The global burden of invasive pneumococcal diseases, including pneumonia and sepsis, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, a Gram-positive bacterial pathogen, remains a major global health risk. The success of pneumococcus as a pathogen can be attributed to its ability to regulate the synthesis of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) during invasive disease. We previously reported that deletion of a putative lysine decarboxylase (LDC; ΔSP_0916) in pneumococcal serotype 4 (TIGR4) results in reduced CPS. SP_0916 locus is annotated as either an arginine or a LDC in pneumococcal genomes. In this study, by biochemical characterization of the recombinant SP_0916, we determined the substrate specificity of SP_0916 and show that it is an arginine decarboxylase (speA/ADC). We also show that deletion of the polyamine transporter (potABCD) predicted to import putrescine and spermidine results in reduced CPS, while deletion of spermidine synthase (speE) for the conversion of putrescine to spermidine had no impact on the capsule. Targeted metabolomics identified a correlation between reduced levels of agmatine and loss of capsule in ΔspeA and ΔpotABCD, while agmatine levels were comparable between the encapsulated TIGR4 and ΔspeE. Exogenous supplementation of agmatine restored CPS in both ΔpotABCD and ΔspeA. These results demonstrate that agmatine is critical for regulating the CPS, a predominant virulence factor in pneumococci.Most bacteria, including mycobacteria, utilize a two-step indirect tRNA aminoacylation pathway to generate correctly aminoacylated glutaminyl and asparaginyl tRNAs. This involves an initial step in which a non-discriminatory aminoacyl tRNA synthetase misacylates the tRNA, followed by a second step in which the essential amidotransferase, GatCAB, amidates the misacylated tRNA to its correct, cognate form. It had been previously demonstrated that mutations in gatA can mediate increased error rates specifically of glutamine to glutamate or asparagine to aspartate in protein synthesis. However, the role of mutations in gatB or gatC in mediating mistranslation are unknown. Here, we applied a forward genetic screen to enrich for mistranslating mutants of Mycobacterium smegmatis. The majority (57/67) of mutants had mutations in one of the gatCAB genes. Intriguingly, the most common mutation identified was an insertion in the 3' of gatC, abolishing its stop codon, and resulting in a fused GatC-GatA polypeptide. Modeling the effect of the fusion on GatCAB structure suggested a disruption of the interaction of GatB with the CCA-tail of the misacylated tRNA, suggesting a potential mechanism by which this mutation may mediate increased translational errors. Furthermore, we confirm that the majority of mutations in gatCAB that result in increased mistranslation also cause increased tolerance to rifampicin, although there was not a perfect correlation between mistranslation rates and degree of tolerance. Overall, our study identifies that mutations in all three gatCAB genes can mediate adaptive mistranslation and that mycobacteria are extremely tolerant to perturbation in the indirect tRNA aminoacylation pathway.Bioinformatics skills are increasingly relevant to research in most areas of the life sciences. The availability of genome sequences and large data sets provide unique opportunities to incorporate bioinformatics exercises into undergraduate microbiology courses. The goal of this project was to develop a teaching module to investigate the abundance and phylogenetic relationships amongst bacteriophages using a set of freely available bioinformatics tools. Computational identification and examination of bacteriophage genomes, followed by phylogenetic analyses, provides opportunities to incorporate core bioinformatics competencies in microbiology courses and enhance students' bioinformatics skills. The first activity consisted of using PHASTER (PHAge Search Tool Enhanced Release), a bioinformatics tool that identifies bacteriophage sequences within bacterial chromosomes. Further computational analyses were conducted to align bacteriophage proteins, genomes, and determine phylogenetic relationships amongst these viruses. This part of the project was carried out using the Clustal omega, MAFFT (Multiple Alignment using Fast Fourier Transform), and Interactive Tree of Life (iTOL) programs for sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses. The laboratory activities were field tested in undergraduate directed research, and microbiology classes. The learning objectives were assessed by comparing the scores of pre and post-tests and grading final presentations. Post-tests were higher than pre-test scores at or below p = 0.002. The data suggest in silico phage hunting improves students' ability to search databases, interpret phylogenetic trees, and use bioinformatics tools to examine genome structure. This activity allows instructors to integrate key bioinformatic concepts in their curriculums and gives students the opportunity to participate in a research-directed learning environment in the classroom.Studies of rumen microbial ecology suggest that the capacity to produce antimicrobial peptides could be a useful trait in species competing for ecological niches in the ruminal ecosystem. However, little is known about the synthesis of lasso peptides by ruminal microorganisms. Here we analyzed the distribution and diversity of lasso peptide gene clusters in 425 bacterial genomes from the rumen ecosystem. Genome mining was performed using antiSMASH 5, BAGEL4, and a database of well-known precursor sequences. The genomic context of the biosynthetic clusters was investigated to identify putative lasA genes and protein sequences from enzymes of the biosynthetic machinery were evaluated to identify conserved motifs. Metatranscriptome analysis evaluated the expression of the biosynthetic genes in the rumen microbiome. Several incomplete (n = 23) and complete (n = 11) putative lasso peptide clusters were detected in the genomes of ruminal bacteria. The complete gene clusters were exclusively found within the phylum bacteria and revealed several strains with the genetic potential to synthesize lasso peptides, suggesting that the ruminal microbiota represents a potential source of these promising peptides.