The newest radioisotope for brachytherapy treatment of prostate cancer is 131Cs (t1/2 = 9.69 d, 100% EC). Generated via electron capture decay of 131Ba (t1/2 = 11.6 d, 100% EC), 131Cs has been used in brachytherapy for prostate cancer since 2004. The 131Ba parent is produced through neutron capture of enriched 130Ba in a nuclear reactor. For large-scale production of 131Ba, an accurate knowledge of production and burnup cross sections of 131Ba are essential. In this paper, we report two group cross sections (thermal and resonance integrals) for 130Ba and 131Ba and a new measure of the half-life of 131Ba. Targets consisting of milligram quantities of enriched 130Ba (∼35%) were irradiated in Oak Ridge National Laboratory's High Flux Isotope Reactor at thermal and resonance neutron fluxes of (1.9-2.1) × 1015 and (5.8-7.0) × 1013 neutrons·cm-2 s-1, respectively, for durations ranging from 3 to 26 days. In addition, cadmium covered samples of 130Ba were irradiated for 1 hour at 12.6% full reactor power (10.7 MW). astable and ground states of 133Ba.Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is a respiratory pathogen that impacts domestic sheep (Ovis aries; DS) and bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis; BHS). BHS are reported to be more susceptible than DS to developing polymicrobial pneumonia associated with M. ovipneumoniae infection. Using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, we performed a retrospective study investigating the pulmonary immune response of DS and BHS to M. ovipneumoniae infection. M. ovipneumoniae infected DS exhibited a more robust and well-organized BALT formation as compared to BHS. Digital analysis of immunohistochemical chromogen deposition in lung tissue was used to quantitate T cell marker CD3, B cell markers CD20 and CD79a, macrophage markers CD163 and Iba1, and cytokine IL-17. A significant interaction of species and infection status was identified for CD3, CD163, and IL-17. BHS had a greater increase in bronchiolar CD3 and bronchiolar and alveolar CD163 with infection, as compared to DS. BHS had an increase in bronchiolar associated lymph tissue (BALT) and alveolar IL-17 with infection, while these remained similar in DS regardless of infection status. IL-17 in respiratory epithelium of bronchi and bronchioles comparatively decreased in DS and increased in BHS with infection. These data begin to define the interspecies differential immune response to pulmonary M. ovipneumoniae infection in DS and BHS and provide the first investigations of respiratory epithelium-associated IL-17 in ovine.The fine structural organization of the male and the female inner reproductive apparatuses of the water-strider Gerris lacustris was studied. The sperm of the species shows a long helicoidal acrosome provided with longitudinal tubules, and a short nucleus. The flagellum is characterized by crescent mitochondrial derivatives and a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme, as occurs in all Heteroptera. The female reproductive apparatus is characterized by an extremely long spermathecal duct, filled with sperm, which plays the role of the main sperm storage organ. The duct has a thin epithelium surrounded by a complex of secretory and duct-forming cells. The spermathecal duct flows into the gynatrial sac. This region, together with the fertilization chamber, exhibits a simple epithelium with deep apical plasma membrane invaginations, and it does not show conspicuous secretions. The basal cell region shows plasma membrane infoldings forming thin cytoplasmic bands hosting mitochondria and large intercellular spaces. This organization is typical of epithelia active in fluid reabsorption. Two lateral large gynatrial glands open into the gynatrial sac. Such glands also exhibit secretory and duct forming cells. The same structure of these glands is also present along the proximal region of the fecundation canal. The duct forming cells of these regions have very wide ducts with peculiar cuticular finger-like structures at their opening into the gland duct lumen. The results of the present study suggest the occurrence of a coevolution between the sperm and the spermathecal duct lengths. Khat is known to have a stimulating effect on the sympathetic nervous system by producing a temporary sensation of activeness and happiness, along with mood disturbance and anxiety. Despite growing evidence of the association between khat chewing and glycaemic control in patients with diabetes, the position of khat chewing in DM is not fully recognised. To evaluate the association of khat chewing with the risk of elevated blood glucose levels among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A web-based literature search was performed using the electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE and Google Scholar. Databases were searched for studies published about khat chewing and diabetes mellitus in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Twenty-five published articles studying the relation between khat chewing and diabetes mellitus were identified, but only 10 studies reported an association between khat chewing and blood glucose levels and were included. Khat chewing increases fasting blood glucose, post-prandial blood glucose and HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Khat chewing increases fasting blood glucose, post-prandial blood glucose and HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. To examine the efficacy of FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System (FGMS) on Diabetes Self-Management Practices (DSMP) and glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). This prospective study was conducted among 105 patients with T2D (aged 30-70 years), who self-tested their glucose levels by conventional finger-prick method using blood glucose meters (BGM). At baseline visit, FGMS sensors were fixed by a diabetes educator to all patients. At the baseline and at 12 weeks of the study, an interviewer collected the responses of Diabetes Self-Management (DSM) from all the study population using a questionnaire. At 12 weeks, significant improvements in the DSM subscales were observed, which includes glucose management (P=0.042), dietary control (P=0.048), physical activity (P=0.043), health care use (P=0.001) and self-care (P=0.001), compared to the values at baseline. At baseline, when the HbA1c level was 8.2%, at 12 weeks, it dropped to 7.9%. Also, at baseline, when the hypoglycemia frequency was 3.