g., emergency care and hospitalizations).Background. We suggest and examine a behavioral approach to increasing seasonal influenza vaccine uptake. Our idea combines behavioral effects generated by a dominated option, together with more traditional tools, such as providing information and recommendations. Methods. Making use of the seasonal nature of the flu, our treatments present participants with 2 options to receive the shot early in the season, which is recommended and hence "attractive," or later. Three additional layers are examined 1) mentioning that the vaccine is more likely to run out of stock late in the season, 2) the early shot is free while the late one costs a fee, and 3) the early shot carries a monetary benefit. We compare vaccination intentions in these treatments to those of a control group who were invited to receive the shot regardless of timing. Results. Using a sample of the Israeli adult population (n = 3271), we found positive effects of all treatments on vaccination intentions, and these effects were significant for 3 of the 4 treatments. In addition, the vast majority of those who are willing to vaccinate intend to get the early shot. Conclusions. Introducing 2 options to get vaccinated against influenza (early or late) positively affects intentions to receive the flu shot. In addition, this approach nudges participants to take the shot in early winter, a timing that has been shown to be more cost-effective.Chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), as one of the main pathways of lysosomal catabolism, plays essential roles for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. To date, the absence of any identifiable LAMP2A - the necessary and limiting protein required for CMA - in non-tetrapod lineages, led to the paradigm that this cellular process was restricted to mammals and birds. The recent findings of Lescat et al., demonstrating the existence of a CMA activity in fish, now reshuffle the cards regarding how the entire evolution of CMA function should be considered and appreciated across metazoans. Hence, beyond challenging the current tetrapod-centered accepted view, the work of Lescat et al. tackles the possibility - or the compelling need - of using complementary and powerful genetic models, such as zebrafish or medaka, for studying this fundamental function from an evolutionary perspective.As the primary healthcare professionals in the school setting, school nurses field questions about diet and exercise. Nurses' familiarity with nutrition and dietary patterns can help them respond to student concerns. Plant-based diets, those which promote eating mostly fruits and vegetables with smaller portions of animal foods, have recently gained popularity in the United States. Most plant foods are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals that support good health and maintenance of a healthy weight. Most children and adolescents can meet their nutrient needs on a plant-based diet, but should be careful to include a wide variety of foods in the diet in order to achieve nutrient adequacy.To develop and assess the validity of the Referee Training Activity Questionnaire (RTAQ), a systematic process was employed 1) item generation; 2) assessments of content and face validity; and 3) assessments of criterion validity. In stage 1, items were generated following semi-structured interviews with an expert panel (n = 8). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sodium-phenylbutyrate.html Following content analyses, the RTAQ was developed and comprised 3 primary sections (12 sub-sections) assessing 1) attributes perceived to underpin soccer officiating performance; 2) general training information; and 3) specific training practices. In stage 2, the preliminary RTAQ was assessed for content and face validity by a sample of experts (n = 6). Based upon the content validity index (CVI), content validity was confirmed for 8 sub-sections (CVI ≥ 0.78) with 5 sub-sections being deemed invalid (CVI less then 0.78). Various amendments were carried out in accordance with participant feedback. In stage 3, the RTAQ was completed by a cohort of officials (n = 25) who subsequently recorded a detailed training diary. Negligible mean biases, wide 95% LOA, and significant Pearson correlations were observed between the RTAQ and training diaries for most training activities, suggesting the RTAQ holds promise as a useful and effective alternative of acquiring insight into the training practices of soccer officials.Objective To compare important indicators of quality of care between Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (NHOPIs) and non-Hispanic Whites (NHWs) with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). Methods We used the Health Care Cost and Utilization Project, Hawaii State Inpatient Databases, 2010-2014. They included 10,645 inpatient encounters from 7,145 NHOPI or NHW patients age ≥ 50 years, residing in Hawaii, and with at least one ADRD diagnosis in the discharge record. Outcome variables were inpatient mortality, length of hospital stay, and hospital readmission. Results NHOPIs with ADRD had, on average, a hospital stay of .94 days less than NHWs with ADRD but were 1.16 times more likely than NHWs to be readmitted. Discussion These patterns have important clinical care implications for NHOPIs and NHWs with ADRD as they are important indicators of quality of care. Future studies should consider specific contributors to these differences in order to develop appropriate interventions.The European Commission periodically classifies viruses on their occupational hazards to define the level of protection that workers are entitled to claim. Viruses belonging to Groups 3 and 4 can cause severe human disease and hazard to workers, as well as a spreading risk to the community. However, there is no effective prophylaxis or treatment available for Group 4 viruses. European trade unions and the Commission are negotiating the classification of the COVID-19 virus along these 2 categories. This article weighs the reasons to classify it in Group 3 or 4 while comparing its risks to those of the most significant viruses classified in these 2 categories. COVID-19 characteristics justify its classification in Group 4. Contaminated workers in contact with the public play an important role in disseminating the virus. In hospitals and nursing homes, they increase the overall case fatality rate. By strongly protecting these workers and professionals, the European Union would not only improve health in work environments, but also activate a mechanism key to reducing the COVID-19 burden in the general population.