and radiogenomics have been described in the clinical context and management of LGGs. In this review, we describe the recently published studies discussing the potential application of radiomics and radiogenomics in LGGs. We also highlight the potential pitfalls of the above-mentioned high throughput computerized techniques and, most excitingly, explore the use of machine learning artificial intelligence technologies as standalone and adjunct imaging tools en route to enhance a personalized MRI-based tumor diagnosis and management plan design.Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of adults in the U.S., with marked ethnic/racial disparities in prevalence, risk factors, associated health behaviors, and death rates. In this study, we recruited and randomized Blacks with poor cardiovascular health in the Atlanta Metro area to receive an intervention comparing two approaches to engagement with a behavioral intervention technology for CVD. Generalized Linear Mixed Models results from a 6-month intervention indicate that 53% of all participants experienced a statistical improvement in Life's Simple 7 (LS7), 54% in BMI, 61% in blood glucose, and 53% in systolic blood pressure. Females demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in BMI and diastolic blood pressure and a reduction in self-reported physical activity. We found no significant differences in changes in LS7 or their constituent parts but found strong evidence that health coaches can help improve overall LS7 in participants living in at-risk neighborhoods. In terms of clinical significance, our result indicates that improvements in LS7 correspond to a 7% lifetime reduction of incident CVD. Our findings suggest that technology-enabled self-management can be effective for managing selected CVD risk factors among Blacks.In recent decades, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)-inducing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have revolutionized cancer immunotherapy, and Fc engineering strategies have been utilized to further improve efficacy. A promising option is to enhance the affinity of an antibody's Fc-part to the Fc-receptor CD16 by altering the amino acid sequence. Herein, we characterized an S239D/I332E-modified CD133 mAb termed 293C3-SDIE for treatment of B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). Flow cytometric analysis revealed CD133 expression on B-ALL cell lines and leukemic cells of 50% (14 of 28) B-ALL patients. 293C3-SDIE potently induced NK cell reactivity against the B-ALL cell lines SEM and RS4;11, as well as leukemic cells of B-ALL patients in a target antigen-dependent manner, as revealed by analysis of NK cell activation, degranulation, and cytotoxicity. Of note, CD133 expression did not correlate with BCR-ABL, CD19, CD20, or CD22, which are presently used as therapeutic targets in B-ALL, which revealed CD133 as an independent target for B-ALL treatment. Increased CD133 expression was also observed in MLL-AF4-rearranged B-ALL, indicating that 293C3-SDIE may constitute a particularly suitable treatment option in this hard-to-treat subpopulation. Taken together, our results identify 293C3-SDIE as a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of B-ALL.Technological advances have enabled well tolerated and effective radiation treatment for small liver metastases. Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy (SABR) refers to ablative dose delivery (>100 Gy BED) in five fractions or fewer. For larger tumors, the safe delivery of SABR can be challenging due to a more limited volume of healthy normal liver parenchyma and the proximity of the tumor to radiosensitive organs such as the stomach, duodenum, and large intestine. In addition to stereotactic treatment delivery, controlling respiratory motion, the use of image guidance, adaptive planning and increasing the number of radiation fractions are sometimes necessary for the safe delivery of SABR in these situations. Magnetic Resonance (MR) image-guided adaptive radiation therapy (MRgART) is a new and rapidly evolving treatment paradigm. MR imaging before, during and after treatment delivery facilitates direct visualization of both the tumor target and the adjacent normal healthy organs as well as potential intrafraction motion.