pathomechanism of these specific injuries which may have an important impact on knee biomechanics and the outcome of ACL reconstruction. III. III. Correct positioning and alignment of the prosthesis is a very important factor for durability of prosthesis and implant survival which is improved with the use of technology in total knee arthroplasty. However, the long-term functional outcomes and survivorship are unclear. For this study, it was hypothesized that mechanical axis alignment of lower limb, post-operative joint line restoration, femoral and tibial component alignment is more accurate with the new handheld semi-active robotic-assisted TKA. From April-2019 to March-2020, 60 patients with unilateral knee osteoarthritis who underwent total knee arthroplasties were included in this prospective randomised controlled study. Computer generated randomization was used. Study included 48 female patients and 12 male patients. Pre-operative and post-operative radiographic measurements were done and compared between the two groups. There was a significant difference between two groups with respect to mechanical axis deviation, joint line deviation and ctely restored using the robotic-assisted TKA which may lead to better patellofemoral kinematics. I. I.The features extracted from diagnostic computed tomography (CT) slices were used to qualitatively detect bone mineral density (BMD) through neural network models, and the evaluation results indicated that it may be a promising approach to perform osteoporosis screening in clinical practice. The purpose of this study is to design a novelty diagnostic method for osteoporosis screening by using the convolutional neural network (CNN), which can be incorporated into the procedure of routine CT diagnostic in medical examination thereby improving the osteoporosis diagnosis and reducing the patient burden. The proposed CNN-based method mainly comprises two functional modules to perform qualitative detection of BMD by analyzing the diagnostic 2D CT slice. The first functional module aims to locate and segment the ROI of diagnostic 2D CT slice, called Mark-Segmentation-Network (MS-Net). The second functional module is used to determine the category of BMD by the features of ROI, called BMD-Classification-Network (BMeristic curve of 0.9167. This study proposed a novel method for qualitative detection of BMD via diagnostic CT slices and it has great potential in clinical applications for osteoporosis screening. The method can potentially reduce the manual burden to radiologists and diagnostic cost to patients. This study proposed a novel method for qualitative detection of BMD via diagnostic CT slices and it has great potential in clinical applications for osteoporosis screening. The method can potentially reduce the manual burden to radiologists and diagnostic cost to patients. Immune-related adverse events (IrAEs) are auto-immune reactions associated with immune checkpoint inhibitor-based therapy (ICI). Steroids are currently the first-line option for irAE management; however, recent studies have raised concerns regarding their potential impairment of tumor-specific immune responses. In this study, we investigated the in vitro effects of commonly used irAE treatment drugs on the anti-tumor activity of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). Impairment of anti-tumor immune responses by four drugs (antibodies vedolizumab and tocilizumab; small molecules mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus) reported to be effective in treating irAEs was tested at clinically relevant doses in vitro and compared to a standard moderate dose of corticosteroids (small molecules) or infliximab (antibodies). TIL responses against autologous tumor cell lines, in the presence or absence of irAE drugs, were determined by flow cytometry (short-term tumor-specific T-cell activation) or xCELLigence (T-cell-mediated tumor killing). None of the tested antibodies influenced T-cell activation or T-cell-mediated tumor killing. Low-dose mycophenolate and tacrolimus did not influence T-cell activation, whereas higher doses of tacrolimus (> 1ng/ml) impaired T-cell activation comparably to dexamethasone. All tested small molecules impaired T-cell-mediated tumor killing, with high-dose tacrolimus reducing killing at levels comparable to dexamethasone-mediated inhibition. In addition, mycophenolate and tacrolimus alone also demonstrated anti-proliferative effects on tumor cells. These data support clinical testing of targeted immune-regulatory strategies in the initial phase of irAE management, as a potential replacement for corticosteroids. These data support clinical testing of targeted immune-regulatory strategies in the initial phase of irAE management, as a potential replacement for corticosteroids.The advent of immunotherapy in onco-haematology has represented a kind of revolution that has been able to modify the prognosis of numerous tumours that until recently would have been rapidly lethal. While much is known about the mechanism of action of these drugs, relatively little is known about the factors that represent potential predictors of response and toxicity. Among these factors, the simultaneous administration of antibiotics and/or steroids seems to have a negative impact. Furthermore, several retrospective studies have highlighted the strong link between cancer and gut microbiota, regardless of the tumour site, and how microbiota, playing a key role in the prevention of systemic inflammation at various levels and in the intestinal homeostasis, can be negatively influenced by the dysbiosis caused by antibiotic therapy administered during or in the weeks immediately preceding the start of immunotherapy. Moreover, we assume that the concurrent administration of steroids, which is often necessary in cancer patients, likely results in a deleterious effect on the therapeutic outcomes of immunotherapy. In this review, we will try to clarify the evidence on the possible detrimental effects of antibiotics and steroids, which are currently considered the double enemies of anticancer immunotherapy.In 1971 the British rock band Jethro Tull published their milestone album Aqualung with a song of the same title. The song tells the story of a character also named "Aqualung", a homeless person, who spends a cold day on a bench in a park in London. Nothing much happens he watches little girls playing, bends to pick up a cigarette butt, walks to a public restroom, is offered a cup of tea by the Salvation Army, is scared by and flees from a young prostitute called "cross-eyed Mary", and then finally dies with "rattling last breaths with deep-sea diver sounds". Apparently, Aqualung is severely ill. He might suffer from pulmonary edema, peripheral artery disease, posttraumatic stress disorder and possibly from many other diseases typical of the homeless. The description of his final breaths may remind the anesthetist of the death rattle. One avenue for mediating medical knowledge to physicians is to link data and facts on diseases to elements of popular culture. This essay strives to use a still extremely popular rock song to sensitize and educate anesthetists and intensive care physicians regarding diseases of the homeless relevant to critical care.