umarins could be a potential cytotoxic and PET imaging agents via Gal-1. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a member of the non-receptor cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase family, is associated with the development and progression of cancer. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is directly involved in the degradation of the extracellular matrix, and basement membrane components promote cancer cell migration and invasion. There is a functional interaction among FAK, MMP-9 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which leads to enhanced cancer angiogenesis, cancer cell invasion and progression of malignancy. FAK, MMP-9, VEGF and CD34-positive microvessel density (MVD) were examined in 100 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma using immunohistochemistry. The relationship among these proteins and their impact on angiogenesis and clinicopathological parameters were also evaluated. The FAK expression was found to be positively correlated with the Gleason score, WHO grade group, tumour stage, extracapsular extension and perineural invasion. The MMP-9 expression was positively correlated with the WHO grade group, tumour stage, extracapsular extension, positive surgical margin and lymphovascular and perineural invasion. The FAK expression was also positively correlated with MMP-9 expression and MVD. However, no correlation between FAK and VEGF expression was identified. The MMP-9 expression was positively correlated with FAK expression and MVD. Strong MMP-9 expression was associated with shorter disease-free survival. These results suggest that strong MMP-9 and FAK expressions play an essential role in the progression of prostate adenocarcinoma. Further investigations should be conducted to determine the importance of these proteins as therapeutic targets for patients with prostate adenocarcinomas. PURPOSE To gain a better understanding of parental decision making in situations of uncertainty and multidisciplinary care, we explored parents' decision-making experiences while seeking care for their child's vascular anomaly at a multidisciplinary clinic at a large Midwestern children's hospital. DESIGN AND METHODS We collected data using semi-structured interviews with 29 parents after they met with multiple specialists for the care of their child's vascular anomaly. RESULTS The findings revealed parents' attempts to manage decision-related uncertainty about their child's vascular anomaly included seeking information, avoiding information, and seeking support from the specialists. Parents described how information management both facilitated and obstructed decision making. CONCLUSIONS Overall, the study reveals several benefits and challenges of making decisions about the management of uncertain childhood conditions, like vascular anomalies, in a multidisciplinary context. The information-rich environment produces information-management dilemmas that challenge parents' decision making efforts. Therefore, parents relied on the support of the team of specialists to make decisions about their child's treatment. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS The study offers practical implications concerning the barriers of autonomy in decision making. Healthcare professionals should acknowledge the potential for parents' to have shifting information and decision-making goals and preferences, and should explicitly support parents throughout the decision-making process. BACKGROUND Down syndrome is associated with poor sleep but little is known about its neural correlates. AIMS The current research compared brain morphometry in youth with Down syndrome with parent-reported sleep problems (DS-S) to peers with Down syndrome (DS) and typical development (TD) without parent-reported sleep problems matched on age (M = 15.15) and sex ratio (62 % female). METHODS AND PROCEDURES Magnetic resonance imaging was completed on a 3 T scanner. Participants were stratified into groups based on parent-report DS-S (n = 17), DS (n = 9), TD (n = 22). Brain morphometry, processed with the FreeSurfer Image Analysis Suite, was compared across groups. In addition, the co-occurrence of medical conditions in the DS groups was examined. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS Youth with DS-S had reduced total, frontal, parietal, and temporal brain volumes relative to DS and TD peers. They also had higher rates of congenital heart defects than the DS-only group; however, this comorbidity did not appear to account for morphometry differences. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Parent-reported sleep problems in DS appear to relate to global and localized volume reductions. These preliminary results have implications for understanding the neural correlates of poor sleep in DS; they also highlight the importance of examining relations between sleep and other medical comorbidities. Here, Au-doped carbon dots (CDAu) nanosols with good stability were prepared by hydrothermal reaction method. We found that CDAu can efficiently catalyze the nanoreaction of reducing AgNO3 by glucose, and at 420 nm,the reaction products of yellow spherical silver nanosol exhibit an intense surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption peak. The nucleic acid aptamers (Apt) can be adsorbed on the surface of carbon dots, so that their catalytic activity was suppressed, the nanosilvers were reduced, the solution color becomes lighter, and the Abs value was weakened. When As3+ was added, it forms a stable conjugate with the Apt, releases free carbon dots, restored its catalytic activity, and the color and Abs signals enhanced linearly. Based on the Apt regulation and the catalytic amplification effect of CDAu on AgNO3-glucose, a new extremely sensitive SPR spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic ion content of 0.025-0.75 μg/L was established, and the detection limit of As3+ is 0.01 μg/L. A newly synthesized molecular complex 3-chloro-3-methyl-2,6-diphenylpiperidin-4-one [CMDP] crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1. The piperidin-4-one ring exhibits a distorted chair conformation with the puckering parameters Q = 0.559 (3) Å, θ = 173.3 (3°) and φ = 180 (2°). The methyl substituent on the third position of the piperidine ring takes up a syn-periplanar positioning although the chloro substituent takes up an anti-clinical positioning with dihedral angle Cl1-C2-C1-O1 = 113.3 (2°) due to the repulsion from an adjacent oxygen atom. The optimized molecular geometry and fundamental vibrational frequencies of the CMDP compounds are interpreted with the help of normal coordinate force field calculations based on DFT method B3LYP/6-31+G (d,p) level basis set. The HOMO-LUMO energy gap of the molecule is 5.4194 eV. The hardness value (η) of the CMDP molecule is 2.7097 eV. Hirshfeld surface analysis and fingerprint plots are supportive for determining the molecular shape and visually analyzing the intermolecular interactions in the crystal structure.