const compact = require("lodash.compact"); const fs = require("fs"); const isEqual = require("lodash.isequal"); const moment = require("moment"); const path = require("path"); const RichEmbed = require("discord.js").RichEmbed; const RSSParser = require("rss-parser"); const util = require("util"); const to = require("../util/to"); const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir); const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); const unlink = util.promisify(fs.unlink); const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile); class RSSManager { constructor(client, folderLocation) { this.client = client; this.folderLocation = path.join(__dirname, "../..", folderLocation); this.rssParser = new RSSParser(); if (!fs.existsSync(this.folderLocation)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.folderLocation); } this.feeds = []; this.load(); } async subscribeTo(channel, url) { // Fetch current feed data const [err, feed] = await to(this.rssParser.parseURL(url)); if (err) return + "!"); // Get and sort all existing feeds let files = await readdir(this.folderLocation); files = files.sort((a, b) => { if (a === b) return 0; return a < b ? -1 : 1; }); // If the feed in the supplied channel already exists then return for (const file of files) { const fileData = JSON.parse(await readFile(path.join(this.folderLocation, file))); if ( === && fileData.url === url) { return; } } // Otherwise increment the filename by 1 to save it const nextFileName = files.length > 0 ? parseInt(files[files.length - 1].replace(/[^0-9]+/g, "")) + 1 + ".json" : "0.json"; // Add it to the list of running feeds this.feeds.push(nextFileName); // Subscription format const feedData = { channel:, url, fileName: nextFileName, feed }; // Save to disk await writeFile(path.join(this.folderLocation, nextFileName), JSON.stringify(feedData)); // Add to RSS subscription rotation this.fetch(feedData); } async unsubscribeFrom(channel, url) { let files = await readdir(this.folderLocation); for (const file of files) { const fullPath = path.join(this.folderLocation, file); const fileData = JSON.parse(await readFile(fullPath)); if ( === && fileData.url === url) { this.feeds.splice(this.feeds.indexOf(file), 1); return await unlink(fullPath); } } } async load() { const files = (await readdir(this.folderLocation)).filter((fileName) => fileName.endsWith(".json")); for (const file of files) { const feedData = JSON.parse(await readFile(path.join(this.folderLocation, file))); this.feeds.push(file); this.fetch(feedData, true); } } async fetch(feedData, now) { setTimeout(async () => { if (this.feeds.indexOf(feedData.fileName) === -1) return; const channel = this.client.channels.get(; if (!channel) return; const [err, newFeed] = await to(this.rssParser.parseURL(feedData.url)); if (err) channel.send(err.message + "!"); // If there are new items if (!isEqual(feedData.feed.items, newFeed.items)) { // Filter for the new items const newItems = compact( => { const hasItem = feedData.feed.items.find((oldItem) => isEqual(oldItem, newItem)); if (!hasItem) { return newItem; } })); // Make Discord embeds for each one const embeds = await this.makeEmbeds(newItems, newFeed); for (const embed of embeds) { channel.send("**```yaml" + "\n[" + category + "]" + " [" + category + "]" + "```**", embed); } // Update the saved data feedData.feed = newFeed; await writeFile(path.join(this.folderLocation, feedData.fileName), JSON.stringify(feedData)); } this.fetch(feedData); }, now ? 0 : 60000); } async makeEmbeds(items, feed) { const embeds = [] for (const item of items) { let embed = new RichEmbed().setColor("#763743"); const title = item.title if (title) { embed.setTitle(title.length > 256 ? title.slice(0, 250) + '...' : title) } /* item.content = []; if (item.content) { item.content = JSON.stringify(item.content); item.content = item.content.match(/(\/title\/(.*)([2]; if (item.content == null) { item.content = []; } else { item.content = item.content.match(/(.*)["] target/m)[1]; } } embed = embed.setDescription(item.content); */ if (feed.image && feed.image.description) embed = embed.setFooter(feed.image.description); if (feed.image && feed.image.url) embed = embed.setImage(feed.image.url); if ( { if (\/\/).+\..+/g)) { embed = embed.setURL( } else { embed = embed.setURL( } }; if (item.categories) { item.categories = JSON.stringify(item.categories); item.categories = item.categories.match(/(:["])(.*)(["],)/m)[2]; const category = item.categories; } embed = embed.addField("Category:", item.categories); if (item.pubDate) { if (item.isoDate) { embed = embed.setTimestamp(moment(item.isoDate).toDate()); } else if (!item.pubDate.includes("+")) { embed = embed.setTimestamp(moment(item.pubDate).toDate()); } else { embed = embed.setTimestamp(moment.utc(item.pubDate).toDate()); } } const category = item.categories; embeds.push(embed); embeds.push(category); embeds.push(title); } return embeds; } } module.exports = RSSManager;