Today, after 50 years of experience, we can assure that neonatal screening programs constitute one of the most significant advances that have occurred in public health, their widespread practice has been one of the great achievements in pediatric healthcare and are marking the healthcare organization of many adult units. Hand in hand with advances in genetics and genomics, newborn screening programs will continue to expand for those disorders in which early intervention can significantly modify the course of the disease. Satisfaction represents the subjective experience derived from the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the expectations that the subject has regarding assistance. The debate generated by the screening programs requires studying satisfaction as one more element in the evaluation. In 2006, a study was carried out in Barcelona on the satisfaction and expectations generated around screening. Ten years later another was carried out in order to study evolution during this time. The objective of the current study is to investigate the satisfaction with the Breast Cancer Screening Program (BCSP) in Barcelona and to compare with the results obtained in a previous study carried out 10 years ago. This was a cross-sectional study, whose study population was women participating in the BCSM. We conducted random sampling. The questionnaire asked for opinion about the informative materials and the information sessions, their level of participation (regular or irregular) and their overall satisfaction with the program. Womehe results showed improvement with respect to those of the 2006 survey. It's necessary to continue working towards providing the best possible information, and paying special attention to the most vulnerable groups. It's necessary to continue working towards providing the best possible information, and paying special attention to the most vulnerable groups.There is broad consensus on the health benefits that neonatal screening has provided in Spain, since Professor Mayor Zaragoza began his research project for the early detection of phenylketonuria and other aminoacidopathies in 1968, to date. In these decades there has been a great evolution and development of Neonatal Screening Programs (NSP) in Spain. This paper presents the effect on the development of the NSPs of the decentralization of Public Health responsibilities in the Autonomous Communities, creating differences among them by atomizing the decisions on the expansion of the diseases to be screened. The availability of effective detection and treatment methods was the justification, often unique, for the inclusion of new diseases in an NSP. On rare occasions, neonatal screening was assumed as a public health program that should offer guarantees of effectiveness, from information for informed consent to the correct treatment and follow-up of detected cases. This situation of enormous inequality in access to neonatal screening has changed with the introduction of appropriate legislation to guaranty the correct development of NSP within the National Health System. Forums coordinated by the Ministry of Health with the participation of those responsible for public health from the Autonomous Communities and scientific societies have been fundamental. An example of the convergence of research and science for the benefit of a basic Public Health program.In Italy, since 2016, extended neonatal screening has been mandatory throughout the country for about 40 inherited metabolic diseases. The law contains indications on the list of pathologies, the information and consent, the methods of collecting and sending samples, the newborn screening system with the elements of its organization, appointed to guarantee the entire path of newborn screening, from the level I test to taking charge of the confirmed positive newborn, the communication and recall procedures for diagnostic confirmation and patient management, training and information initiatives, as well as the criteria for allocating the allocation. Extended neonatal screening has introduced new issues in diagnosis, choice of decision levels, and metabolic disease panels to screen. Of particular relevance in order to a strong reduction of false positives, was the introduction of the second-tier test for some diseases such as leucinosis, isovaleric acidemia, methylmalonic aciduria. As regards the diseases to be anging the course of these serious diseases.Decision making for the development of newborn screening programs is based on not only medical but also social concerns and involves different stakeholders. Part III of the article focuses on their role in the governance of the programs. First of all, we consider the proactive role that health authorities has played in the evolution to an evidentiary model of policy development currently based on evidence, just as in the preparation of an expert, impartial and transparent opinion on health policy and its coordination with the national health system. And, in accordance with this evidence and with the consensus, health autorities following quality criteria have made an attempt to achieve a more homogeneous approach of the neonatal screening program throughout the territory. Secondly, we address the role of several scientific and professional societies in newborn screening. Among them, it deserves to be mentioned the Spanish Society for Clinical Chemistry, currently Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine (SEQCMLort for patients and their families. Patient organizations collaborate with health authorities but they have not participated in policy decision making yet. During this half century, the evolution of newborn screening programs have been characterized for a spirit of improvement, by including the development of ethical, legal and social issues. Important technological challenges lie ahead and it will be necessary to know how to use them efficiently, proportionally and fairly in the best interest of newborns and by extension of their family and society. Thyroid hormones are essential for normal brain development, with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) being the most frequent cause of mental retardation that can be prevented. The early detection of CH is of primary interest in Public Health and Preventive Medicine and is included in neonatal screening programs. In newborns detected and starting treatment in the first days of life, morbidity, mortality and possible disabilities associated with the disease are reduced. The objective of the review was to highlight the relevance of HC detection programs, to know the current situation at the national and global level and the challenges and future prospects. The review was based on the selection of studies and reviews of the disease and published studies of different screening programs for the detection of CH. As sources of information, bibliographic reference bases, guides and / or protocols of scientific societies, documents of technological evaluation agencies and documents of official organizations have been used.