Defects in the maintenance of intercellular junctions are associated with loss of epithelial barrier function and consequent pathological conditions, including invasive cancers. Epithelial integrity is dependent on actomyosin bundles at adherens junctions, but the origin of these junctional bundles is incompletely understood. Here we show that peripheral actomyosin bundles can be generated from a specific actin stress fiber subtype, transverse arcs, through their lateral fusion at cell-cell contacts. Importantly, we find that assembly and maintenance of peripheral actomyosin bundles are dependent on the mechanosensitive CaMKK2/AMPK signaling pathway and that inhibition of this route leads to disruption of tension-maintaining actomyosin bundles and re-growth of stress fiber precursors. This results in redistribution of cellular forces, defects in monolayer integrity, and loss of epithelial identity. These data provide evidence that the mechanosensitive CaMKK2/AMPK pathway is critical for the maintenance of peripheral actomyosin bundles and thus dictates cell-cell junctions through cellular force distribution. Cell-based therapies have shown promise for treating myriad chronic pulmonary diseases through direct application of epithelial progenitors or by way of engineered tissue grafts or whole organs. To elucidate environmental effects on epithelial regenerative outcomes in vitro, here, we isolate and culture a population of pharmacologically expanded basal cells (peBCs) from rat tracheas. At peak basal marker expression, we simultaneously split peBCs into four in vitro platforms organoid, air-liquid interface (ALI), engineered trachea, and engineered lung. Following differentiation, these samples are evaluated using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and computational pipelines are developed to compare samples both globally and at the population level. A sample of native rat tracheal epithelium is also evaluated by scRNA-seq as a control for engineered epithelium. Overall, this work identifies platform-specific effects that support the use of engineered models to achieve the most physiologic differential outcomes in pulmonary epithelial regenerative applications. Reprogramming of glucose metabolism is a key event in tumorigenesis and progression. Here, we show that active c-Src stimulates glycolysis by phosphorylating (Tyr194) and activating PFKFB3, a key enzyme that boosts glycolysis by producing fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and activating PFK1. Increased glycolysis intermediates replenish non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and serine pathway for biosynthesis of cancer cells. PFKFB3 knockout (KO) cells and their counterpart reconstituted with PFKFB3-Y194F show comparably impaired abilities for proliferation, migration, and xenograft formation. Furthermore, PFKFB3-Y194F knockin mice show impaired glycolysis and, mating of these mice with APCmin/+ mice attenuates spontaneous colon cancer formation in APCmin/+ mice. In summary, we identify a specific mechanism by which c-Src mediates glucose metabolism to meet cancer cells' requirements for maximal biosynthesis and proliferation. The PFKFB3-Tyr194 phosphorylation level highly correlates with c-Src activity in clinical tumor samples, indicating its potential as an evaluation for tumor prognosis. A mature olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) of the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) typically expresses one allele of one odorant receptor (OR) gene. It is widely thought that the great majority of the 1,141 intact mouse OR genes are expressed in one of four MOE zones (or bands or stripes), which are largely non-overlapping. Here, we develop a multiplex method to map, in 3D and MOE-wide, the expression areas of multiple OR genes in individual, non-genetically modified mice by three-color fluorescence in situ hybridization, semi-automated image segmentation, and 3D reconstruction. We classify the expression areas of 68 OR genes into 9 zones. These zones are highly overlapping and strikingly complex when viewed in 3D reconstructions. There could well be more zones. We propose that zones reflect distinct OSN types that are each restricted in their choice to a subset of the OR gene repertoire. Cannabinoids are reported to rescue cocaine-induced seizures (CISs), a severe complication in cocaine users. However, the molecular targets for cannabinoid therapy of CISs remain unclear. Here, we report that the systemic administration of cannabinoids alleviates CISs in a CB1/CB2-receptor-independent manner. In HEK293 cells and cortical neurons, cocaine-induced dysfunction of the glycine receptor (GlyR) is restored by cannabinoids. Such restoration is blocked by GlyRα1S296A mutation. Consistently, the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids on CISs are also eliminated in GlyRα1S296A mutant mice. Based on molecular dynamic simulation, the hydrogen-bonding interaction between cocaine and the GlyR is weakened by cannabinoid docking. Without altering cocaine distribution across the brain, cannabinoids significantly suppress cocaine-exaggerated neuronal excitability in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus by rehabilitating extra-synaptic GlyR function. Microinjection of cannabinoids into the PFC and hippocampus restores cocaine-puzzled neural activity and alleviates CISs. These findings suggest that using GlyR-hypersensitive cannabinoids may represent a potential therapeutic strategy for treating CISs. Phosphatidic acid (PA) is a signaling lipid involved in the modulation of synaptic structure and functioning. Based on previous work showing a decreasing PA gradient along the longitudinal axis of the rodent hippocampus, we asked whether the dorsal hippocampus (DH) and the ventral hippocampus (VH) are differentially affected by PA modulation. Here, we show that phospholipase D1 (PLD1) is a major hippocampal PA source, compared to PLD2, and that PLD1 ablation affects predominantly the lipidome of the DH. Moreover, Pld1 knockout (KO) mice show specific deficits in novel object recognition and social interaction and disruption in the DH-VH dendritic arborization differentiation in CA1/CA3 pyramidal neurons. Also, Pld1 KO animals present reduced long-term depression (LTD) induction and reduced GluN2A and SNAP-25 protein levels in the DH. Overall, we observe that PLD1-derived PA reduction leads to differential lipid signatures along the longitudinal hippocampal axis, predominantly affecting DH organization and functioning.