Neuropathic pain (NPP) refers to the pain caused by primary or secondary injury or dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system, and usually requires multidisciplinary treatment. However, most pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions can only temporarily and/or moderately improve pain-related symptoms, and they often produce unbearable adverse reactions or cause drug resistance. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy has been widely used in the clinical treatment of some diseases due to its advantages of safety, few side effects, no resistance, and non-invasiveness. In recent years, increasing numbers of basic and clinical studies have been conducted to investigate the efficacy and mechanism of HBO2 in the treatment of NPP, and great progress has been made in this field. In this paper, we briefly introduce the pathogenesis of NPP and therapeutic effects of HBO2 and summarize the mechanisms underlying the effects of HBO2 in treating NPP, which may provide reference for the clinical treatment of pain with HBO2.The SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) pandemic remains a major worldwide public health issue. Initially, improved supportive and anti-inflammatory intervention, often employing known drugs or technologies, provided measurable improvement in management. We have recently seen advances in specific therapeutic interventions and in vaccines. Nevertheless, it will be months before most of the world's population can be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. In the interim, hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatment offers several potentially beneficial therapeutic effects. Three small published series, one with a propensity-score-matched control group, have demonstrated safety and initial efficacy. Additional anecdotal reports are consistent with these publications. HBO2 delivers oxygen in extreme conditions of hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia, even in the presence of lung pathology. It provides anti-inflammatory and anti-proinflammatory effects likely to ameliorate the overexuberant immune response common to COVID-19. Unlike steroids, it exerts these effects without immune suppression. One study suggests HBO2 may reduce the hypercoagulability seen in COVID patients. Also, hyperbaric oxygen offers a likely successful intervention to address the oxygen debt expected to arise from a prolonged period of hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia. To date, 11 studies designed to investigate the impact of HBO2 on patients infected with SARS-Cov-2 have been posted on This paper describes the promising physiologic and biochemical effects of hyperbaric oxygen in COVID-19 and potentially in other disorders with similar pathologic mechanisms. There are concerns that fruit juice and milk contribute to childhood obesity. Determine the relationship between fruit juice and milk intakes and body mass index (BMI) change among preadolescents/adolescents. Participants aged 9 to 16 years old from the Growing Up Today Study II completed surveys including validated food frequency questionnaires in 2004, 2006 and 2008. The contributions of one serving of juice or milk to total energy intake and 2-year change in BMI were evaluated using multiple linear regression. Additional analyses were conducted with subgroups of juice (orange juice and other fruit juice) and milk (low fat and high fat). Missing values for BMI were imputed using a multiple imputation approach, after which data from 8173 participants and 13 717 2-year interval observations were analysed. Baseline fruit juice consumption was inversely associated with BMI change in girls (β = -.102 kg/m , SE = 0.038, P value = .008) but not boys after controlling for race, age, baseline BMI, and baseline and 2-year changes in total energy intake and physical activity. Orange juice was inversely associated with BMI change among girls (β = -.137 kg/m , SE = 0.053, P value = .010) while other fruit juice, low fat and high fat milk were not associated with BMI change. Orange juice was inversely associated with 2-year BMI change among preadolescent/adolescent girls but not boys and there were no significant associations with other juices or milk among either gender. Orange juice was inversely associated with 2-year BMI change among preadolescent/adolescent girls but not boys and there were no significant associations with other juices or milk among either gender.Novel immune-modulating anticancer drugs are being used with increasing frequency. With increased use, there are more frequent cases of toxicities caused by these drugs, termed immune-related adverse events (irAEs). We present a case in which we successfully treated a case of severe, steroid-refractory, nivolumab-induced myocarditis with therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE). Nivolumab is an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) which blocks programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1). This blockade allows for enhanced T-cell function and increased anti-tumor response. The patient presented with signs and symptoms of heart failure and was found to have a significantly depressed cardiac ejection fraction. Over the course of her five TPE procedures, she improved clinically and was discharged home with improved left ventricular ejection function. This case suggests an emerging role of TPE in the management of severe ICI-induced toxicity, such as myocarditis. During the pandemic in the spring of 2020 with no vaccine or treatment for SARS-CoV-2 and its associated disease, COVID-19, convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 (CCP) patients offered a potential therapy. In March 2020, the United States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized CCP under emergency Investigational New Drug (eIND) exemption and an IRB-approved Expanded Access Program (EAP) to treat severe COVID-19. Hospital demand grew rapidly in the Southeastern U.S., resulting in backlogs of CCP orders. We describe a large U.S. blood center's (BC) rapid implementation of a CCP program in response to community needs. From April 2 to May 17, 2020, CCP was collected by whole blood or apheresis. Initial manual approaches to donor intake, collection, and distribution were rapidly replaced with automated processes. All CCP donors and products underwent FDA-required screening and testing. A total of 619 CCP donors (299 females, 320 males) presented for CCP donation (161 [25.7%] whole blood, 466 [74.