Udder health management inefficiency was affected by summer temperature and nonfarm income. By ranking farms in this study in terms of technical and udder health management inefficiency, we allowed inefficient farms to compare their performance with that of their efficient peers, and thus identify targets for production and udder health management improvement efforts. Finally, although our study focused on farmers' performances with respect to udder health management, the proposed modeling framework can be applied to the management of other animal diseases and welfare conditions.Parturition is a natural process that gradually progresses from one stage to the next. However, around 5% of dairy cows will experience dystocia, which is considered to be a painful and stressful event. Studies have reported positive effects on cow performance and welfare after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during the first postpartum days. The objectives were to assess the effects of acetylsalicylic acid administration after calving on (1) milk yield and components, (2) daily activity patterns, (3) reproductive performance, and (4) health in lactating dairy cows under certified organic management. Cows from 3 organic herds were enrolled. Within 12 h after parturition, cows were blocked by parity and calving ease and randomly assigned to 2 treatments (1) aspirin (ASP; n = 278), in which cows received 4 consecutive treatments every 12 h with acetylsalicylic acid (100 mg/kg; 2 boluses) or (2) placebo (PLC, n = 285), in which cows received 4 treatments every 12 h with gelatin capsules (2 catween the ASP and PLC groups. However, cows in the ASP group had 587,64 steps/d more compared with PLC cows. In addition, ASP cows tended to require fewer days (ASP = 113.76 ± 4.99 d; PLC = 125.36 ± 4.74 d) and needed fewer services (ASP = 1.86 ± 0.21 services; PLC = 2.19 ± 0.24 services) to become pregnant compared with PLC cows. There were no differences in clinical disease events between treatments. Results from this study suggest that treating cows with ASP after calving may help improve milk yields and udder health, increase activity, and enhance fertility in dairy cattle under certified organic management.Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT) and abdominal adipose tissue (AAT) depots are mobilized during the fresh cow period (FCP) and early lactation period (ELP) to counteract the negative energy balance (NEB). Earlier studies suggested that fat depots contribute differently to lipomobilization and may vary in functionality. Differences between the adipose depots might influence the development of metabolic disorders. Thus, the gain and loss of subcutaneous and abdominal adipose depot masses in Holstein cows with lower and higher body condition (mean body condition scores 3.48 and 3.87, respectively) were compared in the period from d -42 to d 70 relative to parturition in this study. Animals of the 2 experimental groups represented adequately conditioned and overconditioned cows. Estimated depot mass (eDM) of SCAT, AAT, retroperitoneal, omental, and mesenteric adipose depots of 31 pluriparous German Holstein cows were determined via ultrasonography at d -42, 7, 28, and 70 relative to parturition. The cows were g adipose mass during DP, the higher the loss in FCP, but this was not the case for SCAT. During FCP, a greater NEB resulted in greater loss of mass from SCAT (R2 = 0.18). In turn, greater mobilization of SCAT mass led to a higher calculated feed efficiency (R2 = 0.18). However, AAT showed no such correlations. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ipi-549.html On the other hand, during ELP, loss of both SCAT and AAT mass correlated positively with feed efficiency (R2 = 0.35 and 0.33, respectively). The results indicate that feed efficiency may not be an adequate criterion for performance evaluation in cows during NEB. Greater knowledge of functional disparities between AAT and SCAT depots may improve our understanding of excessive lipomobilization and its consequences for metabolic health and performance of dairy cows during the transition period.Net energy and protein systems (hereafter called feed evaluation systems) offer the possibility to formulate rations by matching feed values (e.g., net energy and metabolizable protein) with animal requirements. The accuracy and precision of this approach relies heavily on the quantification of various animal digestive and metabolic responses to dietary changes. Therefore, the aims of the current study were, first, to evaluate the predicted responses to dietary changes of total-tract digestibility (including organic matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber) and nitrogen (N) flows at the duodenum (including microbial N and undigested feed N together with endogenous N) against measurements from published studies by 2 different feed evaluation systems. These feed evaluation systems were the recently updated Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA, 2018) and the older, yet widely used, National Research Council (NRC, 2001) system. The second objective was to estimate the accuracy and precisiesponse equations are calibrated with NEL and MP values either from the INRA model or from the NRC model, the accuracy and precision (slope, root mean square prediction error, and CCC) of the predicted milk component yields responses is similar between the models. The lowest accuracy and precision were observed for milk fat yield response, with CCC values in the range of 0.37 to 0.40, compared with milk lactose and protein yields responses for which CCC values were in the range of 0.75 to 0.81.Successful health behavior change relies on the autonomy of the individual who is driven toward personally meaningful, positive goals. The medical practitioner and health care team can use several techniques to facilitate such change effectively, including motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral restructuring, appreciative inquiry, and positive psychology techniques. Older adults can be supported to make change, and may have greater capacity to maintain those changes due to increased levels of conscientiousness. Positive psychology approaches may be effective in older adults, due to evidence that, as individuals age, they tend to prioritize activities that bring them satisfaction and emotional well-being.