Combination with ivermectin is mandatory.The treatment of advanced prostate cancer is changing. New study data and the resulting new therapeutic options have led to increasingly differentiated treatment decisions. Despite the changing therapy landscape, taxane-based chemotherapy-being a life-prolonging treatment-remains an indispensable therapeutic component for chemotherapy-fit patients in the metastatic setting. The current results of the randomized study CARD show that cabazitaxel has a higher oncological effectiveness, including a significant survival benefit and no negative impact on quality of life parameters, compared to a second androgen receptor targeted agent (ARTA) in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who progressed after treatment with docetaxel and an androgen receptor-targeted agent (ARTA). In mCNPC the combination therapies of ADT (androgen deprivation therapy) plus docetaxel or of ADT plus ARTA have been established. In addition, three ARTAs tested in recent phase III studies in a clinical setting for patients with nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) showed that their use significantly prolongs metastasis-free survival and overall survival. The potential early use of ARTAs also has implications for the treatment of mCNPC. The aim of this publication is to provide guidance for clinical routine and to develop criteria for individual therapy decisions with a special focus on the use of chemotherapy. The patient concerns inventory (PCI) is a prompt list allowing head and neck cancer (HNC) patients to discuss issues that otherwise might be overlooked. This trial evaluated the effectiveness of using the PCI at routine outpatient clinics for one year after treatment on health-related QOL (HRQOL). A pragmatic cluster preference randomised control trial with 15 consultants, 8 'using' and 7 'not using' the PCI intervention. Patients treated with curative intent (all sites, disease stages, treatments) were eligible. Consultants saw a median (inter-quartile range) 16 (13-26) patients, with 140 PCI and 148 control patients. Of the pre-specified outcomes, the 12-month results for the mean University of Washington Quality of Life (UW-QOLv4) social-emotional subscale score suggested a small clinical effect of intervention of 4.6 units (95% CI 0.2, 9.0), p = 0.04 after full adjustment for pre-stated case-mix. Results for UW-QOLv4 overall quality of life being less than good at 12months (primary outcome) also favoured the PCI with a risk ratio of 0.83 (95% CI 0.66, 1.06) and absolute risk 4.8% (- 2.9%, 12.9%) but without achieving statistical significance. Other non-a-priori analyses, including all 12 UWQOL domains and at consultant level also suggested better HRQOL with PCI. Consultation times were unaffected and the number of items selected decreased over time. This novel trial supports the integration of the PCI approach into routine consultations as a simple low-cost means of benefiting HNC patients. It adds to a growing body of evidence supporting the use of patient prompt lists more generally. This novel trial supports the integration of the PCI approach into routine consultations as a simple low-cost means of benefiting HNC patients. It adds to a growing body of evidence supporting the use of patient prompt lists more generally. To evaluate the impact of tracheostomy on complications, dysphagia and outcome in second and third degree burned patients. Inpatient mortality, dysphagia, severity of burn injury (ABSI, TBSA) and complications in tracheotomized burn patients were compared to (I) non-tracheotomized burn patients and (II) matched tracheotomized non-burn patients. 134 (30.9%) out of 433 patients who underwent tracheostomy, had a significantly higher percentage of inhalation injury (26.1% vs. 7.0%; p < 0.001), higher ABSI (8.9 ± 2.1 vs. 6.0 ± 2.7; p < 0.001) and TBSA score (41.4 ± 19.7% vs. 18.6 ± 18.8%; p < 0.001) compared to 299 non-tracheotomized burn patients. However, complications occurred equally in tracheotomized burn patients and matched controls and tracheostomy was neither linked to dysphagia nor to inpatient mortality at multivariate analysis. In particular, dysphagia occurred in 6.2% of cases and was significantly linked to length of ICU stay (OR 6.2; p = 0.021), preexisting neurocognitive impairments (OR 5.2; p = 0.001) and patients' age (OR 3.4; p = 0.046). A nomogram was calculated based on age, TBSA and inhalation injury predicting the need for a tracheostomy in severely burned patients. Using the new nomogram we were able to predict with significantly higher accuracy the need for tracheostomy in severely burned patients. Moreover, tracheostomy is safe and is not associated with higher incidenc of complications, dysphagia or worse outcome. Using the new nomogram we were able to predict with significantly higher accuracy the need for tracheostomy in severely burned patients. Moreover, tracheostomy is safe and is not associated with higher incidenc of complications, dysphagia or worse outcome.An infracochlear cholesteatoma of the petrous apex with direct contact to the internal carotid artery (ICA) is rare. Due to the risk of cochlear injury with consecutive deafness or injury of the ICA, precise preoperative planning of the approach and strategy is recommended, as well as thorough preoperative counseling of the patient for their informed consent. This case report presents navigated endoscopically controlled transtympanic resection of such a cholesteatoma recurrence. Hearing capacity was not impaired and the patient shows no signs of recurrence. Emergency care in Germany is in transition. Emergency departments (EDs) treat their patients based on symptoms and acuity. However, this perspective is not reflected in claims data. The aim of the AKTIN project was to establish an Emergency Department Data Registry as adata privacy-compliant infrastructure for the use of routine medical data. Data from the respective documentation systems are continuously transmitted to local data warehouses using astandardized interface. They are available for several applications such as internal reports but also multicentre studies, in compliance with data privacy regulations. Based on a12-months period we evaluate the population with focus on acuity assessment (triage) and vital parameters in combination with presenting complaints. For the period April2018 to March2019, 436,149cases from 15EDs were available. Atriage level is documented in 86.0% of cases, and 70.5% were triaged within 10 min of arrival. TenEDs collected apresenting complaint regularly (82.3%). The respective documentation of vital signs shows plausible patterns.