The COVID-19 pandemic has generated an unprecedented response within the scientific community. Extraordinary efforts have been undertaken to identify potential new therapeutics to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection spanning traditional medicinal chemistry, repurposing, and computational approaches. The breadth of the effort and rapid progression of many small molecules to clinical testing provide an opportunity to determine what chemical and testing approaches have been the most efficient in identifying potential treatments and how this may inform preparation for future pandemics.A moiré superlattice formed by stacking two lattice mismatched transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers, functions as a diffusion barrier that affects the energy transport and dynamics of interlayer excitons (electron and hole spatially concentrated in different monolayers). In this work, we experimentally quantify the diffusion barrier experienced by interlayer excitons in hexagonal boron nitride-encapsulated molybdenum diselenide/tungsten diselenide (MoSe2/WSe2) heterostructures with different twist angles. We observe the localization of interlayer excitons at low temperature and the temperature-activated diffusivity as a function of twist angle and hence attribute it to the deep periodic potentials arising from the moiré superlattice. We further support the observations with theoretical calculations, Monte Carlo simulations, and a three-level model that represents the exciton dynamics at various temperatures. Cam morphologies seem to develop with an increased prevalence in adolescent boys performing high-impact sports. The crucial question is at what age the cam morphology actually develops and whether there is an association with an aberration of the shape of the growth plate at the cam morphology site. (1) What is the frequency of cam morphologies in adolescent ice hockey players, and when do they appear? (2) Is there an association between an extension of the physeal growth plate and the development of a cam morphology? (3) How often do these players demonstrate clinical findings like pain and lack of internal rotation? A prospective, longitudinal MRI study was done to monitor the proximal femoral development and to define the appearance of cam morphologies in adolescent ice hockey players during the final growth spurt. Young ice hockey players from the local boys' league up to the age of 13 years (mean age 12 ± 0.5 years) were invited to participate. From 35 players performing on the highest national levlated with abnormal clinical findings, we propose that adolescents performing high-impact sports should be screened for signs of cam impingement, such as by asking about hip pain and/or examining the patient for limited internal hip rotation. Level I, prognostic study. Level I, prognostic study. Conference abstracts serve an important role in the timely dissemination of scientific and clinical advancements, but most fail to be published. The goal of this study was to investigate the publication rate and factors associated with publication of abstracts presented at the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) Annual Meeting over a 10-year period. NANOS Annual Meeting abstracts from 2008 to 2017 were extracted and categorized into Walsh presentations, scientific platforms, or poster presentations. An original automated web scraping program was validated to search PubMed, Embase, Medline, and Google Scholar for publications. Publication date, journal, authors, study type, multicenter involvement, and financial disclosures were retrieved. A total of 195 Walsh presentations, 231 scientific platform presentations, and 1735 scientific posters were included in the study with an overall publication rate of 31.5% (681/2,161). This was stable over the study period. Publication was the highest for scientific platforms (67.1%), followed by Walsh abstracts (36.4%) and poster presentations (27.2%). Multivariable analysis identified 3-4 authors, 5 or more authors, basic science, and sample size of 100 or more significantly correlated with subsequent publication. The top 3 countries for NANOS submissions were the United States, Canada, and South Korea, and the most frequent journal of publication was the Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology. Publication rate of NANOS abstracts is comparable to other conferences in ophthalmology and the neurological sciences. Conference attendees should be aware that more than two-thirds of abstracts fail to be published and publication rates vary widely by type of submission. Publication rate of NANOS abstracts is comparable to other conferences in ophthalmology and the neurological sciences. Conference attendees should be aware that more than two-thirds of abstracts fail to be published and publication rates vary widely by type of submission. A 77-year-old man with multiple cerebrovascular risk factors presented with a history of transient monocular vision loss and residual paracentral visual disturbance in the right eye. Carotid ultrasounds, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein were all within normal limits. He was found to have retinal whitening within the macula in the right eye, corresponding to an area of decreased retinal perfusion on optical coherence topography (OCT)-angiography and a hyperreflective middle retina band on spectral domain-OCT. This was consistent with a diagnosis of paracentral acute middle maculopathy (PAMM). PAMM should be considered a part of the differential diagnosis in patients with focal visual disturbances, and OCT studies are recommended as part of the work up as subtle fundus findings may be missed. A 77-year-old man with multiple cerebrovascular risk factors presented with a history of transient monocular vision loss and residual paracentral visual disturbance in the right eye. Carotid ultrasounds, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein were all within normal limits. He was found to have retinal whitening within the macula in the right eye, corresponding to an area of decreased retinal perfusion on optical coherence topography (OCT)-angiography and a hyperreflective middle retina band on spectral domain-OCT. This was consistent with a diagnosis of paracentral acute middle maculopathy (PAMM). PAMM should be considered a part of the differential diagnosis in patients with focal visual disturbances, and OCT studies are recommended as part of the work up as subtle fundus findings may be missed.