1%), and variants of uncertain significance in 1,712 participants (30.8%). Ten genes represent 68% of all pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants in eyeGENE. Cross-referencing current gene therapy clinical trials, over a thousand participants may be eligible, based on pathogenic variants in genes targeted by those therapies. This article is the first summary of genetic testing from thousands of participants tested through eyeGENE, including reports from 5,552 individuals. eyeGENE provides a launching point for inherited eye research, connects researchers with potential future study participants, and provides a valuable resource to the vision community.Over the past 2 decades, more women in the United States are engaging in excessive alcohol use, including women of reproductive age. Consuming alcohol in amounts greater than recommended limits is associated with an increased risk for adverse health effects, such as breast cancer, hypertension stroke, spontaneous abortion, and infertility. No safe time, safe amount, or safe type of alcohol to consume during pregnancy has been identified. Contradictory beliefs about alcohol use, fear of stigmatization, and potential legal consequences can provide challenges for health care providers who communicate these risks to clients. Health care providers can help to prevent alcohol-related health issues, including alcohol-exposed pregnancies, by providing their clients with factual information about alcohol and health and client-centered options for reducing their health risks. Clinicians can use alcohol screening and brief intervention as a framework for applying the ethical principles of autonomy, veracity, beneficence, and nonmaleficence when talking with women in ways that are nonstigmatizing and supportive to help reduce their health risks and prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies. Adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette subfamily B member 4 (ABCB4) deficiency may lead to progre