Low sulfur oxidation activity and low Acidithiobacillus sp. content also deteriorated the biodegradation of H2S. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/th5427.html Operating the BTF at pH 1.2 was optimal for simultaneously removing H2S and siloxane.Dehydrocoupling of the adduct of dimethylamine and borane, NH(CH3)2-BH3 leads to dimethylaminoborane with formal composition N(CH3)2-BH2. The structure of this product depends on the conditions of the synthesis; it may crystallize either as a dimer in a triclinic space group forming a four-membered ring [N(CH3)2-BH2]2 or as a trimer forming a six-membered ring [N(CH3)2-BH2]3 in an orthorhombic space group. Due to the denser packing, the six-membered ring in the trimer structure should be energetically more stable than the four-membered ring. The triclinic structure is stable at low temperatures. Heating the triclinic phase above 290 K leads to a second-order phase transition to a new monoclinic polymorph. While the crystal structures of the triclinic and orthorhombic phases were already known in the literature, the monoclinic crystal structure was determined from powder diffraction data in this study. Monoclinic dimethylaminoborane crystallizes in space group C2/m with the boron and nitrogen atoms located on the mirror plane, Wyckoff position 4i, while the carbon and hydrogen atoms are on the general position 8j.Specific features of the crystal chemistry of lamprophyllite-group minerals (LGMs) are discussed using the available literature data and the results of the single-crystal X-ray diffraction and a Raman spectroscopic studies of several samples taken from the Murun alkaline complex (Russia), and Rocky Boy and Gordon Butte pegmatites (USA) presented here. The studied samples are unique in their chemical features and the distribution of cations over structural sites. In particular, the sample from the Gordon Butte pegmatite is a member of the barytolamprophyllite-emmerichite solid solution series, whereas the samples from the Murun alkaline complex and from the Rocky Boy pegmatite are intermediate members of the solid solution series formed by lamprophyllite and a hypothetical Sr analogue of emmerichite. The predominance of O2- over OH- and F- at the X site is a specific feature of sample Cha-192 from the Murun alkaline complex. New data on the Raman spectra of LGMs obtained in this work show that the wavenumbers of the O-H stretching vibrations depend on the occupancies of the M2 and M3 sites coordinating with (OH)- groups. Cations other than Na+ and Ti4+ (mainly, Mg and Fe3+) can play a significant role in the coordination of the X site occupied by (OH)-. Data on polarized Raman spectra of an oriented sample indicate that the OH groups having different local coordinations have similar orientations with respect to the crystal. The calculated measures of similarity (Δ) for lamprophyllite and ericssonite are identical (0.157 and 0.077 for the 2M- and 2O-polytypes, respectively), which indicates that these minerals are crystal-chemically isotypic and probably should be considered within the same mineral group by analogy to the other mineralogical groups which combine isotypic minerals.xLi2O-(100 - x)TeO2 (x = 20 and 25 mol%) and xV2O5-(25 - x)Li2O-75TeO2 (x = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mol%) glasses were prepared by melt-quenching and their thermal and structural properties were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, Raman spectroscopy, high-energy X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) simulations. The glass transition temperature increases steadily with an increase in V2O5 mol% in lithium tellurite glasses due to an increase in the average single bond energy of the glass network. The X-ray and neutron diffraction structure factors were modelled by RMC technique and the Te-O distributions show the first peak in the range 1.85-1.90 Å, with V-O = 1.75-1.95 Å, Li-O = 1.85-2.15 Å and O-O = 2.70-2.80 Å. The average Te-O coordination number decreases with an increase in Li2O mol% in lithium tellurite glasses, and the V-O coordination decreases from 5.12 to 3.81 with an increase in V2O5 concentration in vanadium lithium tellurite glasses. The O-Te-O, O-V-O, O-Li-O and O-O-O linkages have maxima in the ranges 86°-89°, 82°-87°, 80°-85° and at 59o, respectively. The structural analysis of tellurite glasses reveal significant short-range and medium-range disorder due to the existence of a wide range of Te-O and Te-Te distances in the first coordination shell.Crystals of Cs6(SO4)3(H3PO4)4 belong to the family of alkali metal acid salts that show a high protonic conductivity at relatively low temperatures. Such properties make superprotonic crystals an excellent choice for the study of the influence of the hydrogen subsystem on the physicochemical properties and promising materials for energy-efficient technologies. Single crystals of Cs6(SO4)3(H3PO4)4 were studied by neutron diffraction methods, optical polarization microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Neutron diffraction studies made it possible to determine the positions of all the atoms with high accuracy, including the H atom on a hydrogen bond characterized by a single-minimum potential, to confirm the chemical composition of the Cs6(SO4)3(H3PO4)4 crystals and their cubic symmetry in low- and high-temperature phases, and to draw conclusions about the three-dimensional system of hydrogen bonds, which is fundamentally different in comparison with other superprotonic compounds. Based on the experimental data obtained, crystal transformations with temperature changes are reported, and the stability of the chemical composition is shown.Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) has been generally interpreted as having an AA stacking sequence. Evidence is presented in this article indicating that typical commercial h-BN platelets (∼10-500 nm in thickness) exhibit stacks of parallel nanosheets (∼10 nm in thickness) predominantly in the AB sequence. The AB-stacked nanosheet occurs as a metastable phase of h-BN resulting from the preferred texture and lateral growth of armchair (110) planes. It appears as an independent nanosheet or unit for h-BN platelets. The analysis is supported by simulation of thin AB films (2-20 layers), which explains the unique X-ray diffraction pattern of h-BN. With this analysis and the role of pressure in commercial high-pressure high-temperature sintering (driving nucleation and parallelizing the in-plane crystalline growth of the nuclei), a growth mechanism is proposed for 2D h-BN (on a substrate) as `substrate-induced 2D growth', where the substrate plays the role of pressure.