In each particular domain, numerical experiments were performed focusing on both the forward and back diffusion through the sandy-clayey interfaces. The results illuminate the control of microscopic electrostatic mechanisms on macroscopic mass transfer. Coulombic interactions in the clay's diffuse layer can significantly accelerate or retard a particular species depending on its charge. Furthermore, the chemical heterogeneity plays a major role in mass storage and release during reactive transport. Neglecting such processes can lead to substantial over- or underestimation of the overall transport behavior, which underlines the need for integrated physical, chemical and electrostatic approaches to accurately describe mass transfer processes in systems including low-permeability inclusions.Dendritic cells (DCs) are key orchestrators of immunity and tolerance. It has become evident that DC function can be influenced by cellular metabolic programs. However, conclusions from early metabolic studies using in vitro GM-CSF DC cultures fail to correlate with bona fide DC populations. Here, we discuss the existing paradigms in the DC metabolism field, focusing on the limitations of the models utilized. Furthermore, we introduce alternative models to generate DCs in vitro that better emulate DCs found in vivo. Finally, we highlight new techniques to evaluate DC metabolism at the single-cell level. The combination of these two strategies could help advance the DC metabolism field towards a more physiological understanding, which is crucial for the development of effective DC-based therapies.RIT1 is a member of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases involved in regulation of cellular signaling. Mutations to RIT1 are involved in cancer and developmental disorders. Like many Ras subfamily members, RIT1 is localized to the plasma membrane. However, RIT1 lacks the C-terminal prenylation that helps many other subfamily members adhere to cellular membranes. We used molecular dynamics simulations to examine the mechanisms by which the C-terminal peptide (CTP) of RIT1 associates with lipid bilayers. We show that the CTP is unstructured and that its membrane interactions depend on lipid composition. While a 12-residue region of the CTP binds strongly to anionic bilayers containing phosphatidylserine lipids, the CTP termini fray from the membrane allowing for accommodation of the RIT1 globular domain at the membrane-water interface.We developed a simple and rapid method to enrich protein N-terminal peptides, in which the protease TrypN is first employed to generate protein N-terminal peptides without Lys or Arg and internal peptides with two positive charges at their N termini, and then, the N-terminal peptides with or without N-acetylation are separated from the internal peptides by strong cation exchange chromatography according to a retention model based on the charge/orientation of peptides. This approach was applied to 20 μg of human HEK293T cell lysate proteins to profile the N-terminal proteome. On average, 1550 acetylated and 200 unmodified protein N-terminal peptides were successfully identified in a single LC/MS/MS run with less than 3% contamination with internal peptides, even when we accepted only canonical protein N termini registered in the Swiss-Prot database. Because this method involves only two steps, protein digestion and chromatographic separation, without the need for tedious chemical reactions, it should be useful for comprehensive profiling of protein N termini, including proteoforms with neo-N termini.Malaria elimination is still pending on the development of novel tools that rely on a deep understanding of parasite biology. Proteins of all living cells undergo myriad posttranslational modifications (PTMs) that are critical to multifarious life processes. An extensive proteome-wide dissection revealed a fine PTM map of most proteins in both Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of severe malaria, and the infected red blood cells. More than two-thirds of proteins of the parasite and its host cell underwent extensive and dynamic modification throughout the erythrocytic developmental stage. PTMs critically modulate the virulence factors involved in the host-parasite interaction and pathogenesis. Furthermore, P. falciparum stabilized the supporting proteins of erythrocyte origin by selective demodification. Collectively, our multiple omic analyses, apart from having furthered a deep understanding of the systems biology of P. falciparum and malaria pathogenesis, provide a valuable resource for mining new antimalarial targets.The aim of this study was to compare the baseline characteristics (demographic, psychiatric-psychopathological and legal) among Greek forensic patients found not guilty by reason of insanity. The first step of this approach being differentiating patients who committed a criminal offense during their first psychotic episode from the ones who did so later in the course of their illness. All patients were hospitalized in the Department of Forensic Psychiatry (DFP) of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki (PHT) from January 2015 to January 2020 and were examined in order to be included in the study. The final research sample consisted of 78 patients (70 identifying themselves as males and 8 identifying themselves as females) aged 18 and older, 21 of whom committed a criminal offense during their first psychotic episode (FEP, N = 21) and 57 did so later on in the course of their illness (Course, N = 57). Data were collected from multiple sources and several psychometric tools were used (Mini International Neuro regarding their evaluation with the CAGE, ASI or GAF questionnaires. When comparing the patients' present scores in PANSS scale, the patients in FEP had lower total scores in the Positive and the General Psychopathology subscales. Both groups showed significant improvement during hospitalization in all scales (PANSS & GAF), except for the Negative Subscale of the PANSS scale. Through logistic regression analysis, we found that patients in FEP were younger, more likely to have recently experienced stressful life events and more likely to have assaulted a member of their family. Patients with higher scores in the "Hostility" subscale of the Aggression questionnaire were found to remain at risk for committing a crime during the course of their illness. These findings underline the need to design and develop specialized mental health services in order to identify and treat patients involved in violent crime in a timely and effective manner addressing their multiple needs.