This study provides a theoretical and experimental basis for further studying the molecular regulation mechanism of hair follicle development.The expression characteristics of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis-related candidate genes, DIO2, EYA3, KISS1 and GPR54, were analyzed in year-round estrous rams (small-tail Han sheep, STH) and seasonally estrous rams (Sunite sheep, SNT) using qPCR. The results were as follows DIO2 was mainly expressed in pituitary, and KISS1 was specifically expressed in hypothalamus in the two groups. However, EYA3 and GPR54 were widely expressed in the cerebrum, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary, testis, epididymis, vas deferens and adrenal gland tissues in both breeds, with significant differences in the cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary, testis and vas deferens tissues. We speculated that DIO2 and KISS1 may have positive roles in different regions in ram year-round estrus. Moreover, the expression patterns of EYA3 and GPR54 suggested that they may regulate the estrous mode of ram via testis and vas deferens. This is the first study to systematically analyze the expression patterns of HPG axis-related genes in rams.In any production model, the extent to which the animals cope with the environment is important in terms of animal welfare and sustainability of production. The aim of the study was to investigate certain haematological parameters and behaviours of goat kids from dairy type Saanen and Maltese breeds via comparison with indigenous Hair and Gokceada breeds during the 10-week intensive fattening period. Eleven male goat kids each of Saanen, Maltese, Hair and Gokceada breeds were weaned at 3-3.5 months of age and then placed into four fattening pens prepared for each breed, separately. Cortisol, glucose and total protein levels were higher in Gokceada kids in the last period of the fattening compared to the kids of other breeds ( P less then 0.05 ). In Gokceada kids, an evident decrease in the time spent hay feeding and on rumination and an increase in lying, standing and self-grooming behaviours were determined during the last 3 weeks of fattening. Moreover, there was a significant decrease regarding hay feeding in Hair goat kids in the last 2 weeks ( P less then 0.05 ). Hair goat kids also exhibited less rumination behaviour compared to Saanen kids during the last 4 weeks of fattening ( P less then 0.05 ). On the other hand, kids of dairy breeds did not express behavioural or biochemical stress responses during the fattening period. As a conclusion, when evaluated in terms of animal welfare, results of the current study may indicate that indigenous breeds, especially Gokceada kids, are not appropriate for intensive fattening in a pen.The rosemary distillation industry produces a considerable amount of rosemary distillation residues (RRs), which can be an alternative for feeding animals in harsh conditions and could enhance animal product quality. Given the meat quality is largely influenced by its fat content and fatty acid composition, the fatty acid (FA) profiles of longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL), semi-membranous (SM) muscles, and caudal (CFs) and omental fats (OFs) were determined using 21 Barbarine lambs fed with or without RRs. Diets contained 600 g of concentrate plus 600 g of forage. Forage represented oat hay, RR87 and RR60 pellets containing 87 % or 60 % of RR, respectively. At the end of the study, all lambs were slaughtered, and the fatty acid profile was studied. The inclusion of RR increased the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents and reduced saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and the thrombogenic and saturation indexes in all tissues. The SM muscle was the richest tissue in PUFAs, n -3 and n -6; however, both adipose tissues contained the highest proportions of SFAs. Especially the OF was the richest tissue in oleic acid and SFAs. Feeding RR to lambs enhanced meat quality.An experiment was conducted to determine the chosen bioactive components and physico-chemical characteristics of lamb meat of different animal genotypes and the muscle types. The 22 ram lambs of Polish Merino (PM) and 22 crossbreeds of Polish Merino  ×  Berrichone du Cher (PMB) were fattened to achieve their slaughter weight of 40 kg. After slaughter, the carcasses were kept at 4  ∘ C for 24 h. Then, the samples of longissimus lumborum (LL) and gluteus medius (GM) muscle were collected to analyse the physico-chemical traits; fatty acid profile; and concentrations of taurine, carnosine, L-carnitine. The GM muscle compared to LL had the higher value ( P   less then  0.05) of L * and a lower value ( P   less then  0.05) of b * and H * both in PM and PMB lambs. The value of expressed juice was lower ( P   less then  0.05) in both LL and GM muscles of PM lambs. A higher amount ( P   less then  0.05) of collagen was found in LL muscle compared to GM both in PM and PMB lambs. The GM muscle of PM lambs showed higher ( P   less then  0.05) conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content, as well as higher total polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs), PUFA n-6, and PUFA n-3 ( P   less then  0.05). The GM muscle was characterized by a higher ( P   less then  0.05) content of taurine, while in the LL muscle there was a higher amount ( P   less then  0.05) of carnosine. A larger amount ( P   less then  0.05) of L-carnitine was found in GM muscle but only within PMB lambs. The obtained results showed a greater impact of the lamb's genotype on the physical characteristics of meat than on its chemical composition and the content of bioactive components. The muscle type had an effect on meat colour; collagen content; fatty acid profile; and amount of taurine, carnosine, and L-carnitine present.Heat shock protein beta 1 (HSPB1), a member of the heat-shock family of protein, is a relatively small (27 kDa) molecular chaperone protein associated with cellular development. The relationship between HSPB1 expression and muscle growth in beef cattle has previously been reported, but there have been no reports of DNA markers related to meat quantity in Korean native steers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within HSPB1 in terms of the carcass traits related to muscle growth in Korean native steers. Through direct sequencing, we discovered three SNPs g.111 T > C SNP (rs208395876) and g.2548 C > G SNP (rs483014585) were respectively located in 5 '  UTR (untranslated region) and 3 '  UTR. Further, g.2352 T > C SNP (rs110832311) was located in the adjacent region of the RNA splicing site. The least square means of steers with a CC genotype of g.111 T > C SNP had a significantly higher meat ratio ( P   =  0.04), while the least square means of steers with a CC genotype of g.