Based on the findings of the literature and the clinical experience of the authors, we have provided clinical insights on proposed treatments and medications in the form of three case study examples on patients with SCI or MS.The anti-infective properties of breast milk have been known for decades. In recent years, an increasing number of papers have described the variety of bioactive compounds that are present in breast milk with varying degrees of antiviral activity. However, to date, the totality of the properties of these compounds is not fully understood and, above all, their synergistic interaction is not yet known. The purpose of this review is to describe the current knowledge about the antiviral compounds in breast milk, both with specific and non-specific action against pathogens. Due to the current pandemic situation from SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2), research has focused on a multitude of potential antiviral substances, taking breast milk as a biological model of reference. Future research is needed to expand the knowledge of these compounds, which will hopefully assist in the development of therapies applicable even at later ages.Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21, associated with intellectual disabilities. Down syndrome is associated with anomalies of both the nervous and endocrine systems. Over the past decades, dramatic advances in Down syndrome research and treatment have helped to extend the life expectancy of these patients. Improved life expectancy is obviously a positive outcome, but it is accompanied with the need to address previously overlooked complications and comorbidities of Down syndrome, including obesity and diabetes, in order to improve the quality of life of Down syndrome patients. In this focused review, we describe the associations between Down syndrome and comorbidities, obesity and diabetes, and we discuss the understanding of proposed mechanisms for the association of Down syndrome with metabolic disorders. Drawing molecular mechanisms through which Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes could be linked to Down syndrome could allow identification of novel drug targets and provide therapeutic solutions to limit the development of metabolic and cognitive disorders.Highly transparent indium-free multilayers of TiO2/Cu/TiO2 were obtained by means of annealing. The effects of Cu thickness and annealing temperature on the electrical and optical properties were investigated. The critical thickness of Cu mid-layer with optimal electrical and optical properties was 10 nm, with the figure of merit reaching as high as 5 × 10-3 Ω-1. Partial crystallization of the TiO2 layer enhanced the electrical and optical properties upon annealing. Electrothermal experiments showed that temperatures of more than 100 °C can be reached at a heating rate of 2 °C/s without any damage to the multilayers. The experimental results indicate that reliable transparent TiO2/Cu/TiO2 multilayers can be used for electrothermal application.Generally, industrial gas turbines (IGT) face transient behavior during start-up, load change, shutdown and variations in ambient conditions. These transient conditions shift engine thermal equilibrium from one steady state to another steady state. In turn, various aero-thermal and mechanical stresses are developed that are adverse for engine's reliability, availability, and overall health. The transient behavior needs to be accurately predicted since it is highly related to low cycle fatigue and early failures, especially in the hot regions of the gas turbine. In the present paper, several critical aspects related to transient behavior and its modeling are reviewed and studied from the point of view of identifying potential research gaps within the context of fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) under dynamic conditions. Among the considered topics are, (i) general transient regimes and pertinent model formulation techniques, (ii) control mechanism for part-load operation, (iii) developing a database of variable geometry inlet guide vanes (VIGVs) and variable bleed valves (VBVs) schedules along with selection framework, and (iv) data compilation of shaft's polar moment of inertia for different types of engine's configurations. This comprehensive literature document, considering all the aspects of transient behavior and its associated modeling techniques will serve as an anchor point for the future researchers, gas turbine operators and design engineers for effective prognostics, FDD and predictive condition monitoring for variable geometry IGT.α-Conotoxin TxIB, a selective antagonist of α6/α3β2β3 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, could be a potential therapeutic agent for addiction and Parkinson's disease. As a peptide with a complex pharmacophoric conformation, it is important and difficult to find a modifiable site which can be modified effectively and efficiently without activity loss. In this study, three xylene scaffolds were individually reacted with one pair of the cysteine residues ([1,3] or [2,4]), and iodine oxidation was used to form a disulfide bond between the other pair. Overall, six analogs were synthesized with moderate isolated yields from 55% to 65%, which is four times higher than the traditional two-step oxidation with orthogonal protection on cysteines. The cysteine [2,4] modified analogs, with higher stability in human serum than native TxIB, showed obvious inhibitory effect and selectivity on α6/α3β2β3 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which was 100 times more than the cysteine [1,3] modified ones. This result demonstrated that the cysteine [2,4] disulfide bond is a new modifiable site of TxIB, and further modification can be a simple and feasible strategy for the exploitation and utilization of α-Conotoxin TxIB in drug discovery.Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is among the leading causes of end-stage liver disease. The impaired hepatic lipid metabolism in NAFLD is exhibited by dysregulated PPARα and SREBP-1c signaling pathways, which are central transcription factors associated with lipid degradation and de novo lipogenesis. Despite the growing prevalence of this disease, current pharmacological treatment options are unsatisfactory. Genistein, a soy isoflavone, has beneficial effects on lipid metabolism and may be a candidate for NAFLD treatment. In an in vitro model of hepatic steatosis, primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) were incubated with free fatty acids (FFAs) and different doses of genistein. Lipid accumulation and the cytotoxic effects of FFAs and genistein treatment were evaluated by colorimetric and enzymatic assays. Changes in lipid homeostasis were examined by RT-qPCR and Western blot analyses. PPARα protein expression was induced in steatotic PHHs, accompanied by an increase in CPT1L and ACSL1 mRNA. Genistein treatment increased PPARα protein expression only in control PHHs, while CPTL1 and ACSL1 were unchanged and PPARα mRNA was reduced.