The review would initially focus on providing a detailed outlook for the various physical/chemical techniques involved in the preparation of PCHs. Subsequently, the characterization techniques used to understand the structural and chemical behavior of PCHs would be discussed. The article would also elaborate on the various fields of application and the possible areas for future research of PCHs.Development of a multifunctional nanotherapeutic agent with high contrast-enhanced dual-modal imaging and photothermal therapy (PTT) efficacy is of great interest. Combination of ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) imaging offers high spatial resolution images, showing great potential in medical imaging. Herein, the semiconducting perfluorohexane (PFH) nanodroplets, MoS2-PFH-PLLAs, are developed by stabilizing PFH droplets with the coating shell of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLLA) and encapsulating the droplets with photoabsorbers of ultrasmall molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanodots. Upon near-infrared (NIR) irradiation, the MoS2-PFH-PLLAs can absorb the NIR light and convert it into heat, which not only promotes liquid-to-gas phase transition of PFH but also triggers photothermal heating, resulting in contrast-enhanced US/CT imaging and photothermal killing effect in vitro. Furthermore, the production of microbubbles can serve as the blasting agents to collaboratively enhance PTT efficacy after NIR irradiation. When intravenously injected into tumor-bearing mice, the MoS2-PFH-PLLAs exhibit a dual-modal US/CT imaging-guided synergistically therapeutic efficacy under NIR irradiation, resulting in tumor ablation. These nanotherapeutic agents demonstrate good biocompatibility, highly contrast-enhanced US/CT imaging, and combinational enhanced PTT efficacy.β-lactam antibiotics are one of the most commonly used drugs for treating bacterial infections, but their clinical effectiveness has been severely affected with bacteria developing resistance against their action. Production of β-lactamase enzymes by bacteria that can degrade β-lactams is the most common mechanism of acquiring such resistance, leading to the emergence of multiple-drug resistance in them. Therefore, the development of efficient approaches to combat infections caused by β-lactamase producing and multidrug-resistant bacteria is the need of the hour. The present review attempts to understand such recent strategies that are in line for development as potential alternatives to conventional antibiotics. We find that apart from efforts being made to develop new antibiotics, several other approaches are being explored, which can help tackle infections caused by resistant bacteria. This includes the development of plant-based drugs, antimicrobial peptides, nano-formulations, bacteriophage therapy, use of CRISPR-Cas9, RNA silencing and antibiotic conjugates with nanoparticles of antimicrobial peptides. The mechanism of action of these novel approaches and potential issues limiting their translation from laboratory to clinics is also discussed. The review is important from an interesting knowledge base which can be useful for researchers working in this domain.Antibody-modified magnetic nanoparticles were prepared to study their cellular uptake in 3D multicellular spheroidal cell cultures. For this purpose, carbonic anhydrase IX specific monoclonal antibody VII/20 was selected to conjugate on the surface of positively charged glycine coated magnetic nanoparticles in a form of a stable magnetic fluid. In this work, glycine-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles were characterized by different methods. X-ray photoelectron analysis confirmed the binding of glycine to the magnetic nanoparticles, and quantification of the glycine coating on the surface of the magnetic nanoparticles was conducted by thermogravimetric analysis. The optimal weight ratio of glycine to magnetic nanoparticles was determined to be 5 showing good colloid stability due to the high surface charge density of protonated glycine coating shown by the great zeta potential (⁓40 mV). The antibody conjugation to the functionalized magnetic nanoparticles was performed at an antibody to magnetic nanoparticles weight ratio equal to 0.5. Applications of antibody-modified magnetic nanoparticles in cancer therapy rely on their ability to specifically target cancer tissues and enter the tumour intracellular space. Here, we show that antibody coupled nanoparticle internalization was triggered by selective binding to tumour cells expressing hypoxic marker carbonic anhydrase IX. Moreover, our results confirmed specific penetration of conjugated nanoparticles into the tumour cell spheroids. The spinal biomechanics of dance tasks have received little study and no studies have used a multi-segmented spinal model. Knowledge of how the segments of the spine move may be useful to the dance clinician and dance educator. What is the direction and amount of motion of the primary segments of the spine in elite dancers during an arabesque and a passé? This observational study examined 59 elite dancers performing an arabesque and a passé using a three-dimensional motion analysis system with the trunk divided into a series of five segments pelvis, lower lumbar, upper lumbar, lower thoracic and upper thoracic spine. For the arabesque, all spinal segments moved in the same direction within each plane and the majority of total spinal motion occurred in the thoracic spine. Thoracic segments were at or near end range position at completion of the arabesque. For the passé, the spinal segments moved in different directions within each plane and the majority of total spinal motion occurred in the lumbar spine. Dance clinicians and dance educators may benefit from the knowledge that thoracic hypomobility in any plane may limit arabesque performance and that attempts to instruct dancers to achieve a position of passé without flexion of the lumbar spine may be a valid aesthetic ideal but also an unrealistic functional expectation. Dance clinicians and dance educators may benefit from the knowledge that thoracic hypomobility in any plane may limit arabesque performance and that attempts to instruct dancers to achieve a position of passé without flexion of the lumbar spine may be a valid aesthetic ideal but also an unrealistic functional expectation.