Photodriven nonoxidative coupling of CH4 (NOCM) is an attractive potential way to use abundant methane resources. Herein, an n-type doped photocatalyst for NOCM is created by doping single-atom Nb into hierarchical porous TiO2 -SiO2 (TS) microarray, which exhibits a high conversion rate of 3.57 μmol g-1  h-1 with good recyclability. The Nb dopant replaces the 6-coordinated titanium on the (1 0 1) plane and forms shallow electron-trapped surface polarons along [0 1 0] direction and the comparison of different models proves that the electron localization caused by the n-type doping is beneficial to both methane activation and ethane desorption. The positive effect of n-type dopant on CH4 conversion is further verified on Mo-, W- and Ta-doped composites. In contrast, the doping of p-type dopant (Ga, Cu, Fe) shows a less active influence.The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the proteinaceous nanopore that solely mediates the transport of both small molecules and macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell to regulate gene expression. In this personal account, we introduce recent progress in our nanoelectrochemical study of molecular transport through the NPC. Our work represents the importance of chemistry in understanding and controlling of NPC-mediated molecular transport to enable the efficient and safe delivery of genetic therapeutics into the nucleus, thereby fundamentally contributing to human health. Specifically, we employ nanoscale scanning electrochemical microscopy to test our hypothesis that the nanopore of the NPC is divided by transport barriers concentrically into peripheral and central routes to efficiently mediate the bimodal traffic of protein transport and RNA export, respectively, through cooperative hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. To analyse the factors influencing the primary patency of clear corneal incisions in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS). In this prospective single-centre study, the graphical user interfaces of 159 patients undergoing femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery were documented by video. Subsequently, the quality of limbus detection along with the incidence of vessels and an arcus lipoides were assessed by a grading system and analysed in relation to the primary patency of the incisions. In particular, the differences between a superior and a temporal main incision were analysed. The designed grading system could be applied in all cases without any problems. Limbus detection was highly inhomogeneous but had no influence on the patency of the incisions (46.3% poor, 18.4% moderate, 35.1% good). The characteristics of the arcus lipoides had little influence on the patency of the main incisions. Pronounced vascular ingrowth caused more tissue bridges but did not reduce the patency of the incisions. Temporal access was generally easier to open than a superior one (97.1% versus 88.9%). We showed a patency rate of superior FLACS incisions of over 97% with the Femto LDV Z8 in our study. Temporal main incision is preferable to superior main incision in more difficult situations. The new grading system is suitable for further studies to provide information on the quality of the incision. We showed a patency rate of superior FLACS incisions of over 97% with the Femto LDV Z8 in our study. Temporal main incision is preferable to superior main incision in more difficult situations. The new grading system is suitable for further studies to provide information on the quality of the incision.Lithium-sulfur batteries with high energy density are considered as one of the most promising future energy storage devices. However, the parasitic lithium polysulfides shuttle phenomenon severely hinders the commercialization of such batteries. Ionic liquids have been found to suppress the lithium polysulfides solubility, diminishing the shuttle effect effectively. Herein, we performed classical molecular dynamics simulations to explore the microscopic mechanism and transport behaviors of typical Li2 S8 species in ionic liquids and ionic liquid-based electrolyte systems. We found that the trifluoromethanesulfonate anions ([OTf]- ) exhibit higher coordination strength with lithium ions compared with bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anions ([TFSI]- ) in static microstructures. However, the dynamical characteristics indicate that the presence of the [OTf]- anions in ionic liquid electrolytes bring faster Li+ exchange rate and easier dissociation of Li+ solvation structures. Our simulation models offer a significant guidance to future studies on designing ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium-sulfur batteries.WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT? The complexity and high prevalence of schizotypal personality disorders (SPD) pose serious challenges for mental health practice in its management, and also bring severe consequences for the patients. The identification of the specific early life factors (ELFs) that confer risk to SPD has become a major focus of clinical research on schizophrenia-spectrum disorders which aligns well with the mental health nursing's responsibility in health promotion, prevention and treatment. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE? Adolescents may experience certain ELFs, which contribute to the occurrence of SPD, but no systematic review has been conducted to identify ELF among them. And nursing literature addressing modifiable ELF is very limited. Two clusters of ELF and SPD in adolescents were identified prenatal and early postnatal factors; childhood trauma and parental factors. The findings also show that more research is needed to determine the specificity and cumulative effects of ELF onducted using relevant keywords. Data were extracted using a standardized form following PRISMA guidelines. Twenty-four studies met the criteria for inclusion. ELFs in the development of SPD were grouped into two important clusters (a) prenatal and early postnatal factors; (b) childhood trauma and parental factors. Mental health nurses, especially nurses in primary care, should be aware of potentially modifiable ELF. Longitudinal research is needed to determine the causative roles of these ELF play in the occurrence of SPD by using rigorous measurements. These findings call for awareness of the modifiable ELF for SPD and also inform possible future interventions to reduce these risks, such as parent-training or environmental enrichment programmes. These findings call for awareness of the modifiable ELF for SPD and also inform possible future interventions to reduce these risks, such as parent-training or environmental enrichment programmes.