Here a simple and reproducible method for obtaining terahertz metasurfaces formed from multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is presented. The metasurfaces were obtained from a vertically aligned array of MWCNTs using a laser engraving technique followed by polymer covering. The structures under study demonstrate frequency-selective reflection in terahertz range following the Huygens-Fresnel formalism. For a normal incidence of the electromagnetic wave, the model for numerical calculation of backscattering from the metasurfaces was proposed. Lightweight and compact MWCNT-based metasurfaces are capable to replace conventional pyramidal absorbers and proved to serve as a versatile platform for scalable cost-efficient production of ultra-light electromagnetic components for THz applications. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.We provide a classification of symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases of many-body localized (MBL) spin and fermionic systems in one dimension. For spin systems, using tensor networks we show that all eigenstates of these phases have the same topological index as defined for SPT ground states. For unitary on-site symmetries, the MBL phases are thus labeled by the elements of the second cohomology group of the symmetry group. A similar classification is obtained for anti-unitary on-site symmetries, time-reversal symmetry being a special case with a Z2classification (cf. [Phys. Rev. B 98, 054204 (2018)]). For the classification of fermionic MBL phases, we propose a fermionic tensor network diagrammatic formulation. We find that fermionic MBL systems with an (anti-)unitary symmetry are classified by the elements of the (generalized) second cohomology group if parity is included into the symmetry group. However, our approach misses a Z2topological index expected from the classification of fermionic SPT ground states. Finally, we show that all found phases are stable to arbitrary symmetry-preserving local perturbations. Conversely, different topological phases must be separated by a transition marked by delocalized eigenstates. Finally, we demonstrate that the classification of spin systems is complete in the sense that there cannot be any additional topological indices pertaining to the properties of individualeigenstates, but there can be additional topological indices that further classify Hamiltonians. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.In order to quantify spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) many groups use the sequence method (SME). In this paper we test the hypothesis that SME is quantifying causal interactions of spontaneous BRS at rest rather than, alternatively, being solely dominated by heart rate variability (HRV) and/or systolic blood pressure variability (BPV). Therefore, we retrospectively analyzed 1828 beat-to-beat time series and their corresponding systolic blood pressure during resting conditions. We found a high correlation between short-term HRV and the SME of baroreflex sensitivity of r=0.85 (p less then 0.001). The correlation is even higher between SME and the root mean square ratio of HRV and BPV (r=0.93, p less then 0.001). Surrogate analyses revealed that SME is not able to quantify causal relationships between both signals, it cannot differentiate between random and baroreflex driven sequences, and rather determines the HRV-BPV variability ratio. We conclude that SME has a potentially large methodological bias in the characterization of the capacity of the arterial baroreflex during resting conditions. Creative Commons Attribution license.Here, we study the electrical transport and specific heat in 4$d$ based ferromagnetic material SrRuO$_3$ and its Ti substituted SrRu$_1-x$Ti$_x$O$_3$ series ($x$ $\le$ 0.7). The SrRuO$_3$ is a metal and shows itinerant ferromagnetism with transition temperature $T_c$ $\sim$ 160 K. The nonmagnetic Ti$^4+$ (3$d^0$) substitution would not only weaken the active Ru-O-Ru channel but is also expected to tune the electronic density and electron correlation effect. A metal to insulator transition has been observed around $x$ $\sim$ 0.4. The nature of charge transport in paramagnetic-metallic state ($x$ $\leq$ 0.4) and in insulating state ($x$ $>$ 0.4) follows modified Mott's variable range hopping model. In ferromagnetic-metallic state, resistivity shows a $T^2$ dependence below $T_c$ which though modifies to $T^3/2$ dependence at low temperature. In Ti substituted samples, temperature range for $T^3/2$ dependence extends to higher temperature. Interestingly, this $T^3/2$ dependence dominates in whole ferromagnetic regime in presence of magnetic field. This evolution of electronic transport behavior can be explained within the framework of Fermi liquid theory and electron-magnon scattering mechanism. The negative magnetoresistance exhibits a hysteresis and a crossover between negative and positive value with magnetic field which is connected with magnetic behavior in series. The decreasing electronic coefficient of specific heat with $x$ supports the increasing insulating behavior in present series. We calculate a high Kadowaki-Woods ratio ($x$ $\leq$ 0.3) for SrRuO$_3$ which increases with substitution concentration. This signifies an increasing electronic correlation effect with substitution concentration. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Hydrogels formed via free radical-mediated thiol-ene step-growth photopolymerization have been developed for a broad range of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. While the crosslinking mechanism of thiol-ene hydrogels has been well-described, limited work has explored physical differences among gels arising from variations in crosslinker properties. Here, we show that the character of linear polyethylene glycol (PEG) dithiols used to crosslink multi-arm polyethylene glycol norbornene (PEGNB) can be used as a facile strategy to tune hydrogel formation kinetics, and therefore equilibrium hydrogel network architecture. Specifically, we report the dramatic effect of crosslinker length on PEGNB hydrogel formation kinetics, and formed hydrogel properties. It is shown that hydrogel formation kinetics and formed hydrogel properties can be tuned by solely varying crosslinker length. It was hypothesized that under identical reaction conditions, a more accessible 3.5k PEG dithiol crosslinker would improve network ideality relative to a shorter 1.