Synaptotagmins confer calcium-dependence to the exocytosis of secretory vesicles, but how coexpressed synaptotagmins interact remains unclear. We find that synaptotagmin-1 and synaptotagmin-7 when present alone act as standalone fast and slow Ca2+-sensors for vesicle fusion in mouse chromaffin cells. When present together, synaptotagmin-1 and synaptotagmin-7 are found in largely non-overlapping clusters on dense-core vesicles. Synaptotagmin-7 stimulates Ca2+-dependent vesicle priming and inhibits depriming, and it promotes ubMunc13-2- and phorbolester-dependent priming, especially at low resting calcium concentrations. The priming effect of synaptotagmin-7 increases the number of vesicles fusing via synaptotagmin-1, while negatively affecting their fusion speed, indicating both synergistic and competitive interactions between synaptotagmins. Synaptotagmin-7 places vesicles in close membrane apposition ( less then 6 nm); without it, vesicles accumulate out of reach of the fusion complex (20-40 nm). We suggest that a synaptotagmin-7-dependent movement toward the membrane is involved in Munc13-2/phorbolester/Ca2+-dependent priming as a prelude to fast and slow exocytosis triggering.Circadian clocks display remarkable reliability despite significant stochasticity in biomolecular reactions. We study the dynamics of a circadian clock-controlled gene at the individual cell level in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, a multicellular filamentous cyanobacterium. We found significant synchronization and spatial coherence along filaments, clock coupling due to cell-cell communication, and gating of the cell cycle. Furthermore, we observed low-amplitude circadian oscillatory transcription of kai genes encoding the post-transcriptional core oscillatory circuit and high-amplitude oscillations of rpaA coding for the master regulator transducing the core clock output. Transcriptional oscillations of rpaA suggest an additional level of regulation. A stochastic one-dimensional toy model of coupled clock cores and their phosphorylation states shows that demographic noise can seed stochastic oscillations outside the region where deterministic limit cycles with circadian periods occur. The model reproduces the observed spatio-temporal coherence along filaments and provides a robust description of coupled circadian clocks in a multicellular organism.Calcium is a universal second messenger present in all eukaryotic cells. The mobilization and storage of Ca2+ ions drives a number of signaling-related processes, stress-responses, or metabolic changes, all of which are relevant for the development of immune cells and their adaption to pathogens. Here, we introduce the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-reporter mouse YellowCaB expressing the genetically encoded calcium indicator TN-XXL in B lymphocytes. Calcium-induced conformation change of TN-XXL results in FRET-donor quenching measurable by two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging. For the first time, using our novel numerical analysis, we extract absolute cytoplasmic calcium concentrations in activated B cells during affinity maturation in vivo. We show that calcium in activated B cells is highly dynamic and that activation introduces a persistent calcium heterogeneity to the lineage. A characterization of absolute calcium concentrations present at any time within the cytosol is therefore of great value for the understanding of long-lived beneficial immune responses and detrimental autoimmunity.Mutation of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein and SCAR homology (WASH) complex subunit, SWIP, is implicated in human intellectual disability, but the cellular etiology of this association is unknown. We identify the neuronal WASH complex proteome, revealing a network of endosomal proteins. To uncover how dysfunction of endosomal SWIP leads to disease, we generate a mouse model of the human WASHC4c.3056C>G mutation. Quantitative spatial proteomics analysis of SWIPP1019R mouse brain reveals that this mutation destabilizes the WASH complex and uncovers significant perturbations in both endosomal and lysosomal pathways. Cellular and histological analyses confirm that SWIPP1019R results in endo-lysosomal disruption and uncover indicators of neurodegeneration. We find that SWIPP1019R not only impacts cognition, but also causes significant progressive motor deficits in mice. A retrospective analysis of SWIPP1019R patients reveals similar movement deficits in humans. Combined, these findings support the model that WASH complex destabilization, resulting from SWIPP1019R, drives cognitive and motor impairments via endo-lysosomal dysfunction in the brain.We measured the modulation of pupil size (in constant lighting) elicited by observing transparent surfaces of black and white moving dots, perceived as a cylinder rotating about its vertical axis. The direction of rotation was swapped periodically by flipping stereo-depth of the two surfaces. Pupil size modulated in synchrony with the changes in front-surface color (dilating when black). The magnitude of pupillary modulation was larger for human participants with higher Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), consistent with a local perceptual style, with attention focused on the front surface. The modulation with surface color, and its correlation with AQ, was equally strong when participants passively viewed the stimulus. No other indicator, including involuntary pursuit eye movements, covaried with AQ. These results reinforce our previous report with a similar bistable stimulus (Turi, Burr, & Binda, 2018), and go on to show that bistable illusory motion is not necessary for the effect, or its dependence on AQ. Revision THA (R-THA) is thought to have a higher complication rate if compared to primary THA. Dual Mobility (DM) implants have been designed aiming for achieving greater stability, with good clinical results. However, scarce material can be found about the real improvements provided by this type of implant compared to traditional implant in Revisions of Total Hip Arthroplasties. A systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies were performed in December 2019. This was in accordance with the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Our primary outcome measure was overall survivorship and dislocation rate, either treated with a conservative method or requiring surgery. Regarding the overall implant survival, we found a slight significant risk ratio, with a statistically meaningful difference between the two groups in questions in favour of the DM implant. A statistically significant difference in favour of the DM group turned out considering only the Dislocation rate Risk ratio and the aseptic loosening risk as well.