In this Letter, we propose a new (to the best of our knowledge), promising concept of a hybrid femtosecond (fs) laser processing method composed of single-point scanning and holographic light modulation fabrication for manufacturing a tunable-size microtrap chip. The hybrid method not only ensures key microfluidic device precision but also greatly improves the fabrication speed. By using a new asymmetry-bracket-shaped microtrap design with a mechanical strain stretching method, real-time size-tunable trapping is obtained, and a 100% particle trapping retention is realized, ignoring the flow fluctuation. Finally, the microtrap array is successfully applied to trap single yeast cells and hold them for $\sim10\;\rm h$∼10h without escaping.A radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering technique exploiting GaTe and $\rm Sb_2 \rm Te_3$Sb2Te3 targets was used for the fabrication of Ga-Sb-Te thin films. Prepared layers cover broad region of chemical composition ($\sim10.0 - 26.3\,\, \rm at.$∼10.0-26.3at. % of Ga, $\sim19.9 - 34.4\,\, \rm at.$∼19.9-34.4at. % of Sb) while keeping Te content fairly constant (53.8-55.6 at. % of Te). Upon crystallization induced by annealing, large variations in electrical contrast were found, reaching a sheet resistance ratio of $R_\rm annealed/R_\rm as - deposited\;\sim2.2 \times 10^ - 8$Rannealed/Ras-deposited∼2.2×10-8 for the $\rm Ga_26.3\rm Sb_19.9\rm Te_53.8$Ga26.3Sb19.9Te53.8 layer. Phase transition from the amorphous to crystalline state further leads to huge changes of optical functions demonstrated by optical contrast values up to $|\Delta n| + |\Delta k| = 4.20$|Δn|+|Δk|=4.20 for $\rm Ga_26.3\rm Sb_19.9\rm Te_53.8$Ga26.3Sb19.9Te53.8 composition.Brillouin imaging is an emerging optical elastography technique that is able to generate maps of the mechanical properties at microscale with great potential in biophysical and biomedical fields. A key parameter is its spatial resolution, which i