During pandemics, the whole population is simultaneously confronted with the same health threat, resulting in enormous public interest. The current COVID-19 pandemic has left the world in a unique state of crisis. The aim of this analysis was to explore whether Google searches can be used to retrospectively retrace the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany and to detect local outbreaks by reflecting public interest in the virus. Google Trends was used to explore the relative search volume (RSV) related to "coronavirus" from January 2020 to July 2020 in Germany. The RSV ranging between 0-100 was compared to new SARS-CoV-2 infections per day on a national level and to the cumulative infection numbers on a state level, as well as to important infectiological and political events. The most striking search peaks occurred after the first reported SARS-CoV-2 infection in Germany (January 27), during a major local outbreak in Heinsberg (February 25), after school closings (March 13) and the largest peak after nationwide/100 000 Einwohner). Das niedrigste RSV (n=83) und die niedrigste Anzahl an Infektionen (50 Infektionen/100 000 Einwohner) wurde in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beobachtet. Seit Ende Mai ist das RSV bezüglich SARS-CoV-2 konstant gering, obwohl die Zahl an Neuinfektionen zwischenzeitlich aufgrund lokaler Ausbrüche gestiegen war wie z. B. der lokale Ausbruch in Gütersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen. SCHLUßFOLGERUNG Das RSV zum Thema "Coronavirus" bildeten das öffentliche Interesse während der ersten Monate der COVID-19 Pandemie präzise ab. Da das öffentliche Interesse jedoch stark nachgelassen hat, könnte es eine zentrale Herausforderung im weiteren Verlauf der Pandemie darstellen, die Bevölkerung weiterhin über neueste Entwicklungen und Maßnahmen informiert zu halten.Aetiologically, prilocaine-induced methaemoglobinaemia is a rare form of acquired methaemoglobinaemia, which occurs rarely in the first place. The following report highlights a potentially dangerous complication arising after application of prilocaine during liposuction.A young female visited the Accident and Emergency Department following a pre-syncopal fall. As a consequence of her fall, she experienced debilitating wrist pain and exhibited a laceration on her chin. She had undergone liposuction of the lower extremity as an outpatient approximately 12 hours earlier and received regional anaesthesia in the process. A large volume of an anaesthetic solution containing prilocaine had been injected into the tissue.The patient was normotensive and slightly tachycardic and had oxygen saturations of 90 % on room air. She was cyanotic and her lips were pale. Initial arterial blood gas analysis showed a methaemoglobin fraction, which was increased significantly to 10.9 %. Conventional radiography confirmed the presence of a minimally dislocated distal radius fracture. Following subsequent oxygen therapy over a four-hour period, the patient's methaemoglobin level dropped to 6 %, her lip cyanosis abated and her vital parameters stabilised. The laceration of her chin was sutured and her wrist immobilised in a split plaster brace. After a 12-hour hospital stay, the patient was discharged. At her six-week follow-up appointment, the fracture had healed and both the functional and cosmetic aspects of her chin wound were adequate. We hope that this report draws the attention of emergency care personnel to the possible diagnosis of prilocaine-induced methaemoglobinaemia after liposuction and encourages more general discussions around the use of prilocaine.The Ginkgo extract EGb 761® manufactured with leaves of Ginkgo biloba has been continuously produced over decades at a large scale and is used as a clinically proven remedy for, among other things, the improvement of age-associated cognitive impairment and quality of life in patients with mild dementia. It belongs to the class of extracts addressed as quantified extracts according to the European Pharmacopeia. Accordingly, several compounds (e.g., flavone glycosides and terpene trilactones) are acknowledged to contribute to its clinical efficacy. Covering only about 30% of the mass balance, these characterized compounds are accompanied by a larger fraction of additional compounds, which might also contribute to the clinical efficacy and safety of the extract. As part of our systematic research to fully characterize the constituents of Ginkgo extract EGb 761, we focus on the structural class of proanthocyanidins in the present study. Structural insights into the proanthocyanidins present in EGb 761 and a quantitative method for their determination using HPLC are shown. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sitravatinib-mgcd516.html The proanthocyanidins were found to be of oligomeric to polymeric structure, which yield delphinidin and cyanidin as main building blocks after acidic hydrolysis. A validated HPLC method for quantification of the anthocyanidins was developed in which delphinidin and cyanidin were detected after hydrolysis of the proanthocyanidins. The content of proanthocyanidins in Ginkgo extract EGb 761 was found to be approximately 7%.Punicalagin, the principal ellagitannin of Lafoensia pacari leaves, has proven antioxidant activity, and standardized extracts of L. pacari can be topically used for skin aging management. We hypothesized that Pluronic nanomicelles or vesicles could solubilize sufficiently large amounts of the standardized extracts of L. pacari and provide chemical stability to punicalagin. The standardized extracts of L. pacari were obtained with an optimized extraction procedure, and the antioxidant activity was characterized. Formulations containing Pluronic at 25% and 35% were obtained with or without Span 80. They were characterized by average diameter, polydispersity index, punicalagin content, physicochemical stability, and rheology. A release and skin permeation study was carried out in vertical diffusion cells. The extraction procedure allowed quantifying high punicalagin content (i.e., 141.61 ± 3.87 mg/g). The standardized extracts of L. pacari showed antioxidant activity for all evaluated methods. Pluronic at 25 and Pluronic at 35 with standardized extracts of L. pacari showed an average diameter of about 25 nm. The addition of Span 80 significantly increased the mean diameter by 15-fold (p  less then  0.05), indicating the spontaneous formation of vesicles. Pluronic formulations significantly protected punicalagin from chemical degradation (p  less then  0.05). Pluronic at 25 formulations presented as free-flowing liquid-like systems, while Pluronic at 35 resulted in an increase of about 44-fold in |ƞ*|. The addition of Span 80 significantly reduced the Pluronic sol-gel transition temperature (p  less then  0.05), indicating the formation of vesicles. Formulations with Span 80 significantly enhanced punicalagin skin permeation compared to formulations without Span 80 (p  less then  0.05). Formulations with Span 80 were demonstrated to be the most promising formulations, as they allowed significant permeation of punicalagin (about 80 to 315 µg/cm2), which has been shown to have antioxidant activity.