Matrix production by nucleus pulposus (NP) cells, the cells residing in the center of the intervertebral disc, can be stimulated by growth factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) hold great promise. Although BMP2 and BMP7 have been used most frequently, other BMPs have also shown potential for NP regeneration. Heterodimers may be more potent than single homodimers, but it is not known whether combinations of homodimers would perform equally well. In this study, we compared BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, and BMP7, their combinations and heterodimers, for regeneration by human NP cells. The BMPs investigated induced variable matrix deposition by NP cells. BMP4 was the most potent, both in the final neotissue glysosaminoglycan content and incorporation efficiency. Heterodimers BMP2/6H and BMP2/7H were more potent than their respective homodimer combinations, but not the BMP4/7H heterodimer. The current results indicate that BMP4 might have a high potential for regeneration of the intervertebral disc. Moreover, the added value of BMP heterodimers over their respective homodimer BMP combinations depends on the BMP combination applied.Recognizing human physical activities from streaming smartphone sensor readings is essential for the successful realization of a smart environment. Physical activity recognition is one of the active research topics to provide users the adaptive services using smart devices. Existing physical activity recognition methods lack in providing fast and accurate recognition of activities. This paper proposes an approach to recognize physical activities using only2-axes of the smartphone accelerometer sensor. It also investigates the effectiveness and contribution of each axis of the accelerometer in the recognition of physical activities. To implement our approach, data of daily life activities are collected labeled using the accelerometer from 12 participants. Furthermore, three machine learning classifiers are implemented to train the model on the collected dataset and in predicting the activities. Our proposed approach provides more promising results compared to the existing techniques and presents a strong rationale behind the effectiveness and contribution of each axis of an accelerometer for activity recognition. To ensure the reliability of the model, we evaluate the proposed approach and observations on standard publicly available dataset WISDM also and provide a comparative analysis with state-of-the-art studies. The proposed approach achieved 93% weighted accuracy with Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier, which is almost 13% higher than the existing methods.A major challenge in medical research resides in controlling the molecular processes of tissue regeneration, as organ and structure damage are central to several human diseases. A survey of the literature reveals that mTOR (mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin) is involved in a wide range of regeneration mechanisms in the animal kingdom. More particularly, cellular processes such as growth, proliferation, and differentiation are controlled by mTOR. In addition, autophagy, stem cell maintenance or the newly described intermediate quiescence state, Galert, imply upstream monitoring by the mTOR pathway. In this review, we report the role of mTOR signaling in reparative regenerations in different tissues and body parts (e.g., axon, skeletal muscle, liver, epithelia, appendages, kidney, and whole-body), and highlight how the mTOR kinase can be viewed as a therapeutic target to boost organ repair. Studies in this area have focused on modulating the mTOR pathway in various animal models to elucidate its contribution to regeneration. The diversity of metazoan species used to identify the implication of this pathway might then serve applied medicine (in better understanding what is required for efficient treatments in human diseases) but also evolutionary biology. Indeed, species-specific differences in mTOR modulation can contain the keys to appreciate why certain regeneration processes have been lost or conserved in the animal kingdom.Proteoglycans (PGs) are macromolecules present on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix that confer specific mechanical, biochemical, and physical properties to tissues. Sulfate groups present on glycosaminoglycans, linear polysaccharide chains attached to PG core proteins, are fundamental for correct PG functions. Indeed, through the negative charge of sulfate groups, PGs interact with extracellular matrix molecules and bind growth factors regulating tissue structure and cell behavior. The maintenance of correct sulfate metabolism is important in tissue development and function, particularly in cartilage where PGs are fundamental and abundant components of the extracellular matrix. In chondrocytes, the main sulfate source is the extracellular space, then sulfate is taken up and activated in the cytosol to the universal sulfate donor to be used in sulfotransferase reactions. Alteration in each step of sulfate metabolism can affect macromolecular sulfation, leading to the onset of diseases that affect mainly cartilage and bone. This review presents a panoramic view of skeletal dysplasias caused by mutations in genes encoding for transporters or enzymes involved in macromolecular sulfation. Future research in this field will contribute to the understanding of the disease pathogenesis, allowing the development of targeted therapies aimed at alleviating, preventing, or modifying the disease progression.After careful consideration, we found that Figure 2 [...].Dinoflagellates have some of the largest genomes, and their liquid-crystalline chromosomes (LCCs) have high degrees of non-nucleosomal superhelicity with cation-mediated DNA condensation. It is currently unknown if condensins, pentameric protein complexes containing structural maintenance of chromosomes 2/4, commonly involved in eukaryotic chromosomes condensation in preparation for M phase, may be involved in the LCC structure. We find that CcSMC4p (dinoflagellate SMC4 homolog) level peaked at S/G2 phase, even though LCCs do not undergo global-decondensation for replication. Despite the differences in the chromosomal packaging system, heterologous CcSMC4p expression suppressed conditional lethality of the corresponding fission yeast mutant, suggesting conservation of some canonical condensin functions. CcSMC4p-knockdown led to sustained expression of the S-phase marker PCNAp, S-phase impediment, and distorted nuclei in the early stage of CcSMC4p depletion. Prolonged CcSMC4p-knockdown resulted in aneuploidal cells and nuclear swelling with increasing LCC decompaction-decondensation.