Partamona helleri is an important pollinator in natural and agricultural ecosystems in the neotropics. However, the foraging activity of this bee increases its risk of exposure to pesticides, which may affect both the individuals and the colony. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the side effects of LC50 of fipronil (0.28 ng a.i. μL-1) on the midgut morphology, antioxidant activity and some pathways of cell death, proliferation and differentiation in workers of P. helleri, after 24 h of oral exposure. Fipronil caused morphological alterations in the midgut of the bees. The activities of the detoxification enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase increased after exposure, which suggests the occurrence of a detoxification mechanism. Furthermore, exposure to fipronil changed the number of positive cells for signaling-pathway proteins in the midgut of bees, which indicates the induction of cell death by the apoptotic pathway and impairment of the midgut epithelial regeneration. These results demonstrate that fipronil may negatively affect the morphology and physiology of the midgut of the stingless bee P. helleri and impose a threat to the survival of non-target organisms.Many kinds of antibiotics are continuously discharged into wastewater and typically cause a great decrease in sewage treatment performance, whereas mechanisms of differences in the impacts of commonly used antibiotics on phosphate removal are still elusive. Thus, an enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) system, as an effective method of phosphate removal, was developed, and its performance in the treatment of artificial wastewater containing antibiotics at short- (8 h) and long-term (15 days) exposure was investigated. The results show that phosphorus removal was consistently inhibited by the addition of antibiotics with a significant difference (P less then 0.05). To interpret the phenomena, mechanistic equations were developed, and the results indicate that for short-term tests, the difference was mainly caused by the suppression of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) degradation and the activity of polyphosphate kinase (PPK), resulting in the different inhibition of the soluble orthophosphorus (SOP) uptake process. For long-term tests, the difference in SOP uptake was principally caused by the inhibition of PHA degradation and the activity of PPK, whereas the difference in SOP release resulted from the inhibition of activities of exopolyphosphatase (PPX) and adenylate kinase (ADK). Moreover, micro-mechanisms of such inhibition were identified from molecular docking and electrostatic potential.Air pollution, which is associated with male reproductive health. However, it is unknown the acute effects of ambient air pollutants exposure on male reproductive hormones. The current study, we measured serum levels of reproductive hormone in 2030 blood samples gathered from The Male Reproductive Health in Chongqing College Students (MARHCS) cohort study. We derived a full coverage of ambient air pollutant (PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, CO and O3) concentrations by employing machine learning algorithms, and used a mixed-effect model to estimate single-day and cumulative effects of air pollutants exposure on serum reproductive hormones. Our results showed that (1) PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were positively associated with estradiol (E2) in both single and cumulative lag days, but were negatively associated with the ratio of Testosterone/E2 (the T/E2 ratio). NO2 was positively associated with estradiol at lag day 2 (95% CI 0.290, 0.881; corrected P = 0.048) and lag 0-2 days (95% CI 0.523, 1.337; corrected P = 0.003), with progesterone (P) at lag day 2 and lag day 3 (corrected P less then 0.05). There was also a positive association between CO exposure and progesterone at lag day 2. (2) SO2 was inversely associated with E2 at lag day 3, 4 and lag 0-4 days, and progesterone at lag day 0, 1, 2 and lag 0-1, 0-2, 0-4 days, but positively associated with the T/E2 ratio at lag day 3, 4 and lag 0-4 days (corrected P less then 0.05). O3 exposure was negatively associated with E2 at lag day 3 (95% CI -0.216, -0.074, corrected P = 0.03). (3) No significant associations were found between the cumulative daily average air pollutant exposure of CO, O3 and hormone outcomes. This study suggests that short-term exposure to air pollutants may thus alter reproductive hormone levels, especially on serum estradiol, progesterone levels and the T/E2 ratio.South American tropical climate is strongly related to the tropical low-pressure belt associated with the South American monsoon system. Despite its central societal role as a modulating agent of rainfall in tropical South America, its long-term dynamical variability is still poorly understood. Here we combine a new (and world's highest) tree-ring 14C record from the Altiplano plateau in the central Andes with other 14C records from the Southern Hemisphere during the second half of the 20th century in order to elucidate the latitudinal gradients associated with the dissemination of the bomb 14C signal. Our tree-ring 14C record faithfully captured the bomb signal of the 1960's with an excellent match to atmospheric 14C measured in New Zealand but with significant differences with a recent record from Southeast Brazil located at almost equal latitude. These results imply that the spreading of the bomb signal throughout the Southern Hemisphere was a complex process that depended on atmospheric dynamics and surface topography generating reversals on the expected north-south gradient in certain years. We applied air-parcel modeling based on climate data to disentangle their different geographical provenances and their preformed (reservoir affected) radiocarbon content. We found that air parcel trajectories arriving at the Altiplano during the bomb period were sourced i) from the boundary layer in contact with the Pacific Ocean (41%), ii) from the upper troposphere (air above the boundary layer, with no contact with oceanic or continental carbon reservoirs) (38%) and iii) from the Amazon basin (21%). Based on these results we estimated the ∆14C endmember values for the different carbon reservoirs affecting our record which suggest that the Amazon basin biospheric 14C isoflux could have been reversed from negative to positive as early as the beginning of the 1970's. This would imply a much faster carbon turnover rate in the Amazon than previously modelled.