8% men and 17.3% women) and 12.3% reported feeling worse on the anxiety components (7.8% men and 16.5% women). Fewer participants reported feeling improved (1.5% for depression and 4.9% for anxiety). Women, younger participants, those single/widowed/divorced, reporting poor sleep, feelings of loneliness and who reported living alone were more likely to indicate feeling worse on both the depression and/or anxiety components of the HADS. There was a significant negative association between subjective loneliness and worsened components of both depression (OR 17.24, 95% CI 13.20, 22.50) and anxiety (OR 10.85, 95% CI 8.39, 14.03). Results may inform targeted interventions and help guide policy recommendations in reducing the effects of social isolation related to the pandemic, and beyond, on the mental health of older people.Bipolar disorder is a severe psychiatric disorder which affects more than 1% of the world's population and is a leading cause of disability among young people. For the past 50 years, lithium has been the drug of choice for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder due to its potent ability to prevent both manic and depressive episodes as well as suicide. However, though lithium has been associated with a multitude of effects within different cellular pathways and biological systems, its specific mechanism of action in stabilizing mood remains largely elusive. Mitochondrial dysfunction and telomere shortening have been implicated in both the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder and as targets of lithium treatment. Interestingly, it has in recent years become clear that these phenomena are intimately linked, partly through reactive oxygen species signaling and the subcellular translocation and non-canonical actions of telomerase reverse transcriptase. In this review, we integrate the current understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and telomere shortening in bipolar disorder with