More than 50 years after the publication of the Harvard Committee Report that sought to define death according to whole-brain function criteria, this document continues to generate a diversity of opinions regarding how death should be defined. The various perspectives show that doubts linger regarding when brain death should be diagnosed, the criteria to pinpoint the occurrence of death, and the alignment of medical practices seeking to establish human death with these criteria. This study reviews and assesses three perspectives that have made significant contributions to the debate. Attention is also given to definitions of death that depart from the recommendations of the Harvard Report. Appraisals of various arguments lead to the conclusion that changes in the definition of death have resulted from advances in knowledge of human biology, medical technology and diagnostic techniques. A commentary is included on expediting the time of death with the view of organ donation.Members of the poorly investigated family Teloschistaceae in South America, mostly from Bolivia and Peru, were examined using molecular and morphological data here for the first time. In recent phylogenetic reclassifications of Teloschistaceae, South American representatives were poorly represented but shown to belong to subfamilies Teloschistoideae and Xanthorioideae. In this study, we expanded the sampling of South American taxa and investigated mainly the lobate, sublobate, and squamulose members of Caloplaca s.l., using morphological characters and a molecular phylogeny based on a combined three-locus data set (one mitochondrial and two nuclear loci). Building upon new phylogenies at the family and subfamily levels (Teloschistoideae), we propose here three new genera Andina, Aridoplaca, and Cinnabaria, with the type species Andina citrinoides, Aridoplaca peltata, and Cinnabaria boliviana. We also propose to reduce Tarasginia to synonymy with Sirenophila and Tayloriellina to synonymy with Villophora and introduce three new combinations Dufourea ottolangei, D. volkmarwirthii, and Villophora erythrosticta. Scutaria andina is reported as new to Bolivia. A critical revision of the subfamily Brownlielloideae confirmed recent findings that it is an artifactual taxon based on a "chimeric" data set, with the type genus being part of Teloschistoideae.The COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing opioid epidemic, rise in substance use, and social and political unrest in the US and globally has impacted how substance use-related health needs are addressed. These issues were driving forces in planning AMERSA's 44th annual conference. True to the multidisciplinary spirit, and with diversity goals and advocacy at the forefront of mind, "together we rise" became the beacon for the AMERSA 2020 conference. This commentary provides an overview of the conference proceedings, topics that were highly relevant for clinicians, educators, researchers, and advocates for change.Emerging data show associations between violence victimisation and negative HIV outcomes among youth in sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted in-depth interviews with adolescents and young adults living with HIV (aged 15-24 years) in Ndola, Zambia, to better understand this relationship. We purposively selected 41 youth (24 females, 17 males) with varied experiences of violence and virologic results. Analysis used thematic coding. Two-thirds of participants said violence affected their medication adherence, clinic attendance, and/or virologic results. They focused on the negative effects of psychological abuse from family members in homes and peers at schools, which were the most salient forms of violence raised, and sexual violence against females. In contrast, they typically depicted physical violence from caregivers and teachers as a standard discipline practice, with few impacts. Youth wanted HIV clinic settings to address verbal abuse and emotional maltreatment, alongside physical and sexual violence, including through peer mentoring. Violence - especially verbal and emotional forms - must be recognised as a potential barrier to HIV self-management among youth living with HIV in the region. Further testing of clinic, home, and school-based interventions may be critical to reducing levels of violence and improving HIV outcomes in this vulnerable but resilient population.Trial registration identifier NCT04115813.This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the influence of biomechanical and physical characteristics on ball release speed in cricket using correlation data. Search was conducted across PubMed, Cinhal, Scopus, SportDiscus and Web of Science, with eighteen studies included. The ball release speed had a moderate correlation with overall biomechanical (r = 0.42, p less then 0.001) parameters and a strong correlation with physical (r = 0.65, p less then 0.001) characteristics. Furthermore, individual biomechanical and physical parameters were also correlated with ball release speed. The run-up speed had a strong correlation (r = 0.50, p less then 0.001) and front knee angle at ball release had a moderate correlation (r = 0.40, p less then 0.001). Poorer correlations were identified for centre of mass velocity at ball release (r = 0.16, p = 0.134), front knee angle at front foot contact (r = 0.26, p = 0.015) 25 and vertical ground reaction force (r = 0.13, p = 0.659). Strong and significant correlation was found for total arm length (r = 0.65, p less then 0.001) and shoulder strength (r = 0.58, p less then 0.001). This review highlights the biomechanical and physical parameters that are major determinants of faster ball release speed. Postoperative quadriceps strength weakness after knee surgery is a persistent issue patients and health care providers encounter. To investigate the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) parameters on quadriceps strength after knee surgery. CINAHL, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and PubMed were systematically searched in December 2018. Studies were excluded if they did not assess quadriceps strength or if they failed to report the NMES parameters or quadriceps strength values. Additionally, studies that applied NMES to numerous muscle groups or simultaneously with other modalities/treatments were excluded. Study quality was assessed with the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale for randomized controlled trials. Systematic review. Level 1. Treatment parameters for each NMES treatment was extracted for comparison. Quadriceps strength means and standard deviations were extracted and utilized to calculate Hedge effect sizes with 95% CIs. Eight RCTs were included with an average Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale score of 5 ± 2.