ht status (higher BMI) and duration of illness are key factors in the prognosis of AN. Higher weight targets in intensive treatments may be of value in improving outcomes. Weight status (higher BMI) and duration of illness are key factors in the prognosis of AN. Higher weight targets in intensive treatments may be of value in improving outcomes.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a type of liver cancer with poor prognosis. There have been demonstrated to exist many possible mechanisms in HCC tumorigenesis, and recent investigations have provided some promising therapy targets. However, further mechanisms remain to be researched to improve the therapeutic strategy and diagnosis of HCC. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is a pleiotropic cytokine which plays critical roles in networks of different cellular processes, and TGF-β signaling has been found to participate in tumor initiation and development of HCC in recent years. Moreover, among the molecules and signaling pathways, researchers paid more attention to lncRNAs (long non-coding RNAs), but the connection between lncRNAs and TGF-βremain poorly understood. In this review, we conclude the malignant procedure which lncRNAs and TGF-β involved in, and summarize the mechanisms of lncRNAs and TGF-βin HCC initiation and development. Furthermore, the interaction between lncRNA and TGF-β are paid more attention, and the potential therapy targets are mentioned. Aggregation sites represent important sources of environmental heterogeneity and can modify the movement behavior of animals. When these sites are artificially established through anthropogenic actions, the consequent alterations to animal movements may impact their ecology with potential implications for their fitness. Floating objects represent important sources of habitat heterogeneity for tropical tunas, beneath which these species naturally aggregate in large numbers. Man-made floating objects, called Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD), are used by fishers on a massive scale to facilitate fishing operations. In addition to the direct impacts that fishing with FADs has on tuna populations, assessing the effects of increasing the numbers of FADs on the ecology of tuna is key for generating sound management and conservation measures. This study investigates the effects of increasing numbers of FADs (aggregation sites) on the movements of tunas, through the comparison of electronic tagging data recorded fromfor comparing animal movements in heterogeneous habitats in order to improve understanding of the impacts of anthropogenic habitat modifications on the ecology of wild animals. Our results provide the first evidence of changes in tuna associative behavior for increasing FAD densities. More generally, they highlight the need for comparing animal movements in heterogeneous habitats in order to improve understanding of the impacts of anthropogenic habitat modifications on the ecology of wild animals. There are indications that an increased intake of calcium has a vitamin D sparing effect, which might be explained by a decreased catabolism of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). However, there are only a few studies where this has been examined. In the seventh survey of the Tromsø study, serum 25(OH)D and parathyroid hormone were measured, and questionnaires on calcium and vitamin D intakes filled in. There were significant interactions between sex, calcium and vitamin D intakes regarding serum 25(OH)D level. The analyses were therefore done stratified. In males there was, regardless of vitamin D intake, a significant decrease in serum 25(OH)D with increasing calcium intake. The difference in serum 25(OH)D between those with the highest and lowest calcium intakes was approximately 10%. In the females, there was in subjects with low vitamin D intake (< 7 μg/d) a significant increase in serum 25(OH)D with increasing calcium intake, which could not be explained by secondary hyperparathyroidism. In females with higher vitamin D intakes, increasing calcium intake was associated with lower serum 25(OH)D levels. There is, at least in subjects with an adequate vitamin D intake, a negative association between calcium intake and serum 25(OH)D. There is, at least in subjects with an adequate vitamin D intake, a negative association between calcium intake and serum 25(OH)D. In recent years, much effort was made to improve access to sexual and reproductive health services (SRH) to adolescents and youths in Ethiopia particularly through establishment of youth friendly service (YFS) corners as part of the existing health care facilities. The existing evidences focused on investigating the utilization of SRH services at YFS established areas alone. There is a dearth of evidence which compares the SRH service use between the YFS implemented and non-implemented areas so that evidences can be drawn to suggest on the successes of the expansion of youth friendly corners. A school-based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted by employing a multistage cluster sampling method. A pre-tested self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data and the collected data were entered in to Epidata version 4.4.1 software and then exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. χ test was used to see a significant difference in SRH service utilization among adolescents from YFS implemenre, wide-range awareness creation strategies should be used to address poor knowledge and negative attitude. In Lebanon, difficulties in accessing medications are due to two main barriers, mainly high cost and the lack of medication safety, related to poor-quality (irrational) prescription and use. The objective of this work is to suggest guidelines to implement a unified medical prescription in Lebanon. These guidelines are expected to promote medication safety and decrease pharmaceutical expenditures in the Lebanese context. The Order of Pharmacists of Lebanon (OPL) developed a comprehensive set of guidelines for physicians and pharmacists, including a detailed workflow process to improve the use of the unified medical prescription. The guidelines were presented to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health (MOPH). The project covered prescription guidelines to physicians (handwritten and electronic-prescriptions), and medication dispensing and generic substitution guidelines to pharmacists. Prescription guidelines included all required information about both the prescribing physician and the patient with the maximum of details, comprehensibility, and caution regarding specific populations/co-morbidities/co-prescriptions.