Although the percentage of URM matriculants had nearly doubled since 1980 (from 11.3% to 18.1%), it still lagged far behind the proportion of individuals in the US population who are members of underrepresented racial/ethnic groups (18.1% vs 31.5% in 2017). This cross-sectional study found that progress has been made in diversifying academic IM faculty; however, it does not yet reflect the diversity of medical students or the US population. Continued efforts to increase the diversity of the academic IM workforce are needed. This cross-sectional study found that progress has been made in diversifying academic IM faculty; however, it does not yet reflect the diversity of medical students or the US population. Continued efforts to increase the diversity of the academic IM workforce are needed. Evaluating the association of social determinants of health with chronic diseases at the population level requires access to individual-level factors associated with disease, which are rarely available for large populations. Synthetic populations are a possible alternative for this purpose. To construct and validate a synthetic population that statistically mimics the characteristics and spatial disease distribution of a real population, using real and synthetic data. This population-based decision analytical model used data for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, collected from January 2015 to December 2016, to build a semisynthetic population based on the synthetic population used by the modeling and simulation platform FRED (A Framework for Reconstructing Epidemiological Dynamics). Disease status was assigned to this population using health insurer claims data from the 3 major insurance providers in the county or from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Biological, social, and other vardid not entirely remove the excess in CVD death rates. That is, a 20% improvement in the most significant determina