These results suggest that the canine-adapted Group 11 genotypes are genetically divergent from other genotype groups of E. bieneusi, possibly representing a different Enterocytozoon sp. They also indicate that there is no clear genetic differentiation of ITS Groups 1 and 2 at other genetic loci, supporting the conclusion on the lack of strict host specificity in both groups. Data and genetic markers from the study should facilitate population genetic characterizations of E. bieneusi isolates and improve our understanding of the zoonotic potential of E. bieneusi in domestic animals.Diarrheal disease caused by Giardia duodenalis is highly prevalent, causing over 200 million cases globally each year. The processes that drive parasite virulence, host immune evasion and transmission involve coordinated gene expression and have been linked to epigenetic regulation. Epigenetic regulatory systems are eukaryote-conserved, including in deep branching excavates such as Giardia, with several studies already implicating histone post-translational modifications in regulation of its pathogenesis and life cycle. However, further insights into Giardia chromatin dynamics have been hindered by a lack of site-specific knowledge of histone modifications. Using mass spectrometry, we have provided the first known molecular map of histone methylation, acetylation and phosphorylation modifications in Giardia core histones. We have identified over 50 previously unreported histone modifications including sites with established roles in epigenetic regulation, and co-occurring modifications indicative of post-translational modification crosstalk. These demonstrate conserved histone modifications in Giardia which are equivalent to many other eukaryotes, and suggest that similar epigenetic mechanisms are in place in this parasite. Further, we used sequence, domain and structural homology to annotate putative histone enzyme networks in Giardia, highlighting representative chromatin modifiers which appear sufficient for identified sites, particularly those from H3 and H4 variants. This study is to our knowledge the first and most comprehensive, complete and accurate view of Giardia histone post-translational modifications to date, and a substantial step towards understanding their associations in parasite development and virulence.Tapeworms of the order Caryophyllidea are the earliest diverging 'true' tapeworms (Eucestoda) and parasitise cypriniform and siluriform fishes almost exclusively. They are typified by a monozoic (non-proglottised) body plan, which is a characteristic shared with early diverging 'cestodarians' Gyrocotylidea and Amphilinidea. Here we present the most comprehensive multi-gene molecular phylogeny of this group, to date. Specimens of 63 species from 32 genera (~50% and ~75% of known species and genus diversity, respectively) were gathered during an intense and targeted 15-year collecting effort. Phylogenetic reconstructions provide high nodal support for three major lineages, which only partly correspond to currently recognised families. The three well-supported clades were as follows Clade A was in an unsupported position at the base of the tree and was almost exclusively comprised of parasites of catfishes (Siluriformes) from the Afrotropical and Indomalayan regions, including the type genus of the Lytocestidae le in the circumscription of the three well-supported clades revealed by molecular data. Thus, the taxonomic rearrangement proposed herein was guided by the molecular clades. The names of all four extant families were preserved and family affinity was determined by topological clustering with the type genera of the families. The family diagnoses of the Lytocestidae, Caryophyllaeidae and Capingentidae are amended. Biogeographic patterns are indicative of separate Gondwanan and Laurasian radiations having taken place. Regarding the Gondwanan radiation in the Siluriformes, the topology in Clade A indicates an Asian origin with a subsequent African colonisation. Concerning Laurasia, separate radiations appear to have taken place in the Cypriniformes in the temperate zones of North America and Eurasia. Complete absence of caryophyllideans in the Neotropical Region, where numerous catfishes occur, may be due to the Gondwanan radiation having taken place after the continental separation of Africa and South America.Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors have expanded within nematodes, where they play important roles in foraging and host-seeking behaviour. Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors are most highly expressed during free-living stages when chemosensory signalling is required for host detection and nematode activation in various parasitic nematodes, and therefore position Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors at the transition from infective to parasitic stages, making them important regulators to study in terms of host-seeking and host specificity. To facilitate the analysis of Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors, here we describe an integrative database of nematode chemoreceptors called NemChR-DB. This database enables users to study diverse parasitic nematode chemoreceptors, functionally explore sequence entries through structural and literature-based annotations, and perform cross-species comparisons. Altered levels of two extracellular matrix (ECM) proteoglycans, brevican and neurocan, have been found in brain injury models; however, their proteolytic processing in traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains unexplored. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) is a possible contributor to ECM remodelling following TBI. The aims of this study were to evaluate proteolytic brevican/neurocan patterns and ADAMTS-like activity in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the context of TBI. Forty-two acute TBI patients and 37 idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) patients were included in the analysis of tryptic brevican and neurocan peptides in CSF using parallel reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. Twenty-nine TBI and 36 iNPH patients were analysed for ADAMTS-like activity in CSF using a quenched fluorescent substrate. The majority of CSF concentrations of brevican peptides significantly decreased in TBI patients compared with the iNPH group (p≤0.002), while ADAMTS-like activity increased (p<0.