7 (down from 4.2 in 2010); the median was zero with 50.6% reporting no publications during their career. Almost half (45.5%) of PA faculty were stressed by research or publishing demands; 53.6% were stressed by the promotion process. Physician assistant educators stressed by promotion were more likely to consider leaving their institution or academia as a whole (Fisher's exact, P less then .001 for both). CONCLUSION This study updates publication benchmarks for PA educators. Scholarship levels have dropped since 2010, likely related to the recent influx of junior faculty. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/VX-745.html Navigating the promotions process is a significant occupational stressor for PA educators and is associated with faculty intent to leave academia.Clinical research remains at the forefront of academic practice and evidence-based medicine. Unfortunately, history has shown that human subjects are vulnerable to experimentation without regard for their own dignity and informed decision-making. Subsequently, it is vital for research institutes to uphold safeguards and ethical conscientiousness toward human subjects. The establishment of federal regulations and the development of institutional review boards have set guidance on these processes. On January 21, 2019, final revisions to the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (the "Common Rule") went into effect. The purpose of this article is to review changes to the Common Rule and discuss their impact on plastic surgery research.Quality improvement efforts at the federal level have instituted both rewards and penalties as incentives to improve health care quality. However, neither of these methods has shown long-lasting improvements. Furthermore, many programs have focused on decreasing mortality or hospital readmissions, measurements that are not applicable to many surgical fields, including plastic surgery. One model that has been shown to be effective is a collaborative quality initiative that uses a pay-for-participation method whereby participants learn from one another and institute changes to improve patient care. Many of these changes are process measures that are easier to implement and quicker to show improvement than structural or outcome measures. Regional collaborative quality initiatives have been developed in other surgical specialties such as bariatric surgery and urology. Currently, the authors are establishing a new collaborative quality initiative for hand surgery the Michigan Collaborative Hand Initiative for Quality in Surgery. It is a collaboration of nine sites with the goal of identifying areas that are in need of quality improvement in hand surgery and implementing measures to improve on them. The authors believe that collaborative quality initiatives will promote high-quality care and should be incorporated into the field of plastic surgery.LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this article, the participant should be able to 1. Identify the key social media platforms to use. 2. Recall the primary components of the code of conduct when using social media. 3. Recognize how to build a social media presence and brand. 4. Summarize the primary applications of social media in plastic surgery. SUMMARY Social media are a growing new tool that has emerged in recent years, with numerous applications that have allowed for an effective means to rapidly disseminate information. Plastic surgeons must gain an understanding of the technology to both grow their practices and the specialty as a whole in an ethical and responsible way. The different platforms available; code of conduct; how to build a social media presence; and the main applications of advertising, education, and research, as based on evidence-based recommendations, are presented.BACKGROUND Limb salvage techniques using free tissue transfer in patients with chronic wounds caused by longstanding osteomyelitis, diabetes, and peripheral vascular disease are technically challenging. The longitudinal slit arteriotomy end-to-side anastomosis is the authors' preferred technique because it is the least invasive arteriotomy and is especially important for diseased recipient arteries. The authors reviewed highly comorbid patients who underwent free tissue transfer with this technique to understand the success rates, overall outcomes, and long-term limb salvage rates. METHODS A retrospective review was performed to analyze outcomes of free tissue transfer using longitudinal slit arteriotomy end-to-side anastomosis between 2012 and 2018 performed by the senior surgeon (K.K.E.). RESULTS One hundred fifteen free flaps were identified. Patients were, on average, 55.9 years old, with a body mass index of 29.2 kg/m. Comorbidities included osteomyelitis (83.5 percent), hypertension (60.9 percent), tobaINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Therapeutic, IV.BACKGROUND Severe lower extremity injuries are challenging to treat. The aspects of limb salvage and amputation most important to patients are not well-defined. This study's aim is to develop a conceptual framework for a patient-reported outcome instrument for lower extremity trauma patients, by defining issues and concepts most important to this patient population. METHODS This is an interpretative description of transcripts collected from semistructured qualitative interviews at a single institution. High-energy lower extremity trauma patients were recruited by means of purposeful sampling to maximize variability. Thirty-three participant interviews were needed to reach content saturation. These participants were aged 19 to 79 years; 21 were men (63.6 percent); participation was after reconstruction [n= 15 (45.5 percent)], after amputation [n = 11 (33.3 percent)], or after amputation after failed reconstruction [n = 7 (21.2 percent)]. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded line-by-line. Concepts were labeled with major and minor themes and refined through a process of constant comparison. Analysis led to the development of a conceptual framework and item pool to inform the development of a patient-reported outcome measure. RESULTS In total, 2430 unique codes were identified and used to generate the conceptual framework covering 10 major themes appearance, environment, finances, physical, process of care, prosthesis, psychological, sexual, social, and treatment. CONCLUSIONS This study establishes a comprehensive set of concepts, identifying what is most important to severe lower extremity trauma patients. These findings can be used to inform and focus research and clinical care, and provides the framework to develop a lower extremity trauma-specific patient-reported outcome instrument the LIMB-Q.