Tracing its roots back to the 1940s, theranostics in nuclear oncology has proved successful mainly due to the beneficial effects of image-guided therapeutic concepts for patients afflicted with a variety of different cancers. The majority of these treatments are not only characterized by substantial prolongation of progression-free and overall survival, but are also generally safe, rendering theranostic agents as an attractive treatment option in various clinical scenarios in oncology. In this Special Issue Novel Theranostic Agents, nine original articles from around the globe provide further evidence on the use of the theranostic concept for neuroendocrine neoplasm (NEN), prostate cancer (PC), meningioma, and neuroblastoma. The investigated diagnostic and therapeutic radiotracers target not only established structures, such as somatostatin receptor, prostate-specific membrane antigen or norepinephrine transporter, but also recently emerging targets such as the C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4. Moreover, the presented original articles also combine the concept of theranostics with in-depth read-out techniques such as radiomics or novel reconstruction algorithms on pretherapeutic scans, e.g., for outcome prediction. Even 80 years after its initial clinical introduction, theranostics in oncology continues to thrive, now more than ever.The unfolded protein response is the mechanism by which cells control endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein homeostasis. Under normal conditions, the UPR is not activated; however, under certain stresses, such as hypoxia or altered glycosylation, the UPR can be activated due to an accumulation of unfolded proteins. The activation of the UPR involves three signaling pathways, IRE1, PERK and ATF6, which all play vital roles in returning protein homeostasis to levels seen in non-stressed cells. IRE1 is the best studied of the three pathways, as it is the only pathway present in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This pathway involves spliceosome independent splicing of HAC1 or XBP1 in yeast and mammalians cells, respectively. PERK limits protein synthesis, therefore reducing the number of new proteins requiring folding. ATF6 is translocated and proteolytically cleaved, releasing a NH2 domain fragment which is transported to the nucleus and which affects gene expression. If the UPR is unsuccessful at reducing the load of unfolded proteins in the ER and the UPR signals remain activated, this can lead to programmed cell death.Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum is a species known to have a high content of tannins. Accordingly, its preparations are used in southern Pará, Brazil, for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities, but so far, its chemical profile composition remains essentially unknown. We herein describe the compounds present in a hydro-acetonic extract from S. pulcherrimum leaves as revealed by dereplication via ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry. The data were combined with spectral organization, spectral matching through the Global Natural Products Social platform, in silico annotation and taxonomical ponderation. Several types of phenolic compounds were identified such as gallic acids, flavan-3-ols and flavone-like compounds. From these, 5 have been recently reported by our group, whereas 44 are reported here for the first time in this tree species, and 41 (out of 49) for this genus. The results highlight the possible role of Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum as a renewable source for natural bioactive products with potential pharmaceutical applications.Transplantation of various types of stem cells as a possible therapy for stroke has been tested for years, and the results are promising. Recent investigations have shown that the administration of the conditioned media obtained after stem cell cultivation can also be effective in the therapy of the central nervous system pathology (hypothesis of their paracrine action). The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of the conditioned medium of hiPSC-derived glial and neuronal progenitor cells in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model of the ischemic stroke. Secretory activity of the cultured neuronal and glial progenitor cells was evaluated by proteomic and immunosorbent-based approaches. Therapeutic effects were assessed by overall survival, neurologic deficit and infarct volume dynamics, as well as by the end-point values of the apoptosis- and inflammation-related gene expression levels, the extent of microglia/macrophage infiltration and the numbers of formed blood vessels in the affected area of the brain. As a result, 31% of the protein species discovered in glial progenitor cells-conditioned medium and 45% in neuronal progenitor cells-conditioned medium were cell type specific. The glial progenitor cell-conditioned media showed a higher content of neurotrophins (BDNF, GDNF, CNTF and NGF). We showed that intra-arterial administration of glial progenitor cells-conditioned medium promoted a faster decrease in neurological deficit compared to the control group, reduced microglia/macrophage infiltration, reduced expression of pro-apoptotic gene Bax and pro-inflammatory cytokine gene Tnf, increased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokine genes (Il4, Il10, Il13) and promoted the formation of blood vessels within the damaged area. None of these effects were exerted by the neuronal progenitor cell-conditioned media. The results indicate pronounced cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory and angiogenic properties of soluble factors secreted by glial progenitor cells.Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera Liviidae), commonly known as Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), is an invasive insect pest and the vector of the bacterium causing Huanglongbing (HLB), a lethal disease of citrus. In the United States, ACP has been established in all citrus-producing zones, all of which have different environmental conditions. The spread of ACP and, more importantly, HLB, has progressed differently depending on the state, with more rapid spread in Florida and Texas than in California. Climatic variations between the regions are likely a strong factor in the difference in the rate of spread. Despite this, it is unknown how the flight capacity of D. citri is influenced by high temperatures (>30 °C) and subsequently, low humidity experienced in California but not in Texas or Florida. In this study, by using a custom-made, temperature-controlled flight mill arena, we assessed the effect of high temperatures on the flight capacity and flight propensity of D. citri under low (20-40%) and high (76-90%) relative humidity conditions.