Near visual acuity was suboptimal; UNVA and DCNVA were at approximately 20/60. The defocus curve analysis showed that 20/25 and 20/40 uncorrected visual acuity was attained at as close as 60 and 40 cm, respectively. Contrast sensitivity was within a normal range, and subjective photic phenomena were minimum. The refractive segmented, rotationally asymmetric multifocal toric IOLs with + 1.5 D near addition showed superb rotational stability and highly satisfactory distance and intermediate vision. Contrast sensitivity was high and incidence of photic symptoms was very low. This study was registered at JAPIC Clinical Trials Information, ID JapicCTI-183,877, https// (February 5, 2018). This study was registered at JAPIC Clinical Trials Information, ID JapicCTI-183,877, https// (February 5, 2018). Peroneal tendon injuries are one of the differential diagnoses in lateral ankle and rearfoot pain. While partial tears are not uncommon, peroneal tendon dislocation at the peroneal tubercle is very rare. Until now, only three papers have been published, presenting five cases of peroneus longus tendon dislocation over the peroneal tubercle. This report adds a previously undescribed case of a peroneus longus tendon split tear that was partially dislocated and entrapped over the peroneal tubercle. The respective operative approach and the outcome are described. A 25-year-old international top-level speed skater developed a painful mass over the lateral calcaneal wall. There was no specific inducing injury in his medical history. In contrast to previous reports, according to the patient's history, a snapping phenomenon was not present. Conservative treatment was not effective. By inspection and palpation an enlarged peroneal tubercle was assumed. During operative exploration, we found an incomplete longitudinnsidiously resulting in lesions of the peroneus longus tendon at the peroneal tubercle, ultimately leading to a tendon entrapment. This mimics an enlarged tubercle. The pathology is very rare and can be successfully addressed surgically. From the presented case it can be speculated that the inferior peroneal retinaculum was overused, worn out, detached, or ruptured due to overpronation and friction the lateral edge of the low-cut speed skating shoe. Then the peroneus longus tendon experienced substantial friction with the peroneal tubercle with possible dislocation during ankle motion. This frictional contact may have finally led to further degeneration and a longitudinal tear of the tendon. Obviously, dislocations can develop insidiously resulting in lesions of the peroneus longus tendon at the peroneal tubercle, ultimately leading to a tendon entrapment. This mimics an enlarged tubercle. The pathology is very rare and can be successfully addressed surgically. Parkinson's disease is the second most common long-term chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disease, affecting more than 10 million people worldwide. There has been a rising interest in wearable devices for evaluation of movement disorder diseases such as Parkinson's disease due to the limitations in current clinic assessment methods such as Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and the Hoehn and Yahr (HY) scale. However, there are only a few commercial wearable devices available, which, in addition, have had very limited adoption and implementation. This inconsistency may be due to a lack of users' perspectives in terms of device design and implementation. This study aims to identify the perspectives of healthcare professionals and patients linked to current assessment methods and to identify preferences, and requirements of wearable devices. This was a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews followed by focus groups. Transcripts from sessions were analysed using an inductive th current assessment methods are limited. Patients' and healthcare professionals' involvement in wearable devices design process has a pivotal role in terms of ultimate user acceptance. This includes the provision of additional functions to the wearable device, such as fall detection and medication reminders, which could be attractive features for patients. The study concluded that current assessment methods are limited. Patients' and healthcare professionals' involvement in wearable devices design process has a pivotal role in terms of ultimate user acceptance. This includes the provision of additional functions to the wearable device, such as fall detection and medication reminders, which could be attractive features for patients. Leg pain, especially of the knees and hips, is common among senior workers and may limit the ability to perform physically demanding work. In light of the aging workforce, this study determined the joint association of physical work demands and leg pain intensity for work-limiting pain in senior workers. Currently employed senior workers (≥50 years) participated in the SeniorWorkingLife study in 2018 (n = 12,879). Associations between the combination of physical work demands and leg pain intensity (interaction) with work-limiting pain (outcome) were modeled using binary logistic regression analyses while controlling for potential covariates. We found a significant interaction (P < 0.001) between physical work demands and leg pain intensity for work-limiting pain. The combination of higher physical work demands and higher leg pain intensity had the worst outcome in terms of the odds of experiencing work-limiting pain. For example, 70% of those with the combination of high physical work demands and leg pain intensity ≥7 (scale 0-10) experienced that the pain limited them to at least some degree in their work. The combination of high physical work demands and high leg pain intensity are associated with limited ability to perform work among senior workers. These findings highlight the importance of prioritizing the physical work environment in physically demanding occupations, particularly among senior workers, for prolonging working life. Thus, adjusting the work demands, e.g. through use of assistive devices, and lowering the pain, e.g. through physical rehabilitation, may be necessary to sustain work ability to a high age in this group of workers. This was registered as a cohort study in (Identifier NCT03634410 ) on the 18th of August 2018 (Retrospectively registered). This was registered as a cohort study in (Identifier NCT03634410 ) on the 18th of August 2018 (Retrospectively registered).