Several antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) such as lamotrigine, topiramate, felbamate, rufinamide, clobazam, and Epidiolex (pure pharmaceutical grade cannabidiol (CBD) oil) have been noted to be effective in well-designed, randomized controlled trials. Other non-pharmacological therapies, such as vagus nerve stimulation, ketogenic diet, and epilepsy surgery, have been frequently utilized in the management of intractable seizures associated with LGS. However, effective management of LGS requires a broader perspective to not only control seizures but improve the quality of life by addressing cognitive and behavioral problems, sleep disturbances, physical disability, social disability, and educational and employment challenges. Olfactory hallucinations can be part of epileptic seizures of orbitofrontal origin. Olfactory hallucinations, however, are rare and therefore the semiology, localization and lateralization characteristics are underdetermined. In addition, many discrepancies are found in the literature regarding olfactory processing and orbitofrontal (OF) functions and olfactory function. Particularly, the questions of laterality and affective component in coding of odors in the OF cortex remain controversial. This study explored whether cortical electrical stimulation of the OF and mesiotemporal brain can trigger olfactory hallucinations with special focus on olfactory percepts in terms of laterality and hedonics. Eight patients with temporal lobe epilepsy participated in the study, at the time of invasive exploration of their epilepsy. The most distal contact of the OF and anterior hippocampus depth electrodes were stimulated (50 Hz, 0.2 ms biphasic pulse; maximal stimulation 4 mA). Patients were instructed to report apatients, electrodes were localized in the cortex of the olfactory sulcus, medial orbital sulcus or medial OF gyrus. Increasing stimulation amplitude changed the olfactory percept identification in 3 out of those 5 patients. No affective judgement or change in perceived odor intensity was reported by the patients. No hallucination was evoked by the stimulation of the white matter of the medial OF brain in 3/8 patients independently of the hemisphere stimulated. This study demonstrated that stimulation of the cortex of the medial OF brain and not of its white matter elicits specific pleasant olfactory hallucinations independently of the hemisphere stimulated, supporting one symmetrical olfactory processing in human. This study demonstrated that stimulation of the cortex of the medial OF brain and not of its white matter elicits specific pleasant olfactory hallucinations independently of the hemisphere stimulated, supporting one symmetrical olfactory processing in human. The aim of our study was to analyze electrophysiological findings in patient with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by electroencephalography (EEG) recording, estimate the prevalence of epilepsy in ADHD population and assess its clinical characteristics. We conducted a retrospective and analytic study that concerned children with ADHD, followed for at least two-years in the Tunisian National Center for School and University Medicine (NCSUM). All patients recruited underwent at the diagnosis of ADHD, neurological examination and EEG recording in the department of Neurology of Charles Nicolle Hospital. Medical data including family history, ictal semiology and ADHD features were assessed. Thirty patients were enrolled in our study. Mean age was 12.27 years with a sex ratio of 3.28. Mean age at diagnosis of ADHD was 6.6 years. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordercombined subtype was seen in 18/30 patients, Hyperactive/ Impulsive subtype in 7/30 patients and Inattentive subtype in 5/30 patients. Epilepsy-disease was reported in 20% (Seizures preceded the diagnosis of ADHD in 3/6 cases and appeared after an average of 3.67 years in 3/6 cases). Mean age of seizure onset was 7 years. Seizure-types were generalized (motor 4/6 cases, absence-type (1/6 case)) and focal (1/6 case). Electroencephalography revealed Epileptiform discharges in 30% with frontal and left dominance. Interictal discharges were significantly associated with younger age of onset (p 0.02), inattentive subtype (p 0.04) and intellectual disability (p 0.04). These discharges was not associated with epilepsy. Our results have shown that epileptiform discharges could be used as risk factor for seizures and cognitive impairment which may influence outcome in ADHD population. Our results have shown that epileptiform discharges could be used as risk factor for seizures and cognitive impairment which may influence outcome in ADHD population. The association between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and epilepsy is well-known. Abnormalities on electroencephalography (EEG) studies have been reported in patients with ASD without a history of seizures, and these patients have lower functional scores on adaptive measures than patients with ASD with normal EEG studies. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the genetic test approach in children with ASD and abnormal EEGs. Data were collected from medical records at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) of a previously published cohort of patients with well-characterized ASD based on evaluation by Developmental Pediatrics. Patients were subdivided into two groups ASD without epilepsy, but with abnormal EEG results, and ASD with epilepsy. EEG data were abstracted from reports. In this follow-up study, we analyzed genetic testing data, namely the proportion of this cohort that received genetic testing, and the specific type of genetic testing that was ordered to analyze if there were anan patients with ASD with abnormal EEGs but without a formal epilepsy diagnosis. Patients in this cohort without a diagnosis of epilepsy were more likely to get broad trio-based exome testing instead of targeted epilepsy gene panel testing. A higher diagnostic rate was found in patients when a broad genetic test strategy was implemented. Patients with ASD along with a formal epilepsy diagnosis received more genetic testing; but had an overall lower diagnostic rate than patients with ASD with abnormal EEGs but without a formal epilepsy diagnosis. Patients in this cohort without a diagnosis of epilepsy were more likely to get broad trio-based exome testing instead of targeted epilepsy gene panel testing. A higher diagnostic rate was found in patients when a broad genetic test strategy was implemented.