We also show that Onsager's variational principle offers an exceptionally transparent way to derive these dynamical equations, and we explain the defect mobility at the hydrodynamics level.We analyze large deviations of time-averaged quantities in stochastic processes with long-range memory, where the dynamics at time t depends itself on the value q_t of the time-averaged quantity. First we consider the elephant random walk and a Gaussian variant of this model, identifying two mechanisms for unusual fluctuation behavior, which differ from the Markovian case. In particular, the memory can lead to large-deviation principles with reduced speeds and to nonanalytic rate functions. We then explain how the mechanisms operating in these two models are generic for memory-dependent dynamics and show other examples including a non-Markovian simple exclusion process.Stratification due to ion-ion friction in a magnetized multiple-ion species plasma is shown to be accompanied by a heat pump effect, transferring heat from one ion species to another as well as from one region of space to another. The heat pump is produced via identified heating mechanisms associated with charge incompressibility and the Ettingshausen effect. Besides their academic interest, these effects may have useful applications to plasma technologies that involve rotation or compression.Heterogeneity and macroscopic anisotropy of porous media play an important role for dilution and reaction enhancement of conservative and reactive plumes. In this study, we perform numerical simulations to investigate steady-state flow and transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous porous media. We consider two macroscopic anisotropic inclusions resulting in helical flows with twisting streamlines in a three-dimensional flow-through domain. The inclusions are obtained by alternating two layers of angled slices of coarse and fine porous media with different hydraulic conductivity. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cl-amidine.html We investigate flow and transport scenarios considering different geometry and relative position of the two anisotropic inclusions yielding helical flow fields with different extent of interaction. We use metrics of stretching and folding to characterize the flow field and entropy-based metrics for the analysis of the conservative and reactive transport problems. The outcomes show that the two helices result in different patterns of twisting streamlines, which cause distinct deformation of the plumes. However, mixing and reaction enhancement could not be directly related to the extent of the flow field deformation Configurations with strong deformation can result in only moderate mixing enhancement, whereas configurations with limited deformation of the flow field can lead to significant mixing of the solute plume. Finally, we explore the impact of different degradation rates on reactive transport and the role of reaction kinetics on the entropy balance for a reactant undergoing transport and mixing-controlled degradation in the twisting flow fields. The results show that strong mixing enhancement due to helical flow increases the importance of the reaction kinetics that becomes the rate-limiting process for solute reactive transport.We investigate the electrostatic interactions of zwitterionic membranes immersed in mixed electrolytes composed of mono- and multivalent ions. We show that the presence of monovalent salt is a necessary condition for the existence of a finite electrostatic force on the membrane. As a result, the mean-field membrane pressure originating from the surface dipoles exhibits a nonuniform salt dependence, characterized by an enhancement for dilute salt conditions and a decrease at intermediate salt concentrations. On addition of multivalent cations to the submolar salt solution, the separate interactions of these cations with the opposite charges of the surface dipoles makes the intermembrane pressure more repulsive at low membrane separation distances and strongly attractive at intermediate distances, resulting in a discontinuous like-charge binding transition followed by the membrane binding transition. By extending our formalism to account for correlation corrections associated with large salt concentrations, we show that membranes of high surface dipole density immersed in molar salt solutions may undergo a membrane binding transition even without the multivalent cations. Hence, the tuning of the surface polarization forces by membrane engineering can be an efficient way to adjust the equilibrium configuration of dipolar membranes in concentrated salt solutions.In a two-dimensional liquid crystal, each topological defect has a topological charge and a characteristic orientation and hence can be regarded as an oriented particle. Theories predict that the trajectories of annihilating defects depend on their relative orientation. Recently, these predictions have been tested in experiments on smectic-C films. Those experiments find curved trajectories that are similar to the predictions, but the detailed relationship between the defect orientations and the far-field director is different. To understand this difference, we extend the previous theories by adding the effects of elastic anisotropy and find that it significantly changes the curved trajectories.The chiral smectic phases of calamitic liquid crystals, SmC^* and SmC_A^*, are characterized by the synclinic ferroelectric F ordering and the anticlinic antiferroelectric A ordering in adjacent layers. Various states with mixed A and F orderings are degenerate at the frustrated phase-transition point. The degeneracy lifting is commonly caused by the long-range interlayer interactions (LRILIs), producing a series of biaxial subphases specified by a relative ratio of both orderings, q_T=[F]/([A]+[F]). Sandhya et al. [Phys. Rev. E 87, 012502 (2013)PLEEE81539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.87.012502] established, however, the importance of thermal fluctuations in the degeneracy lifting in some binary mixtures of MC881 and MC452. They observed the most intriguing interplay of thermal fluctuations and LRILIs in the stabilization of an apparently single subphase. Since no other detailed experimental study of the subphase has so far been made, we carry out its dielectric investigations and clarify the following five points (1) the subphase is surely a single phase from ≈80^∘C down to room temperature; (2) the imaginary part of complex permittivity ε^″ shows the weak antiphase mode and hence it must be antiferroelectric q_T=1/2; (3) ε^″ becomes much stronger above ≈80^∘C, indicating the emergence of ferroelectric and/or ferrielectric states; (4) the dielectric amplitude gradually increases at least just above the 1/2 subphase, suggesting it be due to a continuous increase of q_T; and (5) at low temperatures the antiphase relaxation mode shows irregularities that indicate the important role played by the cooperative motion of the layer undulation as well as of the director tilting.