The mean number of prescription medications at discharge was 9.3. Overall, 2833 potentially clinically significant DDIs were identified 2445 (86.3%) of them were category C, 347 (12.3%) category D and 41 (1.4%) were category X interactions. A total of 1164 PIMs were involved in 31.2% of category C interactions, 60.2% of category D interactions and 43.9% of category X interactions. The most frequent PIMs involved in potentially clinically significant DDIs were tramadol, benzodiazepines, moxonidine, vildagliptin and metoclopramide. Conclusion A very high incidence of DDIs in elderly patients and a high incidence of PIMs involved in DDIs was determined at hospital discharge.Background Successful antimicrobial stewardship interventions are imperative in today's environment of antimicrobial resistance. New antimicrobial stewardship interventions should include qualitative analysis such as a process evaluation to determine which elements within an intervention are effective and provide insight into the context in which the intervention is introduced. Objective To assess the implementation process and explore the contextual factors which influenced implementation. Setting An academic teaching hospital in Cork, Ireland. Methods A process evaluation was conducted on completion of a feasibility study of the introduction of a procalcitonin antimicrobial stewardship intervention. The process evaluation consisted of semi-structured face-to-face interviews of key stakeholders including participating (senior) doctors (5), medical laboratory scientists (3) and a hospital administrator. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research was used to guide data collection, analysis, and inted analysis of the implementation of procalcitonin testing as an antimicrobial stewardship intervention. The positive findings of this process evaluation and feasibility study should be built upon and a full randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation should be conducted in a variety of hospital settings to confirm the effectiveness of procalcitonin as an antimicrobial stewardship intervention. An allene oxide cyclase gene which is involved in defense against biotic and abiotic stresses was cloned and characterized in sugarcane. Allene oxide cyclase (AOC), a key enzyme in jasmonate acid (JA) biosynthesis, affects the stereoisomerism and biological activity of JA molecules, and plays an important role in plant stress resistance. In this study, four SsAOC alleles (SsAOC1-SsAOC4), which shared similar gene structure and were located on Chr1A, Chr1B, Chr1C, and Chr1D, respectively, were mined from sugarcane wild species Saccharum spontaneum, and a homologous gene ScAOC1 (GenBank Accession Number MK674849) was cloned from sugarcane hybrid variety Yacheng05-179 inoculated with Sporisorium scitamineum for 48h. ScAOC1 and SsAOC1-SsAOC4 were alkaline, unstable, hydrophilic, and non-secretory proteins, which possess the same set of conserved motifs and were clustered into one group in the phylogenetic analysis. ScAOC1 was expressed in all sugarcane tissues, but with different levels. After infection by S. sranscripts were more accumulated and lasted for a longer period in the smut-resistant variety than in the smut-susceptible one. ScAOC1 was down-regulated under MeJA and NaCl treatments, but up-regulated under SA, ABA, PEG, and cold stresses. Transiently overexpressing ScAOC1 gene into Nicotiana benthamiana leaves regulated the responses of N. benthamiana to two pathogens Ralstonia solanacearum and Fusarium solani var. coeruleum. Furthermore, prokaryotic expression analysis showed overexpression of ScAOC1 in Escherichia coli BL21 could enhance its tolerance to NaCl, mannitol, and cold stimuli. These results indicated that ScAOC1 may play an active role in response to biotic and abiotic stresses in sugarcane.Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), which is better known for its action as regulating calcium homeostasis, can bind various ligands. To facilitate research on CaSR and understand the receptor's function further, an in silico designed truncated protein was developed. The resulting protein folding indicated that 99% of predicted three dimensional (3D) structure residues are located in favored and allowed Ramachandran plots. However, it was found that such protein does not fold properly when expressed in prokaryotic host cells. Thioredoxin (Trx) tag was conjugated to increase the final protein's solubility, which could help obtain the soluble antigen with better immunogenic properties. The truncated recombinant proteins were expressed and purified in two forms (Trx-CaSR RR19 and CaSR RRJ19). The polyclonal antibody was induced by the rabbit immunization with the form of RR19. Western blot on mouse kidney lysates evidenced the proper immune recognition of the receptor by the produced antibody. The specificity and sensitivity of antibodies were also assayed by immunohistofluorescence. These experiments affirmed antibody's ability to indicate the receptor on the cell surface in native form and the possibility of applying such antibodies in further cellular and tissue assays.Traditional serotyping based on the phenotypic variation of O- and H-antigen remains as the gold-standard for the identification and classification of Salmonella isolates for last 70 years. Although this classification is a globally recognized nomenclature, huge diversity of Salmonella serotypes have made the serovar identification to be very complex. Seven gene multilocus sequence typing (MLST) on the other hand can provide serovar prediction as well as the evolutionary origin between the serovars. In this study non typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) strains (nā€‰=ā€‰45) isolated from clinical samples (blood, faeces and pus) were identified by traditional phenotypic serotyping and biochemical testing. All the tested Salmonella isolates were designated as serovar Typhimurium based on phenotyping. However, by MLST 60% (27/45) of the isolates were S. Typhimurium, 35.5% (16/45) were S. Agona (ST13), 2.2% (1/45) were S. Kentucky (ST198) and 2.2% (1/45) were S. Saintpaul (ST27). MLST analysis assigned S. Typhimurium isolates as ST36 (18/127), ST19 (7/27) and ST313 (2/27).