g French HCWs, while adapted communication on indirect protection and social conformism can contribute to increase vaccination acceptance.The Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) will generate real-world evidence to address the unique needs of people with opioid use disorder (OUD) in justice settings. Evidence regarding the economic value of OUD interventions in justice populations is limited. Moreover, the variation in economic study designs is a barrier to defining specific interventions as broadly cost-effective. The JCOIN Health Economics Analytic Team (HEAT) has worked closely with the Measures Committee to incorporate common economic measures and instruments across JCOIN studies, which will a) ensure rigorous economic evaluations within each trial; b) enhance comparability of findings across studies; and c) allow for cross-study analyses of trials with similar designs/settings (e.g., pre-reentry MOUD), to assess questions beyond the scope of a single study, while controlling for and evaluating the effect of intervention-, organizational-, and population-level characteristics. We describe shared trial characteristics relevant to the economic evaluations, and discuss potential cross-study economic analyses. Communication in healthcare has influenced and been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this position paper, we share observations based on the latest available evidence and experiential knowledge that have emerged during the pandemic, with a specific focus on policy and practice. This is a position paper that presents observations relating to policy and practice in communication in healthcare related to COVID-19. Through our critical observations as experts in the field of healthcare communication, we share our stance how healthcare communication has occured during the pandemic and suggest possible ways of improving policy and professional practice. We make recommendations for policy makers,