We discuss the roughness and generality of our scheme.We study the geometry of the bifurcation diagrams of the families of vector fields in the plane. Countable number of pairwise non-equivalent germs of bifurcation diagrams in the two-parameter families is constructed. Previously, this effect was discovered for three parameters only. Our example is related to so-called saddle node (SN)-SN families unfoldings of vector fields with one saddle-node singular point and one saddle-node cycle. We prove structural stability of this family. By the way, the tools that may be helpful in the proof of structural stability of other generic two-parameter families are developed. One of these tools is the embedding theorem for saddle-node families depending on the parameter. It is proved at the end of the paper.Reconstructions of excitation patterns in cardiac tissue must contend with uncertainties due to model error, observation error, and hidden state variables. The accuracy of these state reconstructions may be improved by efforts to account for each of these sources of uncertainty, in particular, through the incorporation of uncertainty in model specification and model dynamics. To this end, we introduce stochastic modeling methods in the context of ensemble-based data assimilation and state reconstruction for cardiac dynamics in one- and three-dimensional cardiac systems. We propose two classes of methods, one following the canonical stochastic differential equation formalism, and another perturbing the ensemble evolution in the parameter space of the model, which are further characterized according to the details of the models used in the ensemble. The stochastic methods are applied to a simple model of cardiac dynamics with fast-slow time-scale separation, which permits tuning the form of effective stochastic assimilation schemes based on a similar separation of dynamical time scales. We find that the selection of slow or fast time scales in the formulation of stochastic forcing terms can be understood analogously to existing ensemble inflation techniques for accounting for finite-size effects in ensemble Kalman filter methods; however, like existing inflation methods, care must be taken in choosing relevant parameters to avoid over-driving the data assimilation process. In particular, we find that a combination of stochastic processes-analogously to the combination of additive and multiplicative inflation methods-yields improvements to the assimilation error and ensemble spread over these classical methods.The network of self-sustained oscillators plays an important role in exploring complex phenomena in many areas of science and technology. The aging of an oscillator is referred to as turning non-oscillatory due to some local perturbations that might have adverse effects in macroscopic dynamical activities of a network. In this article, we propose an efficient technique to enhance the dynamical activities for a network of coupled oscillators experiencing aging transition. In particular, we present a control mechanism based on delayed negative self-feedback, which can effectively enhance dynamical robustness in a mean-field coupled network of active and inactive oscillators. Even for a small value of delay, robustness gets enhanced to a significant level. In our proposed scheme, the enhancing effect is more pronounced for strong coupling. To our surprise even if all the oscillators perturbed to equilibrium mode were delayed negative self-feedback is able to restore oscillatory activities in the network for strong coupling strength. We demonstrate that our proposed mechanism is independent of coupling topology. For a globally coupled network, we provide numerical and analytical treatment to verify our claim. To show that our scheme is independent of network topology, we also provide numerical results for the local mean-field coupled complex network. Also, for global coupling to establish the generality of our scheme, we validate our results for both Stuart-Landau limit cycle oscillators and chaotic Rössler oscillators.Identification of complex networks from limited and noise contaminated data is an important yet challenging task, which has attracted researchers from different disciplines recently. In this paper, the underlying feature of a complex network identification problem was analyzed and translated into a sparse linear programming problem. Then, a general framework based on the Bayesian model with independent Laplace prior was proposed to guarantee the sparseness and accuracy of identification results after analyzing influences of different prior distributions. At the same time, a three-stage hierarchical method was designed to resolve the puzzle that the Laplace distribution is not conjugated to the normal distribution. Last, the variational Bayesian was introduced to improve the efficiency of the network reconstruction task. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/th1760.html The high accuracy and robust properties of the proposed method were verified by conducting both general synthetic network and real network identification tasks based on the evolutionary game dynamic. Compared with other five classical algorithms, the numerical experiments indicate that the proposed model can outperform these methods in both accuracy and robustness.A state observer plays a vital role in the design of state feedback neuromodulation schemes used to prevent and treat neurological or psychiatric disorders. This paper aims to design a state observer to reconstruct all unmeasured states of the computational network model of neural populations that replicates patterns seen on the electroencephalogram by using the model inputs and outputs, as the theoretical basis for designing state feedback neuromodulation clinical schemes. The feasibility problem of linear matrix inequality conditions, which is the most important one for observer design of the computational network model of neural populations, is solved by using the input-output stability theory and the Lurie system theory. The observer matrices of the designed observer are formed by the optimal solution of the linear matrix inequality conditions. An illustrative example shows that the observer can simultaneously reproduce internal state variables of normal and lesion populations of the computational network model of neural populations under the background of focal origin brain dysfunction, and the designed observer has certain robustness toward input uncertainty and measurement noise.