3%, with significant regional and social differences. Inequalities in access to neonatal care for preterm infants persist in the "Rede Cegonha" despite advances.This paper aims to compare best practices for healthy newborns in public and mixed hospitals affiliated with SUS, according to type of birth, between "Nascer no Brasil/2011" (NB - Birth in Brazil) and in the last assessment cycle of Rede Cegonha, here called "Avaliação da Rede Cegonha/2017" (ARC - Stork Network Assessment). NB included a sample with national representativeness of 266 hospitals, and ARC was conducted in 606 maternity hospitals included in the Rede Cegonha strategy, totaling 15,994 and 8,047 pairs of healthy mothers and newborns, respectively.Between the two studies, NB-2011 and ARC-2017, although the proportion of cesarean sections remained around 44%, the prevalence of skin-to-skin contact with newborns, breastfeeding in the delivery room and breastfeeding in the first 24h of life increased by 140%, 82% and 6%, respectively. The proportion of upper airway aspiration of newborns dropped 65%. The results indicate that the use of evidence-based guidelines for the care of healthy newborns has increased in clinical practice, considering the six-year period between the compared studies. Despite the progress, important challenges remain to ensure best practices for all women and newborns, especially in relation to cesarean births.Based on the Rede Cegonha guidelines that propose the strengthening of women's sexual and reproductive rights, we sought to present a brief overview of issues related to reproductive planning and to analyze obstetric practices in childbirth care for adolescents and women of advanced age in maternity hospitals linked to Rede Cegonha. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gsk484-hcl.html Data were extracted from an assessment conducted in 2017, based on information from the interview with puerperal women and from the hospital record. For age extremes, the high proportion of unplanned pregnancies and low use of contraception means problems in accessing family planning programs. Adolescents are more exposed to the presence of a companion and less to the use of analgesia in labor. Advanced maternal age were more likely to use analgesia in labor and to give birth in the lithotomy position, being less exposed to amniotomy. Although Rede Cegonha is an excellent strategy for improving assistance to childbirth, attention is still needed to the use of potentially unnecessary or not recommended interventions, with greater incentive to good obstetric practices.This study aimed to evaluate the racial inequality on childbirth care at the Rede Cegonha (Stork Network) using obstetric good practice and interventions indicators. Racial inequality, measured by the total effect of ethnicity/skin color in the crude model, was seen in many indicators. After adjusting for mediators, such as age, schooling, parity, high-risk hospital, and geographic macro-regions, the persistent direct effect suggests racial discrimination against black women with lower partograph completion (PR 0.88; 95% CI 0.80-0.95). Black women stayed less in lithotomy (PR 0.93; 95% CI 0.89-0.98), performed less episiotomy (PR 0.81; 95% CI 0.68 - 0.96), and had less episiotomy suturing pain (PR 0.66; 95% CI 0.51 - 0.87) when compared to white women, suggesting more good practice applied to black women. However, according to the interventionist care model still adopted by many professionals, these practices are routine, and lower achievement in black women would be better interpreted as evidence of racial discrimination against these women. For other outcomes, the ethnicity/skin color effect disappeared after adjusting for mediators, suggesting mitigation or disappearance of the skin color effect in some practices/interventions in childbirth.This article compares the findings of "Avaliação da Rede Cegonha" (ARC - Stork Network Assessment), an evaluative study on the Rede Cegonha (RC - Stork Network) program, with Nascer no Brasil (NB - Born in Brazil), a national survey on labor and birth, conducted in 2011-12, before the start implementation of RC. ARC was conducted in 2017, in 606 maternity hospitals involved in RC and NB included a sample with national representation of 266 hospitals. In the current analysis, we included the 136 SUS hospitals that participated in both studies, totaling 3,790 and 12,227 puerperal women. We perform comparisons of best practices and interventions in the management of labor and delivery using Pearson's chi-square test for independent samples. The prevalence of best practices was, on average, 150% higher in ARC than in NB, with a greater relative increase in less developed regions, for older, brown and black women and less educated. Regarding interventions, there was an average reduction of 30% between NB and ARC, with a greater relative reduction in less developed regions and less educated women. There was a significant improvement in the scenario of care for labor and childbirth, with a reduction in regional, educational and racial inequalities in access to appropriate technologies, suggesting that the RC intervention was effective.Using a judgment framework, this article analyzes the degree of implementation of the best practices in labor and childbirth care contained in the guidelines of the Rede Cegonha (RC) across Brazil. The study eligibility criteria were public and mixed hospitals located in a health region with a RC action plan in place in 2015, resulting in a total of 606 facilities distributed across the country. Three different data collection methods were used face-to-face interviews with managers, health professionals and puerperal women; document analysis; and on-site observation. The framework was built around the five guidelines of the Labor and Childbirth component of the RC. Degree of implantation was rated as follows adequate; partially adequate and inadequate. The performance of maternity facilities was rated as partially adequate for all guidelines except for hospital environment, which was rated as inadequate. A huge variation in degree of implementation was observed across regions, with the South and Southeast being the best-performing regions in most items.