Reconstructive options with no or minimal donor site morbidity should be considered in patients with the alpha actin 2 mutation. We encourage further reporting of outcomes in these patients.The Resident Education Curriculum (REC) is one of the most widely recognized learning resources for plastic surgeons in training. The efforts that went into developing this program came from numerous individuals all driven by the same purpose - to create a lasting, up to date repository of all things plastic surgery related. As the program enters its 10th year of existence a closer look at the origins and evaluation is warranted.Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) stems from venous hypertension, extravasation of blood, and iron-rich skin deposits. The latter is central to ulcer development through generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) that drive persistent local inflammation and the development of lipodermatosclerosis. The ability to study CVI cutaneous inflammation is fundamental to advancing therapies. To address this end, a novel protocol was adapted to investigate cutaneous wound healing in iron-induced inflammation. Mice were injected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with iron-dextran, and excisional wounding was performed. Histologic and biomolecular analysis was performed. Iron loading was associated with dense iron deposits similar to those in chronic venous stasis. Subcutaneous but not intraperitoneal loading resulted in dermal collagen expansion. Iron overload was associated with atypical antioxidant expression as compared to vehicle controls ( < 0.0001) as well as delayed wound healing by 3-4 days. A potent acoincide with redox imbalance and delayed wound healing. By activating Nrf2, we demonstrate the regenerative potential of pro-antioxidant mediators in treating CVI related wound complications. Neuro-oncologic patients are routinely encountered in clinical practice. Neuro-oncology is a rapidly evolving field, so understanding the most classic paradigms and contemporary advances will optimize patient care. We discuss the recent reclassification of tumors via molecular characteristics as it applies to direct clinical practice and review the contemporary standard of care for infiltrating gliomas, meningiomas, brain metastases, and CNS lymphoma. We provide a straightforward primer on neuro-oncology with a focus on the brain tumors most commonly encountered by the adult neurologist and a clear emphasis on clinically relevant points including those which have recently become incorporated into our standard management. We cite key reviews to allow interested readers an opportunity to gain a more comprehensive understanding of specific topics. We provide a straightforward primer on neuro-oncology with a focus on the brain tumors most commonly encountered by the adult neurologist and a clear emphasis on clinically relevant points including those which have recently become incorporated into our standard management. We cite key reviews to allow interested readers an opportunity to gain a more comprehensive understanding of specific topics. There is growing interest in disorders involved in ectopic mineralization. Fahr disease or idiopathic basal ganglia calcification can serve as a model for ectopic mineralization in the basal ganglia, which is fairly common in the general population. In this review, we will focus on causative gene mutations and corresponding pathophysiologic pathways in Fahr disease. Patients with Fahr disease have a variability of symptoms, such as movement disorders, psychiatric signs, and cognitive impairment, but can also be asymptomatic. Fahr disease is mostly autosomal dominant inherited, and there are mutations found in 4 causative genes. Mutations in and lead to a disrupted phosphate metabolism involving brain-specific inorganic phosphate transporters. Mutations in and are associated with disrupted blood-brain barrier integrity and dysfunctional pericyte maintenance. In addition, the gene has recently been discovered to be involved in the autosomal recessive inheritance of Fahr. Knowledge about the mutations and corresponding pathways may expose therapeutic opportunities for patients with Fahr disease and vascular calcifications in the brain in general. Knowledge about the mutations and corresponding pathways may expose therapeutic opportunities for patients with Fahr disease and vascular calcifications in the brain in general. To evaluate the efficacy of increasing access to care for patients with migraines in a rural setting. Outcomes include decreased resource utilization, decreased hospitalizations, polypharmacy reduction, and decreased disability in a remote Pacific population. Data were collected on all patients presenting to a single neurologist in a deployed military setting for migraines. Access to care was supplemented through health fairs, radio shows, telemedicine, and education of primary care providers. Over the course of 1 year, 300 providers were educated through public health fairs and telemedicine counseling. This strategy helped reduce consults by 50% and decrease clinic wait times from 2 months to 7 days. Two hundred twenty-one patients with chronic migraine or episodic migraine were seen in the neurology clinic over the course of 1 year. Of these patients, polypharmacy reduction was achieved in 71% of patients with chronic migraines and in 44% of patients with episodic migraines. Over the course of 1 year, only 13% of patients with chronic migraines and 11% of patients with episodic migraines were treated in an acute care setting. Less than 2% of patients had limitations in their work duties because of migraines. Increased access to care provided benefits in reduction of specialist overutilization, reduction in hospitalizations, and reduction in disability. Patients with chronic migraine did not have increased use of medical resources or decreased productivity in this cohort. Increased access to care provided benefits in reduction of specialist overutilization, reduction in hospitalizations, and reduction in disability. Patients with chronic migraine did not have increased use of medical resources or decreased productivity in this cohort.