To analyze the Quality of Life at Work (QOL) of dentists in Antioquia, Colombia, based on objective and subjective components. A sample of 323 dentists was used for a descriptive study using a structured survey. Data were processed using in SPSS 17.0 and Epidat 3.1 software. Significant trends (p<0.05) were found for the decrease of male, home-based and postgraduate professionals. Fewer and fewer professionals earn more than five times the legal monthly minimum wage, have access to private health services, and enjoy more than 15 vacation days per year. On the other hand, the number of dentists that cover their social security expenses and updating courses costs by themselves Increased, as well as the number of professionals that moved to different municipalities to work (p<0.05). Working conditions and the distance between dreams and reality have meaningful differences for the periods observed. Findings ratify the incidence of health and education reforms over the practice of dentistry, revealing significant supply and demand conflicts that exacerbate the deterioration of working conditions and push professionals to merely accommodate, more and more, distancing from the once dreamed profession. The QOL for dentists in Antioquia has deteriorated due to negative tendencies on working conditions derived from the complexity and crisis of the working environment. In addition, professionals do not attempt to associate to face and transform this reality. The QOL for dentists in Antioquia has deteriorated due to negative tendencies on working conditions derived from the complexity and crisis of the working environment. In addition, professionals do not attempt to associate to face and transform this reality. To describe the experience of Primary Healthcare System nurses of ViƱa del Mar, Chile, when participating in the Comprehensive Care Model, in order to analyze strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of health professionals. Qualitative-descriptive study with a theoretical sample composed by 10 primary care nurses. Focal groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data were analyzed using content analysis. In the context of the Comprehensive Care Model, a professional nurse was defined as a competent person who also establishes aid ties with families, making them feel satisfied. However, it was demonstrated that the shortage of this type of professionals is an obstacle to performance in the territorial areas of the community. It was evidenced that the Healthcare Model is still at a theoretical level rather than at a practical one, where assistance and the achievement of goals are above promotion and prevention activities. Better staffing of professional nurses in the Primary Healthcare System will allow relying on a wider team of experts for promotion and prevention purposes, without weakening their assistance role. Cross-sectional work needs to be rooted in community institutions, strengthening joint efforts between authorities, care facilities and community representatives to support the work of the health team. Better staffing of professional nurses in the Primary Healthcare System will allow relying on a wider team of experts for promotion and prevention purposes, without weakening their assistance role. Cross-sectional work needs to be rooted in community institutions, strengthening joint efforts between authorities, care facilities and community representatives to support the work of the health team.Public health policy in Colombia has been guided by the purpose of achieving universal coverage. Law 100 of 1993 set the goal of guaranteeing access to health services for the entire population, at all levels of care, with a plan of equal benefits for all. Despite this promise, universal coverage was not achieved in the year 2000 as established, and there have been barriers to effective access. In consequence, citizens have resorted to tutela (writ for the protection of fundamental rights) as a mechanism by which judges protect the right to health. In 2008, amidst an overwhelming growth in the number of actions for immediate protection of constitutional rights, the Constitutional Court issued Sentence T-760, by which health was recognized as a fundamental right and ordered several State agencies to guarantee its effective enjoyment and enforce universal coverage and effective access. After ten years, compliance with these orders is medium, with important advances in terms of coverage and equalization of the benefits plan, but there are still barriers to access and concerns regarding sustainability and the flow of resources. Triatomines are hematophagous insects that are important to public health since they are the vectors of American Trypanosomiasis. The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of triatomines in homes in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil. The specimens were collected by an active search inside homes and also by a passive search by the residents. A total of 55 triatomines were captured comprising of 5 species each of the genera Rhodnius, Eratyrus, and Panstrongylus. No colonies were detected, ruling out the possibility of domiciliation. Information on regional epidemiological dynamics contributes to the prevention and control of disease. Information on regional epidemiological dynamics contributes to the prevention and control of disease.Gnathostomiasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by the helminth Gnathostoma spp., acquired through the consumption of raw or undercooked contaminated aquatic animals.The disease is endemic in Southeast Asia and Central America. Two male patients, both middle-aged, presented with single itchy erythemato-edematous plaques on the anterior thorax and left flank. Both had consumed raw fish in the Amazon region. The clinical and epidemiological examinations suggested gnathostomiasis, and treatment with albendazole caused total regression of the lesions. Health teams should be familiar with the disease to provide correct diagnosis. The control strategy should be based on health education for the population. In this study, we report a clonal dissemination of carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates due to the acquisition of blaOXA-23 in a regional hospital located in Brazilian Amazon Region. The isolates were identified by MALDI-TOF and the carbapenemase-encoding genes were detected by multiplex-PCR. The genetic similarity was investigated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Only 10 (55.6%) isolates harbored the gene bla OXA-23. PFGE analysis revealed that these isolates belong to a single clone. This dissemination strategy indicates the need for surveillance, adoption of control procedures defined in guidelines, and the careful administration of antimicrobials should be reinforced. This dissemination strategy indicates the need for surveillance, adoption of control procedures defined in guidelines, and the careful administration of antimicrobials should be reinforced.