Research regarding cellular responses at different oxygen concentrations (OCs) is of immense interest within the field of radiobiology. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a mechanistic model to analyze cellular responses at different OCs. A DNA damage model (the different cell oxygen level DNA damage [DICOLDD] model) that examines the oxygen effect was developed based on the oxygen fixation hypothesis, which states that dissolved oxygen can modify the reaction kinetics of DNA-derived radicals generated by ionizing radiation. The generation of DNA-derived radicals was simulated using the Monte Carlo method. The decay of DNA-derived radicals due to the competing processes of chemical repair, oxygen fixation, and intrinsic damaging was described using differential equations. The DICOLDD model was fitted to the previous experimental data obtained under different irradiation configurations and validated by calculating the yields of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) after exposure to Cs as well as cell surto different types of radiation. We developed a DNA damage model to evaluate the oxygen effect and provide evidence that a reaction-kinetic model of DNA-derived radicals induced by ionizing radiation suffices to explain the observed oxygen effects. Therefore, the DICOLDD model is a powerful tool for the analysis of cellular responses at different OCs after exposure to different types of radiation. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has become an important modality in the treatment of brain metastases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of radiomic features from planning magnetic resonance (MR) images and dose maps to predict local failure after SRS for brain metastases. Twenty-eight patients who received Gamma Knife (GK) radiosurgery for brain metastases were retrospectively reviewed in this IRB-approved study. 179 irradiated tumors included 42 that locally failed within one-year follow-up. Using SRS tumor volumes, radiomic features were calculated on T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MR images acquired for treatment planning and planned dose maps. 125 radiomic features regarding tumor shape, dose distribution, MR intensities and textures were extracted for each tumor. Logistic regression with automatic feature selection was built to predict tumor progression from local control after SRS. Feature selection and model evaluation using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves wertases. A model built on the radiomic features shows promise for early prediction of tumor local failure after treatment, potentially aiding in personalized care for brain metastases. The net uptake rate constant (K ) derived from dynamic imaging is considered the gold standard quantification index for FDG PET. In this study, we investigated the feasibility and assessed the clinical usefulness of generating K images for FDG PET using only two 5-min scans with population-based input function (PBIF). Using a Siemens Biograph mCT, 10subjects with solid lung nodules underwent a single-bed dynamic FDG PET scan and 13subjects (five healthy and eight cancer patients) underwent a whole-body dynamic FDG PET scan in continuous-bed-motion mode. For each subject, a standard K image was generated using the complete 0-90min dynamic data with Patlak analysis (t*=20min) and individual patient's input function, while a dual-time-point K image was generated from two 5-min scans based on the Patlak equations at early and late scans with the PBIF. Different start times for the early (ranging from 20 to 55min with an increment of 5min) and late (ranging from 50 to 85min with an increment of 5min) s-time-point scans (5-min per scan), and provide significantly higher quantification accuracy than relative SUV change that is currently used in clinical practice. Due to their finite range, electrons are typically ignored when calculating shielding requirements in megavoltage energy linear accelerator vaults. However, the assumption that 16MeV electrons need not be considered does not hold when operated at FLASH-RT dose rates (~200× clinical dose rate), where dose rate from bremsstrahlung photons is an order of magnitude higher than that from an 18MV beam for which shielding was designed. We investigate the shielding and radiation protection impact of converting a Varian 21EX linac to FLASH-RT dose rates. We performed a radiation survey in all occupied areas using a Fluke Biomedical Inovision 451P survey meter and a Wide Energy Neutron Detection Instrument (Wendi)-2 FHT 762 neutron detector. The dose rate from activated linac components following a 1.8-min FLASH-RT delivery was also measured. When operated at a gantry angle of 180° such as during biology experiments, the 16MeV FLASH-RT electrons deliver ~10µSv/h in the controlled areas and 780µSv/h in the uncontrr radiation safety program, particularly if operating in vaults designed for 6MV. Bremsstrahlung photons created by a 16 MeV FLASH-RT electron beam resulted in consequential dose rates in controlled and uncontrolled areas, and from activated linac components in the vault. While our linac vault shielding proved sufficient, other investigators would be prudent to confirm the adequacy of their radiation safety program, particularly if operating in vaults designed for 6 MV. Prostate cancer remains the 2nd leading cancer killer of men, yet it is also a disease with a high rate of overtreatment. Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) has shown promise as a reliable, grade-sensitive imaging method, but it is limited by low image quality. Currently, DWI quality image is directly related to low gradient amplitudes, since weak gradients must be compensated with long echo times. We propose a new type of MRI accessory, an "inside-out" and nonlinear gradient, whose sole purpose is to deliver diffusion encoding to a region of interest. Performance was simulated in OPERA and the resulting fields were used to simulate DWI with two compartment and kurtosis models. Experiments with a nonlinear head gradient prove the accuracy of DWI and ADC maps diffusion encoded with nonlinear gradients. Simulations validated thermal and mechanical safety while showing a 5 to 10-fold increase in gradient strength over prostate. With these strengths, lesion CNR in ADC maps approximately doubled for a range of anatomical positions.