The aim To identify the role of evidence-based medicine, its principles and approaches to patients' rights protection and the provision of medical service optimization, the skills of medical staff improvement, increasing the objectivity of court decisions in cases of non-providing quality care or death. Materials and methods The authors used the decisions by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on the statements of victims of unprofessional actions by doctors, international and domestic regulations on patients' rights, statistics on the results of criminal proceedings on violations of patients' rights over the past 5 years, case law of criminal and civil jurisdiction in this category of cases, the results of surveys of prosecutors, as well as the results of research by scientists in the field of medical law and criminalistics. The research is carried out on the basis of a harmonious combination of philosophical approaches, general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, the complex oformance of professional duties by a medical or pharmaceutical worker, violation of patients' rights, as well as means for doctors' legal protection and etc. The aim Is to analyze the development of the modern legal framework for child's health care, to clarify the benefits of a human rights-based approach, which is now is mainstreaming for understanding the right of children to health and means of its protection. Materials and methods To achieve this goal, as well as taking into account the specifics of the topic, the following research methods became relevant the application of a dialectical approach and historical method made it possible to understand the patterns of formation and development of ideas of children's rights and health within the international community and national states; formal-legal method was used when studying legal texts (international law acts, both of universal and regional level, interpretation and clarification of human rights treaty bodies, expert reports and research, case law), and comparative-legal was used to compare different approaches on health protection in various international human rights mechanisms (US Supreme Court, Covironment has made modern international law and national legal systems to become more viable in sense of protection of child's well-being in today's world. The aim The purpose of the paper is to raise awareness of the medical services subjects in the issues of establishment of the relationship between their activities and harm to patients, analysis of the case law of the ECHR and provision of practical recommendations for the prevention of violations of Art. 2 of the Convention with subsequent compensation for non-pecuniary and pecuniary damage. Materials and methods The authors used the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on medical research, international regulatory acts, publications of scholars in the field of medical law and legal doctrine in terms of liability of medical services providers for the violation of Art. 2 of the Convention. Conclusions Aiming to ensure proper legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of medical care, the authors have developed recommendations on how to prevent cases of violation of the right to life during the provision of medical services. Conclusions Aiming to ensure proper legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of medical care, the authors have developed recommendations on how to prevent cases of violation of the right to life during the provision of medical services. The aim of the study is to analyze the features of realization mechanism of the rights of convicted persons suffering from a serious illness to release from serving a sentence in order to receive the necessary treatment. Materials and methods this study uses a set of methods of scientific knowledge. The empirical basis of the study is the statistics of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine for 2015-2019 on convicts released from punishment due to their serious illness, statistical materials and case law of Turkey, Georgia, Great Britain, Germany and Greece, generalization of judicial practice of Ukraine, and the personal experience of one of the co-authors of more than 20 years as a lawyer and for 3 years as a judge of the Supreme Court. Conclusions in order to protect the persons; interests serving sentences and suffering from serious illness, government mechanisms should provide flexibility in the approach to assessing the health of each person, and not just the detection of disease; the authorities assessing the convict's state of health must be independent, and a prisoner must be able to choose physicians not only for treatment but also for assessment of his/her state of health. Conclusions in order to protect the persons; interests serving sentences and suffering from serious illness, government mechanisms should provide flexibility in the approach to assessing the health of each person, and not just the detection of disease; the authorities assessing the convict's state of health must be independent, and a prisoner must be able to choose physicians not only for treatment but also for assessment of his/her state of health. The aim To suggest the ways and means for ensuring respect for human rights and freedoms in the context of introduction of states' measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic based on the generalization of European experience and systematization of recommendations of international and European institutions. Materials and methods In thise research we applied a complex of philosophical and ideological approaches, general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition, in particular civilizational and axiological approaches as well as dialectical, comparative legal and statistical methods. The empirical basis of the study is represented by the statistical data of the healthcare sector of European countries, generalization of the practice of countering the pandemic spread. In this study we used international and European regulatory legal acts and documents in the field of human rights, national legislations of foreign countries. Conclusions Derogation from the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of introduction of measures to combat the СOVID-19 pandemic is a common problem for European countries, which requires emergency measures introduction by the governments of these countries; the measures introduced should be legal, necessary, non-discriminatory, with a certain specific focus and duration; ensuring respect for human rights and freedoms requires deliberate, timely and effective legal, organizational forms and methods of states' activities and international cooperation.